Final Fantasy
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Ok. So tommorow night Me and Evil Spirit are going over are friends house and we are going to party!! Yay!!
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Gone Away.
While I wasn't here I beat Metal Gear Solid:The Twin Snakes. I busted up my leg and Burned my shoulder. I broke my Ps2 and hafta buy a new one. Why me?
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Monday, September 13, 2004
What's up?
Hey guys. I haven't been around because I haven't felt like it. Right now I'm listining to Roses by Outkast. As for everything else I'm gonna buy the new Inuyasha movie as soon as I get paid. Has anyone ever watched RaveMaster. I found a RaveMaster Manga. Thinkin about buying it.
My english teacher just assigned a project. I better get started so I'll talk to ya later. Bye.
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
Tales of Symphonia!!!
I've playin Tales of Symphonia for a while. For GC for those of you who haven't heard of it. It's pretty good. I'm not gonna say much about because you guys don't want spoilers right. I suggest you buy it if you like rpg's. The battle system is different but it's a good battle system none the less.
Also. At school. I only got homework for pre-algebra. It's on Palindromes. There pretty easy though. So it was no big.
See ya
Final Fantasy
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Monday, September 6, 2004
WWE: Day Of Reckoning
Hey guys. Yeah. Well I haven't told anyone this but I'm into wrestling. Yeah. So I have WWE Day of Reckoning for GC. I just finished creating Jeff Hardy. He isn't in WWE anymore but I created him anyways. I also realized you can make a Spiderman lookalike.
I have a bunch of other stuff I could talk about but I'll save that for later.
Happy Labor Day
Final Fantasy
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
Some other place.....
Well. It seems time and time again that Florida gets hit by a Hurricane. Bonnie, Charlie, Now Frances and Ivan's coming. At first it doesn't seem hey deserve this torture. But you can't stop it. They drown there sorrows in pain and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
That"s it for that. Today I'm gonna show you my site guards and here they are.


There that's them. See ya later.
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
*sighs* Turns out my freind is in a few classes with the girl but I hope he doesn't say anything. If he does he dead meat. Not littarally of course.
now lately I've been playin the new wrestling video game WWE: Day of Reckoning. And I just rented Tales of Symphonia so don't expect me to be on much this week. Wow my life sounds boring doesn't it. Well at least its the weekend and I have Monday off. Well only time will tell of our next meeting so I'm gonna go. Bye.
Qoute of the day: It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for the winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. And also he got a racecar. Is any of this getting through to you?-Fry(futurama)
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
I feel triumphant
I laugh in the face of school.
I'll tell you my day.
Period 1. Health. We learned the rules and talked about gym class.
Period 2. English. We're gonna have are team meeting tommorow. Also we had our first real class and I'm off to a great start.
Period 3. Science. Did a lot of measuring. Boring.
Period 4. Lunch. Nothin happened really.
Period 5. Art. Talk about abstract art.
Period 6. Yay for reading. I found out that I'll get a new schedule.
Period 7. Social Studies. Wrote notes and stuff. The usual.
Period 8. Pre-Algebra. Got my book. Solved a few basic problems.
Lets hope that i get some classes with the girl I like.
Qoute of The Day- Lick my frozen metal ass!-Bender
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
School Sucks.
I'll tell you about my day.
Homeroom was extra long. I got my new locker and schedule though. Turns out my friends aren't in any of my classes.
1st period. God. I hate band. Good thing is that my teacher made a mistake and we ended up in the auditorium in the 8 th grade meeting. Too bad for him.
2nd period. English is ok but since it was only the first day. We went to the class meeting for our class. I saw this one girl I like so it wasn't bad. Last year she was in all my classes now she isn't in any. Isn't it a screwy world.
3rd period. Science is ok too. We played a stupid game though. This year we're learning LIFE SCIENCE. Woop-de-do. Oh well Life's been better.
4th period. Lunch. It was ok. I saw the girl again. I did see her look over at me a few times though. She has really nice eyes.
5th period. Graphic Art. We learned the rule. Also we heard some storys. I like graphic art. I did good last year. Turns out the teachers pregnant. She's going on leave soon cause its almost time.
6th period. Reading. We did some kinda personal poem. BORING!!
7th period. History. Yep. History. Are teacher said that one kid refused to give his real name. He put Sill E. Puddy as his name. We all broke out in laughter.
8th period. Pre-Algebra. Well not much to say. We went over the rules. Thtas about it....for now.
So that was my day so far.
About FF7. Still in Cosmo Canyon. I'm about to play now so no prob. See ya all later.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Many things
Well. I'm gald myotaku is back up. But tommorow I go back to school tommorrow. So today is my last day here while not being in school. Well.
I've been playin Final Fantasy 7 a lot lately. I'm at Cosmo Canyon disc 1. I'm about to go get Vincent from the basement so, when I do I will post again. See ya all later.
NOTE: z | No smoking around Final Fantasy. Thankyou for your co-operation. |
So true.
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