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Member Since
artist/ fighter/ student
Real Name
call me reason
being apart of Alvin&Aliey and being published
Anime Fan Since
i dont remember when i started
Favorite Anime
cant pick one
to be an artist of any kind *cant pick just one art*
art*duh*,Capoeira,drawing,dancing, guitar,poetry,and video games
just about everything but spelling
| FightForAReason
hey i'm FightForAReason or u can call me reason for short.well i'm a martial artist in Capoeira.Capoeira is a martial art that came from berzil that started brake dancing *lots of fliping and stuff vary pritty*.i'm a Dancer with Alvin & Ailey dance company*Tap,ballet,jaz,and modern*.well i'm into just about every type of art *i'm a published poet*.well enough about me look around and tell me what u think.

Thursday, October 6, 2005
funny stuff
sorry about not posting but i had to deal with a lot of stuff.i had a performence at a highschool today*with capoeira*.it was so funny.well it started out like this: i was playing/fighting*whatever you want to call it but i call it playing cuz i dont intend on hurting anyone* with one of my teachers jen and she kept throing kicks difrent ways and i got fed up with having to duck left,right,left,right so i droped down into the splits so i could avoid any kick she could thro*tehe i'm smart* and the whole school said "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" at the same time cuz i did a little hop to get out of it!well hope you all hate the cold weather as much as i do right now cuz i hate the cold and having to play in the cold.
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Saturday, October 1, 2005
upset *advise plz*
well i havent had a lot of free time so sorry about not posting.i'm kind of upset and i havent really been affectionate 2 my bf because of it and i love him but it's not really showing right now and i think he's taking it the wrong way.well it all started when my mom married my dad *my mom is white and native american and my dad is mexican*.my moms family hated my dad because he was mexican and so they hate me because i'm half mexican and my dads family hates my mom because shes white and they hate me because i'm half and i dont speak spanish*their is no place for me to learn spanish*.my dads side only hates me now because i dont speak spanish and my sisters and my mom dus.well i had to tell you that to tell you this:my aunt in my dads side died and my family didnt want me their because they hate me and reminded me of how much they hate me*i try to forget i have a family other than my sisters and my parents*.so now i'm pretty bummed and i dont like to really tell ppl about my probs*well at least not face to face*because i get upset when i talk about it*it's not the fact that my family hates me as much as what they have dun to me in the past that makes me so upset.i dont wish to talk about what they did to me when i was young so plz plz plz dont ask*.i really dont know how to tell my bf this.i just dont want him to think i dont love him and i have no idea how to tell him.well sorry for venting this all on whoever reads this but i need to tell someone well advise welcome*i'm so busy i have no one to talk to*i have to go bye
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Saturday, September 24, 2005
sorry i havent posted in a long time but i'v been busy!well to sum up the time i havent posted in one word.....owwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!yes lots more training and dancing!i have to re-audition for alivin and ailey so i'm trying to get my dancing together while i try to impress/keep my capoeira teacher happy. well i'v got to go clean i'v got a party at my house tonight for my b-day cuz my b-day was during the week*september 22*.so bye 4 now!
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