Thanksgiving break is finally here! XD lol I'll be gone the whole time since I'm visiting some family friends down in San Francisco.^^ Unfortunately, my dad invited himself last minute and will be going with us tomorrow. -.-; *sigh*
I printed out alot of reference pics so I could work on some of my late artwork that I've been meaning to get to for a while. :D I'll be back with new artwork at last! lol
Ano... I doubt I'll have time to go on the internet during my trip so I'll miss quite alot of things. ^^; Just let me know if you post anything new, and I'll be sure to get it to when I get back. ^.^
I'm on the 3rd book for the Twilight series! XD Jasper is definately my favorite character, along with Edward of course. ^.^ After I started reading it, everyone in our group started as well and somehow, things suddenly turned into a competition of who could finish the book faster than the others. XD My loving, competitive friend. lol
I also found out that I've been extra jumpy since I've started reading them book. I'm 100% sure it's paranoia.
Even the moving shower curtains make me feel like something is going to grab me from the other side. XD I'm been on a vampire frenzy lately. @.@ lol
1. What are you going to do for your Thanksgiving Break?
2. Anything new that I've missed?
3. What makes you jumpy?
Have a great Thanksgiving Break! Talk to all of you in a week! :D *huggles*