female outlaw
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Sunday, May 29, 2005
 You're A School Girl!
You may not get the best grades, but you'll always be found sporting your sleek school uniform. You've got school spirit, and lots of it! Pocket PCs and Pocky can be found in your backpack, and you love cute stuffed animals like teddy bears and bunnies!
What Type Of Anime Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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not much too say.........
hope everyone had a good weekend so far ^^.
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
sorry need to log off.
post more up tomorrow.
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Men ......(what does THAT bring to mind...*grin* *LOL*
Yesterday in a lesson the teacher wanted to talk to the whole class about there (brillant....NOT!)behaviour...when another teacher accidentally came in then said sorry...*the class was like - how stupid*I was really upset at the end of the day nearly everything went crappy (oh more old comps...the comp room is being filled with new comps^^ that teacher that "i like" i DO like him.....*blush* *nervous laugh*)then i thought if that teach (i like) would happen to come in afterwards,what would happen.....then what happens (-_-) he came in and said sorry...the class was like who's he?....(he doesn't teach us plus most of my class don't evecome out of the classroom much XD)*my jaw dropped when he came in ,me and outlaw m were histerical(spelt right??)*
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Friday, May 27, 2005
funny so far
hope we get lunch on time.Crap said in maths for THREE peeps in me class who have their b-days today outside....i don't think i'm invited *shame* hungry....i wanna go REALLY because of da fOOd!!!! i think a friend of mine brang cups for da party.
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
How embrassing......
two 7th graders were just fighting over a comp...that doesn't even work...i know they (i think
)they don't care what we think ...even if thier were having fun they would/should of felt v.stupid....they were bangs chair....(or some thing) a girl is actually WORKING in here.
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stupid younger years......
and they wonder why we hate them so....they hogg all the new comps...since the new librarian came theres been no order...if u say they say they doing homework ...miss will let them on (even if there lying!!!) thursday used to be our day now u can get kicked off in an instant....then when they DO have homework they rushed here to do it and they STILL get a least they don't know all the tricks of the trade......-_- yet....but by then they'll be to old to use early lunch.should have ran faster!!!!
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ok day so far...i guess
i think outlaw m is going home....because her leg hurts (like someone's stabbing it- well she said that)...anyways peace love and unity every body^^.
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005
sorry.Hardy any comp time today..........
until now .....(was on gaia for a bit too long ^-^;;;) ok day .V.Eventful ^^.I was telling outlaw m to come to another area wit me (at break...or whatever)to sit down and chat but she (stupid stubborn a$$) wanted to stay where she was...then guess who come the teacher "i like"....i was like * should i stay or should i go?*....of cousre i went ......-_-;;; outlaw m started swearing -_-;;;......i'll try to get on a few sites.c ya.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
yaoi fun...only a bit though.....
had drama was ok....v.tired.-__- mysterious rei wants to fly .....outlaw m is humming badly and looking for a new didn't get on 246 now thanks u all^^.stay happy^^(if u aren't then BE happy).
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