Birthday • 1992-09-10 Gender •
Female Location • Canada Member Since • 2006-05-20 Real Name • Felicia
Achievements • anime fan Anime Fan Since • 9 years Favorite Anime • inuyasha Tokyo mewmew Cardcaptors Sakura dnangel gundam seed gundam seed destiny k on! macross fronter Goals • anime Hobbies • anime related Talents • anime fan ferishia
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
What IS YOUR anime PERSONALITY?????(boys and girls)
This is you if you a boy...This is you if you are a girl...Your are one of the most modest, soft, intelligent little...person I've ever met.Everyone(and i mean, EVERYONE!!) loves you!! A lot of them think of you as a brother and or sister...probably sister though.Although, some people are amazed at how you can feel such feelings..Some are COMPLETELY creeped out by it!!Anyway!!Your color is BABY BLUE!!Your animal is the WALRUS!!(?_?)(you:don't gemme that look!!your the one that the darn quiz!!)(i thought you people were suppose to be nice!!T_T)(you:details!!)Your element is LIGHT!!Your song is Clint Eastwood-Gorillaz!!LISTEN,OBEY!!If you were an anime character, you'd'd be Kagome...creepy..*shudders* Take this quiz!
What type of Anime Character are you? girls and boys
The Loli-shota type.Has anyone ever told you how adorable you are? You are a childish person who does not act...and maybe even look their age. You're probably small, too. Like Momiji Sohma, born with natural cuteness and a love for sweets, the loli-shota type perfectly suits you. Take this quiz!
Which anime (Gundam Seed DestinyBleach) character are you?(Girls only)(with awesome pics!)
You are Lunamaria Hawke.You calm and cool(most of the time).Your kind and caring everyone can see that!You love having fun and is always in the heat of the battle, your almost never the first one to back down unless you know your wrong, or someone else is on the line.all in all, your one cool gal!!your element is Earth! Take this quiz!