Kingdom Hearts Remix
And thus, the manga is born! XD lol.^^ (Ignore the title, don't go asking for KHR. XD) Just click the cover picture to go to the managa.^^ I changed the links around. :) ...I never noticed the Fan Mangas didn't have a picture link to it.^^"
I hope everyone enjoys my first manga series (Though I've only uploaded the first 2 pages and left you on a cliff hanger (*bwahaha*)), but I'll do my best to update as soon as I can! :)
I also wish Sayoko-chan speediness of her recovery, (be gone Dark Sayoko!). And Sayura-chan a safe trip to New York.^^
Ano... nothing else to say since I updated yesterday, so I wish everyone a good day! :D
Btw, my step mom and dad still haven't come to an agreement as to whom I'm staying with. But I'm kinda happy with that since if they haven't decided, I won't be moving until they do, which means I can go to the same school with my friends until they do! *happily dances around* X3
1. How many different places have you gone this summer? :) (did you have fun?^^)
2. Your favorite flavor ice cream?^^ (Mint chocolate chip! XD)
3. Have you gone to an anime convention before? If not, would you want to?
4. What do you think you spend the most money on? (Art supplies for me.^^")
Sayonara Bai Bai! *huggles*