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myOtaku.com: fierspirit

Monday, November 20, 2006

akaninea the lone dragon wolf 2
i looked to the side as i kept flying on and saw the distant lights of the citie, wich i didnt want to go any where near. not many people belive in dragons any more...especially those immoral humans who sloughtered almost every one of us susspecting us of their peoples murder, we may have but only in our own defense. Its eighther we kill them or they kill us. we tryed to make peace but no good of it now, there is not much left of us. them with their fancy guns if it werent for their so called weapons they would be the ones who speices were endangered their blood sickens me and their voices send chills sown my back nothing is good about the humans they live on this world... but only destroy it and hunt for pleashur and not to survive...
Down below a cloud past. they always bring me comfort so no one down below could see me passing by. i landed in a near by woods where my small yet comforting cave was i walked in and and collapsed almost imedetally on my bed of dead grass and pine needles. im finally free i thought to myself as i slipped away to to a light sleep finally... free from that place... that so called home......

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