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East Blue Port Mirrorball Island
Member Since
Real Name
Portgas D. Ace
I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D
Anime Fan Since
Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular.
Favorite Anime
There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too.
To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course!
Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx.
I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!).
| Fire Fist Ace
Monday, August 20, 2007
Disco Berry
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Good morning, everybody~! I think today's gonna be a good day. ^^ *nodnod* I dunno why, it just feels like it will be. Anyway, we didn't get to go to Salem this past weekend, so we're going next weekend (and hopefully taking Screamin' Sally with us!). It should be heaps of fun~! Yes, yes! ^^ Today, my bro and I are going to the movies with KittyMeowMeow and KetchupAlchemist, and we're gonna see Stardust. I hope it'll be good! It looks really cool! ^^ Yay! Now we can have fun with our friends again, now that driver's ed is over! Stupid class took up the whole day! XP But I passed the test! Now I gotta get my permit... -.- Yipee... *rolls eyes* Oh well...It has to happen at some point, I guess. *shrugs* Though I must admit, towards the end of the class, we did have a lot of fun. ^^ We (meaning me, my bro, and the three others at our table) discovered "Disco Berry" flavored Starburst! XD Lol. We had heaps of fun with that and kept buying more! Then I showed them how to make lil' paper boats out of the wrappers, and we had a whole armada of like 60 lil' boats! XD It was great~! ^^ So even though it was fun, it's nice to be able to sleep in now. ^^; Well, I guess that's all for now, mates! I'll be sure to report more fun-filled adventures soon! (Lol!)

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