Birthday • 1989-10-23 Gender •
Female Location • East Blue Port Mirrorball Island Member Since • 2005-11-02 Occupation • Pirate Real Name • Portgas D. Ace
Achievements • I taught myself how to do the dance from Jango's Dance Carnival. :D Anime Fan Since • Third or fourth grade, when Pokemon became popular. Favorite Anime • There are so many to choose from! Um...I guess Fruits Basket, One Piece, and Angel Sanctuary might be my top 3. Oh, and Reborn! is at the top of the list now, too. Goals • To be King of the Pirates, to find Bucky, and to travel the world! Oh, and to find Blackbeard, of course! Hobbies • Reading, drawing, pillaging, plundering, playing Nintendo, going to the Honky Tonk and Arlong Park with my nakama, RPing with my super lil' sister Zenon1293, and making up crazy/fun stuff with my sis xCrisisCorexZackx. Talents • I guess I'm pretty good at cooking, singing (in Japanese, mostly), drawing, and sleeping (I can't help it! I have narcolepsy!). Fire Fist Ace
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Franky fan! ^ ^
HEY, HEY, HEY, HEY!! ^ ^ How is everyone? It's been awhile since my last update. I had to go back to school this week. *sob, sob* My teachers have been giving us tons of homework, and I haven't had time to go online at all! *sigh* It's 10:12 pm and I only just finished my work...and I'm supposed to be in bed, so I won't say much more. (Hopefully, I'll get to put up another post this weekend when I get back from visiting my grandma.) As a reward to myself for finishing all my homework, I watched a couple of movies! ^ ^ So I'll share them with you! They're both about Franky, who's one of my favorite characters now! The first is an AMV about his superness, and the second is the best commercial ever made! :D I hope you guys like them! ^ ^ Hooroo for now!