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Saturday, November 3, 2007
Hello!!! people, I hope you all are ok^^
I'm so sorry for not visiting you but I have some problems with my arms(specially the left) there are sometimes that I can't move one of them or things like that but this days I've been better^^ I'm going to comment on your sites tomorrow (sorry T.T) because I'm very tired today because I couldn't sleep well...
I finished reading Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows!XD It was great but I didn't liked the end it's too... predictable... oh well, I really enjoyed the book.
I'm already making new walls one of Misuzu and other of L (I got the inspiration from Zakuro-san and Akula hehe) teh pic It's beautiful!! It's from one of the chapters but it's too little so it's a llitle hard to me make the vector... and the Misuzu wall It's for winter time.
I need to study a lot but I'm going to post on Tuesday maybe.
Oh and this monday it's my birthday!!!XD 15 yeasr I'm really happy, still I'm planing my party it's going to be great^_^
I think that's all, and againg I'm so sorry for not visiting you ^^'
have a nice day and thanks for visiting!
PD: I want to join to a Air club!!
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Thursday, October 25, 2007
new friend
Hi everybody, I'm so sorry for not visit you the last weeks but I had some problems....
I have a new friend here she's arenita07 her name it nathalie please visit here she's new^^
Yesterday was a VERY tired day, it was the Saint Anthony Marie Claret, it's the saint of my hight school, we had a los of activities all the day I was at the school from 7:00am to 10:30pm!!!! I was soooooooooo tired, but I really enjoyed^^ also it was the talent show, wow there's awesome people one of my friend sang Everybody's fool( evanescence) it was great, she's a great singerXD, it was funny we took a lot of pics hehe
that's me with a friend, I'm the girl with a pink blouse, the other it's Pamela she was the "death" at a choreography
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Tuesday, October 16, 2007
My week
wow, it's been a while since I don't write a post... So hello everybody!^^ sorry for not visiting you but I was a little busy -.-.
First of all I was in exams period ... THE HARDEST EXAMS OF THE YEAR!!*help!!!* hehe If I reprove them I reprove the yearT.T so I had to study a lot.
Second thing: My arms are worseT.T I couldn't move the left arm for an hour , it was yesterday I think, so I'm having some problems because of that.
And then I worked I'm my new wall, How I said at the description I took me 5 days... but I really like it^^
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thanks for visiting me and have a nice day!^_^
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Tuesday, September 25, 2007
new layout, exams, partys...
hi!! I have a new layout my theme: code geassXD it's because I found a excelent scan that I vectorXD and theson it's from yesterday from 30 seconds to mars,I loooooove that song, maybe tomorrow I'll make the wall.
So the next week I have the most important exams of the year, if I reprove them I reprove the year, it's something weird that the MEP(a organization of education) had, so I have to study a lot!! It's all the things that I had learned *help!!!!!!!!*T.T
the last week was the independece day here in my country so I had an activity of all the city, I was really tired, I mean REALLY tired hehe
the last saturday I had 3 partysT.T THAT was tired, one at the morning, then other at 6:00pm and other at 12:00pm it was really fun but I don't whant another party in a few weeks ^^'
thanks for visting, bye!^_^
oh this is part of my vector, It's my picXD
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Thursday, September 20, 2007
Hi!! today I feel better^^ thank you so much Zakuro-san for telling me about the wall^^ I don't know why the people stole walls specially because sometimes or all the time it needs a lot of work.
yesterday I told you that I wasn't very good Im having circulatory problems and my arms have a weird problem that if I dont take care of them, probably I can't use them again, so I can't do some things like play tennis T.T, it hurts a lot, but I'm ok^^
The last days I was studying, more exams!!! help!!!, so I was a little busy, oh and I was with my boyfriend that always call me mon etoile( my star) jeje, and I went shopping^^
I'm making a wall right now, it isn't the suigintou wall because I want to meke a totaly vector rose field and it takes a lot of time ^^'
so probably I'm going to submit it in a few hoursor tomorrow.
oh I'm learning how make paited art at the computer, it's very hard but I like to some things
like that hehe
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Hi guys , sorry for not visiting, but I wasn't very good this last days.
I had problems with my arms and I was a little sick... I made a new vector, it's at the fan art gallery if you want to see it^^ I'm planning to make a wall with it in a rose field, It's a image that you already now(I made a wall with it) I'm going to tell you more at my next post because I feel a little weak. Take care guys!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
I'm betterXD
Hi guys! I got tagget...:
The rules are:
1. Post these rules.
2. Each person tagged must post 8 random
facts about themselves.
3. Tags should write a journal/ blog of these
4. At the end of the post 8 more people are
tagged and named
5. Go to their page and leave a comment telling
them that they're tagged
My 8 random facts:
1)I'm in classes right now
2)My favorite number is 5
3)I'm in 9th grade
4)I want to go to New Zeland
5)I hate the hospitals, who not??
6)I love starry skys
7)I love draw
8)I was boring in class that's why i'm doing this right know
I pick:
Angel Zakuro
Anime snow girl(again...hehe)
innocent heart
The last days i saw that the walls that people are making aren't that good, not because they don't have talent, it's because they don't try to do something more, there's people that make awesome things like Angel Zakuro, Akula, StormFangs, GIDRA, Innocent heart and more but it's because they try their best,but there's people that only use 1 brush with a pic and that's it... sometimes is boring see that-.-, maybe I'm exaggerating. I don't know...
My arms are better, I'm soooo happy, it hurts a lot there are times that I couldn't move my armsT.T, so I'm very happy^^
I had a weird dream, i think it was very sad I woke up cryingT.T, yesterday my brother went to the beach and in my dream he died my dream had a lot of water, and the last time that i had a dream with someone dying it happensTT.TT, I hope he`s ok...
To the ones that haven't seen my wall there is^^ enjoy and have a nice day
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Sorry for not visiting you guys but I was the last days at the hospital, specially at the night, because I need to take care my arms... It hurts a little, it's a weird disease, but I'm ok, I hope that they don't make a surgeryT.T
mmm... I'm part of a new group at minitokyo, it's called vector wallers and I made a new wall^^ I hope you like it
it's my second wall admitted at Animepaper,^^, I'm working in a shinku vector, but it have a lot of details so I'm going to spend a lot of time^^'
thanks for visiting me^^ bye!
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Sunday, August 26, 2007
hi to everybody, sorry for not visiting some people I was a little busy^^' and I'm feel a little depressed because one of my friends committed suicide, it was very unexpected we don't have idea why he made itT.T and maybe I'm going to have a surgery on my arms and legs It's something on my nervous sistem it hurts but it's ok^^ ands I made a new wall, I was working on it a few days I hope you like it^^
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Hi! sorry for not visiting you the last day but I had a lot of homeworks and I'm workin in my vectors.
I have a party friday nightXD it's going to be great! it's dayanne(one of my friends) birthday^^ and the birth of my boyfriend was the mondayXD we gone out, I have a lot of fun with him^^
and I'm a new member of Animepaper^^...there's nothing much to say so have a nice day my friends^_^ aoh and my new theme is wolf's rainXD
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