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East Blue Port Mirrorball Island
Member Since
Real Name
Portgas D. Ace
I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D
Anime Fan Since
Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular.
Favorite Anime
There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too.
To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course!
Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx.
I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!).
| Fire Fist Ace
Thursday, January 3, 2008
A Super Duper Special Day~!
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ Today is a very, very, very, very, very special day indeed~! -^^- For two reasons:
ONE! It's an anime birthday~! :D Yay! Today is Iceburg-san's birthday! *cheers and throws confetti* So we'll have to have a huge party for our dear mayor~! :3 And get him lots of pressies! He is super special, after all. *nods* He's not just a mayor, he's a GOD! O.O Yup, that's right~! He's the Great God of Superism (the religion my sis Franky-kun and I invented. Yaoi gods! Yosh! XD). And he has a special meaning to me in particular cuz I play him in our roleplay/fanfic. =] So I've grown very close to him over this past year, and have found myself noticing some of the similarities in our personalities! XD Heehee~! So best wishes to Icey on his special day! ^^ We'll make super cake with st'awberry icey-cream, and I'm sure Franky's got a /very/...ahem.../unique/ gift for you. XD Lol. Happy birthday, Iceburg!
TWO! Today also marks a very special anniversary. It's the day I first met my Otaku sister Zenon1293 (Franky-kun). I can't believe we've only known each other for a year because it seems like it's been a lifetime! ^^ My sis and I share a bond that we believe can't be shattered by anything, even that giant meteor that goes "WHOOSH"! Lol! Ah, so many good memories~! -^^- And to think a simple PM started it all. =3 Now we have an epic fanfic (well, it's more like a novel) going; our own religion with yaoi gods, a magic cowlick, and a priest who doesn't realize he yells everything he says; a fairy tale written all in Caps Lock; adventures with Bob the Magical Yaoi Camera; and just stories and jokes from our own lives that can never be forgotten. ^^ My little sis means the world to me, and the time we spend together (and believe me, there's a lot of it!) has only served to strengthen our bond. *huggles her* We've had countless adventures, and they just keep getting better! So I just want to say that I feel grateful to the gods that blessed us with the gift of sisterhood. (Probably those Superist gods, Franky and Iceburg. They knew we were destined to be together! That's why sis says we're "destiny buddies"! X3 Heehee~!) Today will always be a day to remember for the both of us! Happy 1 Year Anniversary to us~! ^^ I love ya, sis!

So there you have it~! ^^ That's why today is special. =3 It's also the reason for my site's transformation! I figured it would be good to get a theme that fit the mood of this month: Franky, Icey, and snow! (It's the first time my background hasn't been orange! O.O *gasp* It feels weird... >.> My next one probably will be, though, so don't you worry. Oh, and sorry the text is kinda hard to read... -.-; I tried other colors, and white seemed to work the best.) What do you think~? ^^ Heehee~! Well, I hope you all have a super fantabulous day! I hope some of our Superist luck will rub off on you! :D Hooroo for now, my friends~!
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