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Portgas D. Ace
I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D
Anime Fan Since
Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular.
Favorite Anime
There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too.
To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course!
Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx.
I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!).
| Fire Fist Ace
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Thursday, February 14, 2008
Crazy Mornin'
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ So yeah, we were supposed to go to school today, but...It didn't happen. ^^; Yesterday, we had a snow storm (well more like an ice storm) so we got the day off of school, and this morning, we had a 2-hour delay cuz the whole street was a sheet of ice. But the sanding truck hadn't come by, despite the fact that our neighbor called them at 7:30 this morning so we'd be able to get down the road. But our town can be stupid like that, and often forgets us. -.-; So my bro and I walked down the driveway where our neighbor and her daughter were supposed to come by and pick us up. The road was so bad--and mind you, we live on a steep hill--that we knew we weren't going to make it down the street, so she was gonna park at the top and we'd walk down and wait at the bottom for the bus. So the sanding truck actually drives by our street while we're waiting and the bus passes by without stopping. -.-;; Ugh...So we decided we'd wait for it to come back on it's usual route, until I remembered, they changed the bus route so that it goes in the opposite direction now and doesn't go past our street anymore. o.o; And of course, the school failed to tell the parents that. So the four of us make our way back to the car, but it gets stuck and we can't move. Mrs. B. had to walk back to use the phone and then she and our mom came back with salt and sand to try to get the car unstuck. And it eventually worked. ^^ So we all went back home and our mom said that she called the school and told 'em that my bro and I weren't coming in today. ^^; Well, that was my morning. Fun stuff, huh?
Well, at least we probably won't miss much in school today, since we would've had shortened classes anyway due to the delay. =] Ah~, it's nice to be home~! ^^ Just one more day tomorrow and then it's vacation time~!! *cheers* A whole week off of school~! Yosha! *does a happy dance* It's gonna be super~! :D I'm so excited~! Oh, how I love breaks~! :3 Heehee~! I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day/Singles Awareness Day! ^^ May the Speedo Love be with you! XD

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Saturday, February 9, 2008
Just a Small Update
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Ah, another weekend finally arrives~! Huzzah! This week's been pretty busy for me, too, but I'm starting to adjust to my new classes. Yay! So this weekend also has a lot in store. Well, not today so much, but Sunday does. I just have heaps of English work to do cuz I gotta catch up. I am never taking an online AP course again. -.-; Ugh... But Sunday should be full of fun stuffs. =3 First, me mum and I are going to a Blessingway for our friend Jess, who's having a baby (she's due this month). I dunno if you guys know what a Blessingway is, but it's just like a lovely little ceremony where you bless the mom and baby and wish them the best in all aspects of life, and then you sort of have a little party where you pamper the mom and make her feel super special. ^^ We did one for her a couple years ago when she had her first child. It's really nice~! And second, after that, I'm going to my friend Tabby's "deathday party." XD Lol. OK, so it's her /birth/day, but since she's turning 20, she'll be "mourning the death of her teenage years," as she put it. Therefore, the theme of the party is a funeral! XD We all have to dress in funeral attire and stuff and it's gonna be gothic and awesome! X3 Heehee! It should be heaps of fun! I'm looking forward to it~!
Oh, also! Today is my friend Oreo Cookie's birthday, so let's all wish him the best on his special day~! ^^ Yay! *cheers and throws confetti* Have a super happy birthday~! *hugs* (Even though he won't read this cuz he doesn't have an account on here. It's the thought that counts, right?) ^^ Heehee! Mmkay, I guess that's it for now, so hooroo everyone~! Have a great weekend!

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Sunday, February 3, 2008
Hello, All~!
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ My, it's been a busy week, what with the start of a new semester and all. Ugh, these new classes... -.- I hate 'em!! I wanna go back to my old ones!! T_T They're no fun and they're gonna be more work! It's not fair! >.< *throws a tantrum* Lol. But really, I don't like them. =P *sigh* At least it's the last semester, and as a senior, I get to get out of school a month early. ^^ I'm super excited about that~! I'll have so much free time! Heehee~! I've decided that I'm gonna use that time to make the fanfic I'm writing into a doujinshi. ^^ I hope it'll turn out the way I'm picturing it to! Lol. It'll probably end up being a pretty big project, though. But that's OK. ^^ I'm looking forward to it! Should be fun~! *nodnod*
And I come bearing even more good news! (To counteract the crappiness that is my new classes! XD) For one thing, I'm not sick anymore~! ^^ Yay! Hooray! *cheers and throws confetti* Heeheehee~! OK, so I'm still a tiny bit snuffly, but for the most part, I'm all better. And second, Friday we had a major ice storm so they cancelled school! ^^ Which must've been great for Ketchup Alchemist cuz it was his birthday! *throws even more confetti* So Happy birthday, scumbag. Happy birthday to you, man. XD Lol. (Inside joke! I'm not being mean! Or am I... >.>) But yeah, happy birthday, my dear nakama~! ^^ We'll have to party once the weather clears up! I hope you got lots of super pressies~! I'll even make you a cake, if you'd like~! What kind?? =3 Heehee~!
Em...Darn, I could've sworn I had something else to say... >.< This is what happens when you don't post all week. You forget. ^^; Oh well. Maybe next time. =] But I think I got the most important stuff down, anyway. Most of all, happy birthday, Kemo~! Three cheers for the Dictator for Life~! XD Yosha! Yosha! Yosha!!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Weekends Are Good
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Well, it's been a week since my last post, and I'm sad to say I've been sick the whole time. -.- Yeah. Not fun at all. I came down with this horrible cold thingy on Sunday, and it's still here. I'm getting a little better, though. Slowly but surely. ^^ *nodnod* I took the day off of school on Tuesday, but I had to go back the next day (even though it would've been better for me to stay home) cuz it was the last day to turn in my exemption slips before finals/midterms on Thursday. :P Luckily Thurs. and Fri. were half days. :3 Heehee~! At my school, if you get a certain average in a class, you have the option of skipping the test, but you can only pick 2 out of your 5 classes to do this from. So I didn't have to do History or Health. But I decided to do Art cuz it was easy. =] My English class is online, and I've already taken the midterm, and I also have community service in the Tech Department, so it's not like I had to do anything there~! ^^ So lucky for me, my week's been pretty easy, apart from being sick.
Hmmm...What else is happening...Not much really. ^^; Heh... Since I've been sick, it's not like I've gone anywhere or done anything exciting. -.-; Sorry, guys, not much to report on, I guess. Oh well. At least midterms are over. Well, actually, they'll be over on Monday cuz we'll have the block 5 test then, but since I don't have to take it, they're pretty much considered done for me. ^^ I wish the best of luck to those to haven't taken their tests yet, and congrats to those of you have already done them! -^^- I hope you all have a super great weekend~! Hooroo for now~!

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ This weekend rocks!! XD (Like Tilestone! Lol, inside joke. Sort of.) Heehee~! So Friday night was the night that my super awesome nakama from the trip to Australia slept over my house! :D I love those guys sooooo very much!! X3 I haven't seen them since our last sleepover in August, so it was good to finally see them all again. *nodnod* We're gonna try to plan for a sleepover or a party at a different person's house once a month so we'll get to see each other more often. Yup, we're clever like that. ^^
Mmkay, so they started arriving around 6:00 PM, and our greetings involved a lot of squeals and huggles~! -^^- Heehee! We all settled in a bit, caught up with what was going on, and ate food! X3 Yummy pizza and "acid fruit". XD Lol! Well Kitty brought a fruit platter, and it all tasted really sour, so we said it was like acid! But that didn't stop us from eating it. Lol. And I made a speedo cake! XD Yup, yup! (It was just a vanilla cake with a speedo drawn on it in icing. Next time, I'm gonna try to make the cake itself speedo-shaped. Haha!) Then we had to make our way up to the loft of the garage cuz it's like another living space up there, and it was able to fit all of us and our heaps of stuff. Professor Hogan and Croquet couldn't sleep over, but they both got to stay for a while. =] Cassie brought her XBox 360, and we ended up watching her play Portal. Oh my gosh, that game is crazy! O.O It's so confusing! >.< But we all adore the Weighted Companion Cube~! :3 Lol. Now we understand why that clone fell in love with it. It's such an amazing cube~! ^^ Heehee~! We also watched this really funky French movie..em...The City of Lost Children? I think that's what it was called. ^^; And of course we laughed our asses off at just about everything cuz everything we do is just so much fun! XD I love those guys~! There's no way you can't have fun with them! ^^ *huggles* It was so super! Now I can't wait for the next time! ^^
Oh, and Wolfy and I did a yaoi swap! XD I let her borrow some of the stuff I have, and she gave me the four volumes of Yellow. It's looks amazing, and I've only just started reading it. ^^ You can never have too much yaoi. Never. It's a fact of life. :3 We wanna plan for a yaoi party someday with a specially-made cake and everything. =D I can't wait for that party, too!
And to top off the good news, it's a three-day weekend~! ^^ It doesn't get much better than this~! I hope you all have a super day! Hooroo for now, mates! =3

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Monday, January 14, 2008
I Love Sweeney Todd

HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Oh my gosh, yesterday was like the bestest day ever! X3 I know I mentioned what we had planned in my last post, but now I can elaborate. *nodnod* Screamin' Sally got to my house at 12:30 that afternoon, and from there we went to the theater to see Sweeney Tood. It was the 2nd time my bro and I had seen it, but the 1st time for her. We got there early this time, so Sal had time to get some of her beloved Reese's Pieces. XD Lol. And my bro and I actually got to see the bits of the beginning that we missed the first time. We all really enjoyed it, and had a great laugh! :D Well some parts are supposed to be funny... >.> Heh, heh... I love that movie so much~! :3
Anyway, after it was over, my parents met us at the theater so we could follow them to the restaurant. It was a good thing they did, or we may have gotten lost. ^^; Haha... So we all got to have super yummy sushi and noodles and all sorts of things that made our tummies smile~! -^^- We shared everything we had with one another, and the restaurant always gives us an extra free dish and desert. ^^ I love fried icey-cream so much~! X3 It was mango flavored this time (Sal's favorite)! Heehee~! So good~! ^^
After that, we went over to Barnes & Noble to check out the manga, but they didn't really have a lot of new stuff. And no new Reborn! T_T But I did get the newest volume of GetBackers. =3 And while we were there, so were the Bad Poets! XD And they were just /awful/!! I mean, really truly horrendous! There was this new lady there, and her poetry was attrocious! The meter was all wrong and she couldn't read it right and was just plain bad. XP But that's why it was so funny! XD Lol! So we stayed for that, and then Sal and I went down to the music section. She got two new CDs, and I debated on whether or not to get the Sweeney Todd soundtrack, but I decided to Inter-Library Loan it instead and then just burn a copy of it. Save myself some money, I guess. :3 Heehee. But by then it was sorta late, so we headed home.
Sal stayed in for a bit and I gave her one of my Ramune sodas (cuz the restaurant was all out of them). Good thing I bought a few last time we were there. =] We let her borrow the Broadway version of Sweeney Todd that we have on DVD cuz she hasn't seen that one either, and she says that instead of doing her homework, she's just gonna watch that! XD Lol. I hope she'll enjoy it~! It's pretty much the same as the movie script-wise, so I'm sure she will. ^^ Ah, yes, that was my wonderful Sunday~!
It's just past midnight as I'm posting this, but that's OK cuz school's been cancelled! XD w00t! *throws confetti and does a happy dance* We're supposed to be getting a huge snowstorm, so the school sent out a message that said they were cancelling ahead of time. X3 I feel so lucky~! Heehee~! What a perfect way to start the week~! ^^ Yosha!
P.S. My sis Sayoko and I have made Sweeney an official part of our semi-hermit family. :3 Of course, we'll have to knock down some walls so he'll be able to have his own corner, but that's all part of the fun! XD Lol, don't ask...

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Saturday, January 12, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ It's been a while since the last update, huh? ^^; Sorry, guys. *bows* This week has been pretty busy, though. I haven't gotten much sleep this week. =.= Thank goodness it's the weekend. I've been up 'till midnight every night, and I still will be, but now I can sleep in. :] Heehee! So tomorrow, I might get to go see Sweeney Todd again with my bro and our friend Screamin' Sally (cuz she hasn't seen it yet). And afterwards, we might get lunch at Ichiban, my favorite Japanese restaurant! The food is soooooo good~! *drools at the thought* It makes my tummy smile~! :3 And after that, we might go to Barnes & Noble to read some manga. The new volume of Reborn! is supposed to come out this month, and we got Sal obsessed with it, so she's super excited! ^^ It's the one where Longchamp is introduced...Oh, joy... *rolls eyes* Haha, I can't complain. I was willing to cosplay as him on Halloween. XD Lol. It should be good. *nodnod* Emm...Other than that, I don't think we have any plans. Maybe I'll finally get to start my new Fire Emblem game! ^^ I got it for Christmas, but my bro got the new Sonic and Godzilla games, so he's been hogging the Wii! >.< But y'know...I never finished the GameCube one... ^^; I'm on the last level though, and I'm right in front of the boss, so I just gotta beat him and be done with it. =] Maybe I'll do that first, then. Yeah. ^^ I guess that's it for my weekend. Are you guys doing anything fun? Either way, I hope you have a super weekend~! ^^ Bye-byesies for now!

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Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Super Duper Special Day~!
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Today is a very, very, very, very, very special day indeed~! -^^- For two reasons:
ONE! It's an anime birthday~! :D Yay! Today is Iceburg-san's birthday! *cheers and throws confetti* So we'll have to have a huge party for our dear mayor~! :3 And get him lots of pressies! He is super special, after all. *nods* He's not just a mayor, he's a GOD! O.O Yup, that's right~! He's the Great God of Superism (the religion my sis Franky-kun and I invented. Yaoi gods! Yosh! XD). And he has a special meaning to me in particular cuz I play him in our roleplay/fanfic. =] So I've grown very close to him over this past year, and have found myself noticing some of the similarities in our personalities! XD Heehee~! So best wishes to Icey on his special day! ^^ We'll make super cake with st'awberry icey-cream, and I'm sure Franky's got a /very/...ahem.../unique/ gift for you. XD Lol. Happy birthday, Iceburg!
TWO! Today also marks a very special anniversary. It's the day I first met my Otaku sister Zenon1293 (Franky-kun). I can't believe we've only known each other for a year because it seems like it's been a lifetime! ^^ My sis and I share a bond that we believe can't be shattered by anything, even that giant meteor that goes "WHOOSH"! Lol! Ah, so many good memories~! -^^- And to think a simple PM started it all. =3 Now we have an epic fanfic (well, it's more like a novel) going; our own religion with yaoi gods, a magic cowlick, and a priest who doesn't realize he yells everything he says; a fairy tale written all in Caps Lock; adventures with Bob the Magical Yaoi Camera; and just stories and jokes from our own lives that can never be forgotten. ^^ My little sis means the world to me, and the time we spend together (and believe me, there's a lot of it!) has only served to strengthen our bond. *huggles her* We've had countless adventures, and they just keep getting better! So I just want to say that I feel grateful to the gods that blessed us with the gift of sisterhood. (Probably those Superist gods, Franky and Iceburg. They knew we were destined to be together! That's why sis says we're "destiny buddies"! X3 Heehee~!) Today will always be a day to remember for the both of us! Happy 1 Year Anniversary to us~! ^^ I love ya, sis!

So there you have it~! ^^ That's why today is special. =3 It's also the reason for my site's transformation! I figured it would be good to get a theme that fit the mood of this month: Franky, Icey, and snow! (It's the first time my background hasn't been orange! O.O *gasp* It feels weird... >.> My next one probably will be, though, so don't you worry. Oh, and sorry the text is kinda hard to read... -.-; I tried other colors, and white seemed to work the best.) What do you think~? ^^ Heehee~! Well, I hope you all have a super fantabulous day! I hope some of our Superist luck will rub off on you! :D Hooroo for now, my friends~!
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Tuesday, January 1, 2008
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Well, it's that time again. Another year has gone by! So much has happened since last time! =O Wow... It's amazing to think back on it all! ^^ Let's hope this year will be even better and more super than the last~! be honest...I don't like it when the year changes. ^^; Lol. It's silly, I know, but I'm not a big fan of change. I get so used to something that I don't like it when it changes. But...Time goes on, I suppose. We can't turn it back...yet... *shifty eyes* Heh, heh... But I'll just have to get used to it. ^^; Oh, and did you know? Time is a fangirl. =3 Yup, a yaoi fangirl. *nodnod* I know it's usually referred to as "Father Time", but she's really a girl. Maybe she's his daughter. XD Lol. Don't ask... (Franky-kun and I discovered this fascinating bit of information a while back. Time is on our side! X3 Heehee~!) Anyway, did you guys do anything fun on New Year's Eve? =] I did~! ^^ My family went to KittyMeowMeow and KetchupAlchemist's house for dinner, like we did last year. =3 Our families have known each other forever! We all brought food (which was fantastic!), and just got to hang out and stuff. ^^ I love those guys~! It was so much fun! It always is when we're together. We're nakama, after all! *huggles for them* We just laugh about everything! We always have fun together, no matter what! There's no way we could not! XD Lol.
So anyway, I wish the best to you all in this new year~! ^^ I hope you have a super time with whatever it is you're doing today~! Make sure to start your year off right! :3 Love you all~!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Well today's the day! It's my Otaku sister Sayoko's birthday~! *cheers and throws confetti* Happy birthday, sis! -^^- *ultra mega glomp* Wheee~! We gotta celebrate today! With icey-cream cake, though, cuz she doesn't like regular cake! XD Lol. My sis and I have had many...interesting adventures together. ^^; I've known her since I first came to the Otaku, but we only really became sisters until a few months ago. Since then, we've done some pretty crazy stuff! XD It started off simply when we agreed that neither of us wanted to learn how to drive, so we decided to become hermits and live in the corner of her room (we'd send out a servant to get stuff for us). And we soon discovered that we were both "circles" (cuz everyone knows that circles are better than squares!), and our adventures only escalated from there! ^^ Our hermit home kept growing and we kept getting more pets! =D Talk ranged from everything from cardboard boxes, giant hamster bally things, rampaging turtles, inflatable penguins, an enormous colossus, bacon pudding, holy socks, pink lemonade, evil squirrels, riding Dino like a pony, a closet full of puppies, a cloning machine, and a goat. Yup. You can tell we have fun. ^^ *nodnod* And who could forget the day she got married to her beloved Byakuya? =3 After an epic journey to rescue him (in which Renji lost his eyes and Shinji discovered squirrel bacon), we brought him home for the wedding. And now they're living happily ever after with their 3 children (which I helped pick names for). =D Heehee~! Man, life sure would be boring without you, sis! *huggles* I'm so grateful to have you in my life~! -^^- So I want to wish you the very bestest on your special day! I hope you enjoy your pressies, and may all your wishes come true~! Happy birthday, Sayoko! ^^ I love ya, sis!

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