What If...Hosted By
Ish finally done! XDDD Sorry it took so long.^^" I was planning on posting it yesterday, but I was volenteering for an Earth Day festival. XP Again, Sora fangirls, do not get the wrong idea and start attacking Sakurie with pitch forks. XD lol.^^ I hope you like it. :D I drew another pic in piano class yeterday, it's one of my fav naruto couples that will never become. XD (and no, it's not Raizen and Neji. X3) lol.^^
1. Did you do anything to help the Earth yesterday?
2. Random Question: Do you ever have dreams about one person over and over and over.. (2 hours later) and over and over again?
3. If you answered no to #2, ish Sakurie-chan going crazy.. @_@
4. Most used question! Your favorite anime character! (can list up to 5.^^)