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on earth ...or AM I
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paper carier
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we mistical creature din't like to reveal our names...
selected as student ambasador for Europe. won 1st place at awana olympics
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu-Yu Hakusho, Inu-yasha , cowboy bebop, wolf's rain, FMA, Fruits Basket
start anime legend of my own
drawing anime chracters for my stories
...*gets teary eyed*
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Gawd I am so tired! please peoples...I forgot what I was oing to say...oh well. I made a site for all my clubs if anyone wants to check it out...though I don't know why you would...Its just clubs...and links to club sites... anyway I'm gonna go call my friend so she can scream in my ear and wake me up.
...oh joy
Pic (actually ther's more than one today):

They kinda look like cats but their actually dragons like off the game of Lunar!

That's waht I think every time I see her surrouded by the Sohmas..
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Hey everybody! I just made a new site called Riddles and answers! If anyone would liketo check it out click the text below:
or to go to a fruits basket site click THIS link!(If you join be sure to tell wind whisper!
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Saturday, May 28, 2005
bad news
hey guys...sorry I haven't been online...I'm not erally sorry actually because I just found out my grandpa died after his surgery...I was very close to him and was in shock for quite a while followed closely by hysteric tears for about two hour but now I'm a little better. You don't hve to feel sorry for me and if you are feel double sorry for my friend Mariah. She was equally as close to him as I was and an hour after I told her she found out her grandma died too. two people in one day...I could't imagine someting so horrible
here are the chibis I promised:

and here's an animation to lift your spirits after that depressing speech:

Actually that makes me kinda more depressed...
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Saturday, May 21, 2005
hey everybody! sorry I haven't been on lately! but I have news! I'm making chibi piccys of all my friends so anyone who wants a cibi of them PM the following q"s answered
1)how long is your hair
2)is it straight, curly or wavy
3)do you let your hair hang in your face ,to the side, or in back?
4)Do you wear glasses?(reading or all the time)
5)what's your fav. band
6)male or female?
pic of the day:

Surprise! that's me!
and the animation:

he just keeps going and giong and giong and giong and giong....
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
Oh it was so cool! I was so craving something sweet. And when I looked in the frig guess what I saw? ...OLIVES! as soon as I saw them I just started CRVING olives...then I decided to have a pickle to. After I was done with both I wanted some pink lemonade. I put in double the amount of mixture that it called for.
My mouth was like "hum da dee dee dum" then I drank the lemonade and it was like "OH MY GOD! ITS SWEET! THE SWEETNESS IS DAVOURING MY TATEBUDS!!!
hehe just though I might share that.
pic of the post:

A greeting I made

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
hey ppls can't give you a pic today cuz I'm at skewl right now but I promise I'll try to get to your sites! I love gubers!
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Thursday, April 28, 2005
srry guys but I only have 5 mins to stay onlone so I have absolutely no time visit sites I 'm sory! but could you please visit please! wind whisper helped me with it!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
guess what everybody! I went to media play yesterday and gots hana kimi vol. 5! AND tsubasa vol. 3! YAAAAY!! oh and I got pocky! yay for pocky!! hana kimi is an awsome manga. hana kimi is actually short for "hanazakari no kimitachi he" I learned that in the 2nd vol.! its japanese for "for you in full blossom"
pic of post:

its called blind faith I got it from

kinda sad but soooooooooo sweet!
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
Gah I am sooooooo bored peoples! you must entertain me dance, jokes, i don't even care if you blabber on about something I absolutely don't care about (which is basically what I'm doing right now anyway) waaaaaahh! freewebs isn't working for me!...oh for those of you who were worried i was kinda half grounded. I wasn't grounded but if I didn't get my room clean I was grounded for the nest two weekends (cuz I never do anything during the week)so even though I wasn't grounded Iwas too busy cleanning my room and doing homework to get on **sorry** by the way this wasn't pick up the floor and pics laying everywhere, this was cleaning off the shelves,floor, and bed now I'm puting away my clean clothes and I'll be done...YAY!!!
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
OMG!the movie was soooo halarious! but there was a bobble head of some dude...AND THE BOBBLE HEAD TALKED THROUGHOUT THE MOVIE!! it was so was funny when teh car caught on fire it was all *crackle crackle KABOOM!* hehe to those who haven't seen should watch it...I know I already had a animation but I got this from elvesatemyRamen!

YAY! that part was halarious!
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