I said I'd be on more often since midterms ended, but.... things kind of changed unintentionally. XDD
The reason I haven't been on is because I've been reading my new book Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. It is such a great book! XDD Finished reading it during my spare time this whole week. Reason I wasn't on. ^^; Gomen ne..
Well.. I have a 3 day weekend and no homework. (Squee~ X3) So, I'll be working on alot of artwork! I need to get more of them done by today since I've saved enough money in my wallet to get a PS2. (Which I'll spend all day playing it tomorrow, thus, need to get drawings done. :D)
B-day and art trade pics:
Snow Phoenix, XoMEWmewHANNAHxO,aragorn1014, Frostwhisker, KeybladeMewKasa, Anonymous Wolfie
I think that's it, but if I forgot to add you, let me know.^^; I'm kinda out of it right now. -.- ZZzzZZZzzZZz...
Probably won't be on next week either since I just ordered the next volume of Twilight.^^ If you haven't read it, I recommend it. It's really amazing. :D
Have a great week everyone! Good luck with everything.^^