Birthday • 1989-10-23 Gender •
Female Location • East Blue Port Mirrorball Island Member Since • 2005-11-02 Occupation • Pirate Real Name • Portgas D. Ace
Achievements • I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D Anime Fan Since • Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular. Favorite Anime • There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too. Goals • To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course! Hobbies • Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx. Talents • I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!). Fire Fist Ace
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Time for a Break!
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Yosh, it's only Wednesday, but it feels like Friday! Today was only a half-day of school due to the fact that it's Thanksgiving break! Yaaayy!! *cheers and throws confetti* Heehee! :3 I've been looking forward to the time off. *nodnod* Our classes were only 15 minutes long today cuz we had this college fair thingy at the end, which was pretty cool. So we didn't get any homework or anything, HOWEVER my stupid AP English class that I hate says I'm still supposed to continue with my work, even over vacation! DX Grrr... That's so unfair! T_T I don't like that class, but my mom made me take it. There isn't even a teacher for it, so I have to take it online. =P Stupid... OK, I'm ranting now, so I'll stop. ^^; Sorry!
Mmkay, so back to Thanksgiving! We're going up to New Hampshire to spend it with my grandma. We don't really have any other family around, so Thanksgiving is never really a big to-do for us. It's kinda convenient, I guess. =] But we have to go on that 3-hour drive to get up there (it may be longer due to traffic). DX Ugh... My bro /loves/ long car rides. >.> Weirdo... XD Lol. But I'm looking forward to all the food we'll get to eat! ^^ *drools* I'm getting hungry just thinking about it! Yum~! -^^- Question: What's your favorite Thanksgiving food? =3
Ah, well, I guess that's it from me. For now, anyway. I'll leave you with a video! ^^ It doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but it's still cool! And I love this song! =D Heehee! I hope you all enjoy the break, and Happy Thanksgiving! ^^