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I'm always on the move but my true home lies in the bouts of Nomed island...(nomed what is it backwards?heh heh)
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I cremate live human beings and demons alike for sport
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CALL ME TENSHIN!!!....please...
atemping suiside 7 times but in the end rested the urge completely...or did I?(evil grin)
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who cares I'm one now aren't I
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ALL specially if the main character has blue spiky hair
to become a great and well known artist!!!
let me get back to you on that one.
| Fire Kat Tenshin
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
why did I get Naraku?
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
yeah that exactly how it is...I think my BF wants to break up with me!
 ~~~~-*CONFUSING LOVE*-~~~~
Your love life is confusing. You're proble cought in the middle of to lovers, or you love some one and dosen't want to be with the person your with now. The confusing thing is you don't no who to go with. TIP,follow your heart,cuz in the in of your crisis someones going to get hurt. It's better to be happly then miserble.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
don't tell ne 1
Anime survey of DOOM! | Created by Trigunslinger and taken 218 times on bzoink! | Anime Favorites | Anime | InuYasha | Character | InuYasha | Boy character | Sesshomaru | Girl character | Kagura | Attack | Back Slash Wave | Song | Fukai Mori | Weapon | Shikon no toma | Anime dislikes | Least favorite anime | Digimon | Character | davis | Boy character | Knuckles | Girl character | Amy rose | Attack | shovel claw | Song | unknown from me | Weapon | shovel claw | Random anime goodness | Character you feel sympathy for | Kenshin | Character that acts like you | InuYasha | Character that looks like you | Ed | Character you find attractive | Sesshomaru | Character you could be friends with | Kagome | Character that would make a good brother | Kouga | How about sister? | Sango | Character you wish you could kill | Knuckles | Weapon or skill you wish you could have | Dance of the dragon | Character that reminds you of someone | al | Who do they remind you of? | cheese | If you could be in any anime which one would you choose? | InuYasha | Which anime character would you want to look like? | Kaguya | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
I knew it I always turn out to be him
 Your ~Inuyasha~ Inuyasha, the main star of the anime.He's a half demon, half human. He possesses a human heart but strong demon like claws and strength.He's sweet,loving,protective, but on the down side he can be Irritating and annoying.Hmm Inuyasha.^-^RATE PLEASE
~What inuyasha character are you~!!NEW!! REALLY COOL.^-^ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
so I know inuyasha so what
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
yeah that sounds like meh
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
yay why not
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
no InuYasha!Get away from me!!
Result Posted on 04/12/05:
yeah that is right
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