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East Blue Port Mirrorball Island
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Portgas D. Ace
I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D
Anime Fan Since
Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular.
Favorite Anime
There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too.
To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course!
Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx.
I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!).
| Fire Fist Ace
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Friday, May 9, 2008
Prom Night
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Wow, I have something exciting to report on this time! As the title says, tonight is prom. When I was a kid, I never thought I'd be going to it (I did last year when my friends insisted, too), but since it's my last year of high school, I figured I might as well. ^^ Should be fun~! My bro and I are meeting at our friend Jillie's house with a bunch of our friends to take pics, and then we're all heading out together. ^^ And I must say, I have the coolest date /ever/: a rubber chicken by the name of Sir Clucksalot. XDDD Lol!! Seriously. I'm bringing a rubber chicken to prom. He even has a bow tie. :3 Heehee! My friend Demon and I were discussing it a while back, and I've decided to actually make it happen. ^-^d It's gonna be hilarious! (Oh, and I have to give her credit for naming him. Thanks, Demon~! *huggles*) So after prom, we're all going back to Jillie's for a sleepover. =D It's gonna be super~! I'll have to tell you about it when I get home on Saturday. ^^ So stay tuned for more news!
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Sunday, May 4, 2008
Hi! ^^
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Ahh, weekends need to be longer, too...I've just been doing English homework, same as last week. =P But I'm steadily getting closer to finishing this class! ^^ Yay! Hooray! And the school year itself is steadily drawing to it's end. I can't believe I'll graduate by the end of the month! O.O It seems so soon... >.> But I'll be looking forward to summer. ^^ I have lots to do~! Conventions to attend, fanfics to write, manga to draw...It's gonna be fun! -^^- Heehee! My bestest friend Wolfy is having her graduation party this month, and that's bound to be super~! Anything with Wolfy is! *nodnod* I'm so excited! X3 I'm not usually a party person, but this is bound to be fantastic~! ^-^d Yosh! Hmm..So other than that, not much has been happening around here. ^^; I wish I had more to say...Aww...Maybe next time. ^^ Sorry, this was probably boring, I know. -.-; Lol. Well, I gotta get back to homework, so hooroo for now~!
Oh, P.S. I think I'm gonna change my theme soon. There's no more snow outside, so I guess I should find something more springy. I'll keep an eye out, so stay tuned~! XD
This is what my cosplay will look like! ^^
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Thursday, April 24, 2008
Hi Guys~!
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Well, it's Thursday again. I wish spring break would last longer. T_T *sigh* Well, I've been trying to enjoy it to the fullest amidst a flood of homework. I was working on English for about 6 hours yesterday. Ugh...It's painful. Why must I work over vacation?! Why?? DX Don't ever take an online AP English course. I'm warning you now. It's so not worth it. -.-; But in lighter news, I got to do a little more cosplay shopping, and now my outfit is almost complete~! ^^ Yay! Hooray! I'm so excited for the convention! I still have months to wait, though. Oh well, can't be helped. Em...I guess I don't have too much to report. This week's been pretty mellow. Well, my bro and I did get to hang out with KittyMeowMeow and Ketchup Alchemist on Monday. That was heaps of fun~! I got paid to help Kitty clean her room! XD Haha, it's a useful job, and I don't mind helping out. ^^ Tuesday, we went downtown to do some shopping, and our mom took us out to breakfast. It made my tummy smile~! Heehee! She made me drive on the way down, though. O.O; But it wasn't too bad. I just suck at parking. ^^; Lol. And I finally bought Sweeney Todd! The special 2 disk edition, too~! *feels fancy* I really wanna watch the extras on the 2nd disk, but I haven't had time to yet. T_T Stupid homework... *grumble, grumble* Maybe I'll take a break at some point and watch some. ^^ That'd be nice. Mmm...Well, I guess that's all really. I'll try to update again soon. I wish you all a fantasterific day~! ^^

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Saturday, April 19, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Iiiiit's Friday~!! *cheers and throws confetti* And even better yet, I have all of next week off cuz it's spring break! ^^ Yosha!! I know, it seems like everyone else has already had it except me. ^^; But that doesn't matter~! As long as I can finally get a break. Only thing is, I'm gonna have to do a lot of schoolwork still. T_T I have an AP online English course, and I still have heaps of work to finish before I graduate. =.=; Ugh...I hate it so much. But I really need to catch up. Wish me luck! ^^;
Other than that, things around here have been pretty fantastic~! ^^ The weather's all warm now, and we got to go outside during school a lot this past week. Shweet. :D And my dear friend Screaming Sally came over for a little while today, and we had heaps of fun drawing with chalk on the driveway! XD We drew our traditional Franky bits with bloody edges. Lol. Our driveway's all pretty and colorful now, decorated with the scattered pieces of Franky after he stepped on a land mine. :3 Heehee! Yeah, we come up with some interesting things when we're together. XD
Ah, so this Sunday, my bro and I might get to go to the mall with our friend Wolfy to do some shopping. ^^ Cosplay shopping, in particular. And we'll get to see our dear Florence! XD Haha! I bet he misses us, despite the fact that he has no idea who we are. :D We're still in the process of making plans, but hopefully we'll get to go. ^^ Oh! And Wolfy found me a Lambo cosplayer! X3 Her friend says that she'd love to do it and is really excited about it! *does a happy dance* Wolfy is amazing~! I luvvles her! -^^- I'm super excited about this~! There definitely needs to be more Gokudera x Adult!Lambo stuff out there. :3 They're my favorite Reborn! pairing, but sadly, there just aren't a lot of fans. But hopefully we'll be able to inspire some people with our "yaoi"! XD Lol.
So this weekend could end up being pretty busy, but even so, it should be fun. ^^ Yaaay for vacation~!! Hope you all have a super weekend~!

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Saturday, April 12, 2008
Puck Will Make Amends
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Whew, it's finally Friday again! This week has been super busy, too. From now on, we're gonna be having play rehearsal nearly every day. =.= There's maybe two or three days this month where I won't have it. It's a lot of work, but we're making good progress. ^^ *nodnod* So that's been keeping me really busy lately, which is why I'm so glad it's the weekend. :3 And I don't have homework! w00t!
So today was a pretty awesome day in school. =] A Shakespeare company came and performed "A Midsummer Night's Dream" for us. It was wicked good! ^^ They made it really funny! I think a lot of people thought they weren't gonna enjoy it but ended up liking it. Yay! I love Shakespeare's plays~! It was the first time I'd seen this one, too. Puck=Love! X3 Teehee! It was super! -^^- Everyone did an awesome job!
Also, I'm getting really excited for ConnectiCon this year! ^^ It's not 'till the beginning of August, so I still have a while to wait, but I'm already getting pumped! X3 A bunch of my friends are going, so it should be heaps of fun~! -^^- We got a hotel room this year so we won't have to drive back and forth all the time. And my bro and I are really hoping we'll be able to bring our friend Screaming Sally with us cuz she's never been to a con before. But it depends on her very busy schedule... (We also have to take her to Salem cuz she hasn't been there either.) It would be so amazing if she could! X3 At least the con's far enough away that we'll have plenty of time to work on costumes. I can't leave it 'till the last minute again this year. ^^;; I really need to stop doing that! I'm so bad at planning ahead sometimes...I'm a procrastinator... -.-; But anyway, if Sally comes with us, she and I are gonna do a Reborn! cosplay. =D Bianchi's her fave, so I'm gonna be Gokudera. Which means I'll have to make pushies! X3 Reborn for her and Lambo for me~! Yay! Not to mention the Mr. Saturn one I'm gonna do for KittyMeowMeow since she's gonna be Ness. Man, I'm gonna have a lot of work cut out for me. I should really learn how to use my sewing machine. ^^; Lol.
Anyway, I'm really hoping I'll get to catch up on some sleep this weekend. =3 Weekends really need to be longer. *nodnod* Oh, but my spring break is coming up soon! ^^ I'm pretty sure it's the week after next...I hope I'll be able to start getting my cosplay together. ^^ I can't wait~! Yay for vacations! (But until then, yay for weekends!)
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Saturday, March 29, 2008
A Chance To Relax
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Whew, this week has been really busy! ^^; I had play rehearsal all week, and it's gonna be happening more often from now on. We've made a lot of progress, and things are starting to come together. *nodnod* Wait, did I ever mention this before? O.o; I don't think so. ^^; Whoops~! Well, my school's doing a musical this year; Once Upon A Mattress. No, it's not what you think! XD (Though there is a lot of innuendo...Lol.) It's the story of the princess and the pea. I wish we were doing Sweeney Todd instead, but I highly doubt they'd allow that in school. -.- Ah well...Once Upon A Mattress is an OK musical, I guess. I'd never actually heard of it until they decided to do it here. ^^; Anyway, since it's my last year of high school, I figured I should do something fun and join! I didn't care what I actually did (play a part, paint sets, work on costumes or whatever), I just wanted to do /something/. And despite the fact that I missed the initial meeting they had about the play and that I didn't really audition, I still have a part in it with a few lines! XD Pretty shweet! I'm just one of the ladies in waiting (Sir Studley's Lady to be exact), so I get to dance and sing in the chorus, too. ^^ Should be fun~! I haven't been in a play in a long time, and I do so love them. :3 And a lot of my friends are in it, so that makes it even more fun~! So I've had to stay after school to work on that all week and probably nearly every day 'till the actual performance. My feet are so tired from stading up for so long on stage. ^^; I'm glad it's finally Friday so I can take a break. Though I do have a lot of homework and that's disappointing. T_T *sigh*
Today was an OK day, I guess. But I got this really bad headache towards the end of the day, and I wanted to go home and rest but I had play practice. T_T Ahh, so I got home around 5:00 and took a nap on the floor in front of the fireplace. XD I only got to doze for about an hour before my bro woke me up for dinner. But at least my headache was gone! ^^ Though I think I might still be getting sick. -.-; My throat feels kinda funny. I hope it doesn't get worse...But the one good thing is that my mom brought home the new Sweeney Todd movie from the library she works at! X3 *squee* I love it so much and I'm so happy it's on DVD now so I can go buy it! ^^ *does a happy dance* Yay~!! It makes my tummy smile~! :3 Heehee~! I mean, yeah I just watched it, but I wanna own it so I can watch it over and over and over again! ^^ So I'll be enjoying that all weekend. Yay weekends! -^^- I hope you all have a great one!

P.S. Ah! I finally got 100 guestbook signatures~!! -^^- *cheers and throws confetti* I was so excited!! I'm gonna have to celebrate~! Thanks, XxDirEnGreyxX666 for the 100th siggy! I feel like you should get a prize or something... O.o Heehee! XD
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Saturday, March 22, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! You guys! Oh my god!! I'm so sorry I've been missing in action for so long! *bows* I didn't know that MyOtaku and TheOtaku had been separated into two distinct entities like this! No one told me! DX I'm so, so sorry I haven't been posting or commenting! I thought I'd lost everything when Version Vibrant came along and that I'd have to start over with one of these "world" things. Oh man... -.-; *sigh* Well, I'm relieved to know that everything is still right where I left it. ^^; I hope you guys haven't all deleted me from your friends list cuz I haven't been here... o.o;
Gosh, so we have some catching up to do, huh? Well, I've been preoccupied with schoolwork, mostly, but this past week, I had three days off of school, so I took a couple college tours. And I finally decided which one I'm going to! ^^ Yay! Lucky for me, it's only about 15-20 minutes away, so I still have the convenience of living at home. ^^ Yosh! What else...? Oh! We got Super Smash Bros. Brawl the day it was released, and my bro and I have been hooked on playing it ever since! It's so awesome! X3 I love it! Pit's my favorite to play as, but I also love Marth and Ike. I'm a sucker for the swordsmen. ^^; Lol. I always have been. And I'll be writing a rather...interesting fanfic about some of the Smash Bros. guys... >.> Heehee! :] I actually have a lot of fanfics going on right now. ^^; I've had a lot of new ideas lately (many of them inspired by my bro and my sis Franky-kun), so I just keep writing about them. At least if I get writers' block on one fic, I always have another to fall back on while I wait to get unstuck. ^^ So it's been fun! I've had a lot of stuff to keep myself busy with. I'm sure there's more, but it isn't leaping to mind right now... ^^; Anyway, now that I know all my stuff's still here, you'll definitely be hearing from me more often~! ^^ Once again, I'm sorry I've been gone. But you don't have to fret anymore~! XD Fire Fist Ace has returned~!! ^^

P.S. If I had known I could come and post sooner, I would've done this on the 9th: Happy birthday to everyone's favorite speedo-wearing cyborg, Franky~!! ^^ *cheers and throws confetti* Heehee~! I made a cake for him and everything! We tried to have party in my Anime Club, but due to technical difficulties, we couldn't watch any videos, so it didn't really work out so well. -.-; But we tried. Maybe next time. ^^

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Saturday, March 1, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ My, it's been too long since my last post. School's been keeping me super busy this week, which is never a good thing. =P That's why I'm so glad it's the weekend~! ^^ I don't have anything planned, as far as I know, but sometimes it's just nice to sit at home and relax. :3 I wish it was still vacation...That week went by way too fast. T_T *sigh* Oh well...I have lots of manga reading to do this weekend, so that will be nice. And I have to start drawing some more! We need to get together with Wolfy sometime soon so we can start working on our yaoi manga! XD Which reminds me, my friend Josh says he wants to be a character in it! Lol! I'll have to practice drawing him. :] Heehee!
Hmmm...Wow, not too much has happened lately that I really need to tell you about. I don't want to be boring! O.O; Oh no! ...Well...I've been working on my fanfic lately. =3 It's a Reborn! yaoi fic, and the pairing is one of my favorites: GokuderaxAdult!Lambo. There aren't nearly enough fans for them! T_T That's why I have to make my own stuff. ^^; I do mini comics and fanart, too. =D Maybe I'll show you guys sometime! ^^ And if I ever get my fic online, I'll let you read that, too! In other news...em...Crap, I know there was something else I was gonna say! >.< Ah, wait! I remember! ^^ My mom, brother and I went downtown for a little bit today and we stopped by Walmart, where we ran into two of our friends. I remember having a conversation with demon2010 one time about meeting people you know at Walmart because everybody goes there! ^^; Lol. I dunno, it just reminded me of that. And afterwards, we went to the grocery store, and there's this little cafe sort of part, so I ordered some pizza for dinner (it was super yummy~!), and my bro and I waited while our mom did the shopping. The guy at the table next to ours was really weird. O.O; He was sitting in front of the TV and eating chips, cheese, and bologna. Now even in a sandwich, just eating them out of the package. And he kept turning around like there was someone behind him but there wasn't, and when my bro and I would talk to each other, he'd sometimes turn and look at us as if he thought we were talking to him. It was strange...So we decided to name him Leroy. XD Haha, and he's probably gonna make a guest appearance in the yaoi Wolfy and I are making! He won't do anything. He'll just stand there and watch creepily. ^^; Yeah, it was...interesting...Anyway, that's pretty much it, and since it's past midnight as I write this, I think I'm gonna head to bed. I hope you all have a super Saturday! ^^ Bye-byesies for now~!
Lol, yeah, my bro came up with that. XD Though being 5-year-olds in that pic, I highly doubt Lambo's capable of "tapping that," so maybe in another 10 years. Well, that's what the 10-year bazooka is for...Right? ^^
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Saturday, February 23, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ I'm just gonna make a quick post to say congrats to my friend Jessica, who had her baby yesterday! -^^- Her name is Catherine, and she was born at 8:10 yesterday morning. Though I haven't seen her yet, my mom did because she was there to help deliver her. ^^; Jess had her baby at home and was going to be assisted by a midwife, her mom, her mother-in-law, and my mom (her bestest friend), but because the weather was so bad (it was snowing pretty heavily), the midwife didn't make it in time. ^^;; It was a good thing her mom's a nurse. Lol. She and her baby are doing just fine. ^^ So congratulations, Jess~! Welcome to the world, baby Cate~!

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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Mall Trip
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Well let me just say, Sunday was /fantastic/! That was the most fun I've ever had at the mall! X3 My bro and I went with our friend Wolfy, and the three of us had hilarious fun! XD We just wandered around for hours with no real destination, but I think that's to be expected when heading through the mall. Lol. We didn't really go to that many stores now that I think about it; we just spent a lot of time in the ones we were in! ^^; We had a great laugh at Spencer's, bought yaoi manga at Borders, and had a very interesting encounter at Bath & Body Works. So while we were in Borders, Wolfy and I were highly enjoying looking through the yaoi, and there were strange titles that made us jump to conclusions. One's that made us think they were doing it in the kitchen, at the bus stop, on a piano, and things like that! XD And my bro mentioned something about crazy and unstable characters, so that made us realize we had to write our own yaoi! With crazy guys who do it in weird places! XD Lol. Yeah, we decided that there wasn't enough smut in some of those books, so we'd have to make sure that every chapter of ours would have some! Haha, so with that in mind as we went to B&B Works (cuz it smells so nice in there~), we immediately come across one of the guys who was working there who we realized would be a perfect character for our manga! But the writing on his name tag was so small that we couldn't get a good look at it, so somehow, Wolfy came up with a new name for him: Florence. Oh man, we laughed so hard at that! XDDD It was priceless! And the name really did suit him, too! And we did find out his real name eventually, but even so, we still call him Florence. :3 Yup, he totally inspired us! Lol! So we pretty much just laughed our butts off the whole time! So fun~! I can't wait to get started on that manga! And I can't wait to go on another mall trip! XD Ah, yes, it's been a good vacation so far~! ^^ I hope you all have a great week, and hopefully you'll hear from me again soon!
P.S. My sis Franky-kun and I decided to make an unofficial anime birthday for the King of Caps Lock and the High Priest of Superism, our dear Tilestone of One Piece's Galley-La Company! ^^ We find that he's highly underappreciated, so we came up with a birthday for him (it was yesterday), since he wasn't actually given one. ^^; So huzzah and hurrah cuz Tilestone rocks! XD Get it? "Rocks", "stone"? Ah, we're clever! Lol! HAPPY YESTERDAY BIRTHDAY, TILESTONE!! XDDD *throws confetti* Heehee!
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