myOtaku.com: Fire Fox Sakurie
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/09/07:
This was cute.^^
Result Posted on 08/09/07:
I like some of the results.^^"
Result Posted on 08/09/07:
lol, *squee* Kinda like how I would react.^^"
Will u share a papou fruit with... Riku? (KH II) girls plse
 After the show...Me: Riku go talk to her. Tell her what you think. While I get to see Sora about the swordfight.Riku: Fine, but you better not start with out me.Me: ^^You: Sorry if I wasted your time.Riku: Well... Actually... Look, Sora, UltimaGirl and I are just hanging out tomorrow again having a sword fight. Do you want to come as well?You: Yeah sure. ^^ so cya tomorrow.Riku: *Kisses you on the cheek* Uhh... sorry I was a bit upfront.(He leaves running)You: *blushes and watches Riku leave with a smile on your face*--- PAPOU MATCH ---Hey if you can't see the image above, just send a message to me on quizilla so then I can find another pic to put up in the result. ^^ Thanxs Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/13/07:
Result Posted on 04/30/07:
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP)
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive.
Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men
You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving.
Result Posted on 04/28/07:
Yay. I'm normal. :D
Result Posted on 04/03/07:
Yay for the results. :D
What do Kingdom Hearts characters think of you? (for girls)
Sora- I think we would be great friends! Kairi- hm.... you remind me of someone....Riku- *silence*Me- Riku, anyone there?Riku- Yah.Me- So....Riku- She's nice.Me- and.....Riku- *silence*Me- .......Riku- *small smile*Roxas- *bursts in* Ha I could hold my own against you! *broad grin*Axel- hm..... you're a bit too smart for your own good.Demyx- *backs away slowly*Me- wimpNamine- You remind me of Riku. Don't forget to hold onto to your light.Larxene- *actually sits up and stops reading her book* well...Me- dang O.O Larxene rarely admits someone's existance, let alone thinks of them as a threat.Zexion- I think I would like to talk to you some.Me- O.O wow this is gettin weirdLuxord- I'd like to try you at cards. You seem like you know you know how to stratigize.Boyfriend- RikuBestfriends- Zexion and SoraRival- Roxas (he seems very competitive with you o.o must be the Sora in him)You're a very mysterious person. You actions are calm and extroverted. You get along well with the calmer groups, but you also have your hyper moments. You can get into fights with Roxas or Sora and get a bit competitive. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/07:
I know Riku very well.^^ 100%! Whoo! XD
Kingdom Hearts - The Riku Test
 Excellent! Your knowledge of Riku has led you to score well in this quiz. (This sounds like a test score in school, doesn't it?) Anyway, congratulations. You know our favorite silver-haired character well. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/09/07:
Yay.^^ I gots Riku again :D
Who is Right for you? Riku or Sora? (Kingdom Hearts! And Pictures!)
Result Posted on 01/09/07:
Would Riku Fall For You?
OOOOO! You've Got The Moves! Congratulations! Riku Would Hoplessly Fall For You! He Can See Your Defanetly Into Romance And Speaking Your Mind. You Are There For Him When He Is Down And He Can Tell You Have Spunk And Additude All Rolled Up With Your Gentle, Soft Nature. He Also Enjoys Your Understanding And Can See You KNow How To Have A Good Time All the Time! ^_^ Take this quiz!
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