Kh Remix!
Hosted By theOtaku.com.
This is going to be the cover page to my new manga, KHR (Kingdom Hearts Remix).^^ It's a bit plain, but hope you'll all like it.^^ I'll post up 3 pages of the manga tomorrow, hope you'll go see. :D
Well, I bought the Harry Potter book this weekend and it's so tempting to just skip to the end to see what happens. >_> lol, but I'm resisting pretty well. :)
Ummm.. ..ano... I've been having an art block for about a week now so I'm stalling a bit for my contest entries and art trades since the ideas ran off and hid somewhere. XDD Gomen ne.^^" I think I'll take a break from frustrating myself. X3 lol.^^
1. Where do you usuallly get inspiration for a picture?
2. Have you bought the new Happy Potter book?
3. Are you upset that summer is almost over? (health class killed about half of my summer so it seems really short.^^")
*hugs* Bai bai!