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East Blue Port Mirrorball Island
Member Since
Real Name
Portgas D. Ace
I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D
Anime Fan Since
Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular.
Favorite Anime
There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too.
To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course!
Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx.
I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!).
| Fire Fist Ace
Friday, June 26, 2009
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^^ I've been lazy when it comes to posting, ne? ^^;; Golly....Well, guess I'd better say something! So! First off, you know how I had two jobs, and one of them I hated? Well thank Gods I got fired from that one! ^^ *cheers and throws confetti* I was freakin' ecstatic!! X3 Of course I couldn't show it at the time, so I stayed calm and was just like, "Yeah...OK...Uh-huh...So...I can go home?" And with all seriousness, I almost skipped as I was walking away! XD Heehee! I was bouncing up and down and singing the whole ride home. So now I actually have some free time again, and summer isn't going to suck anymore~! ^^ Whoo~! Plus, I still have the job I like over at the Honky Tonk, so I'm still making money. Yay money! X3
Other than working, I've just kinda been lazing around mostly. Done a little bit of drawing, a whole lot of RPing, and I've been going to a fair amount of graduation parties. =3 Yeah, my brother's class graduated earlier this month. I'm so proud of him! T^T You know, none of my friends from my class had a party last year, but all our friends from my bro's class are having them. XD It's been fun seeing everybody. I love those guys~!
Em....other than that, not too much has been going on. It's been a pretty busy summer so far, though, and I hope it'll just keep getting more fun~! X3
Oh, last thing to mention: today is an anime birthday~! ^^ So yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~~! Happy birthday, Papillon~! ^^ *throws more confetti* You can bet Rayo and I will be celebrating soon! ^-^d Have a super awesometastic day, you guys~!
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