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on earth ...or AM I
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paper carier
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we mistical creature din't like to reveal our names...
selected as student ambasador for Europe. won 1st place at awana olympics
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Yu-Yu Hakusho, Inu-yasha , cowboy bebop, wolf's rain, FMA, Fruits Basket
start anime legend of my own
drawing anime chracters for my stories
...*gets teary eyed*
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
hey everybody! I get to go see a movie at 12:30 whick is in 4 hours...gah. anyway I'm seeing Are we there yet? I'll try to get aon later and teel you how it was but I might be drop by my site around 8 if you can. If you can't I'll just talk about it again as aoon as I can.
Pic of the post!

this is actually a greeting I made
now for the animation!

kinda sad...
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Friday, April 15, 2005
Hey ppls! I got all your PM's add I'll start on the buttons as soon as I can! (which probably won't be until tommorrow *sorry*) anyway...I've got a friend over tonight and we found a real cool pic at Devian art so that's gonna be that pic of the post!

and what I meant by "animation of the post" was I would have up an animation or puff or gif each post after my pic! elvesatemyramen thouhjt it was a good idea so I'm gonna do it!Here it iz!

I found this as someone's avi! I hope they don't mind if I use it!
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Sorry I haven't been on in a while *bows* ...I don't really have much to say besides that...Oh! if any of you peoples who've joined my club want buttons tell me! cuz I'll make them for you! just pm me who you want on your button!
Da pic o da post is here!!!!

I loved that part but the fact that the kitties never changed their expression kinda scared me...
I also wondered if anyone wanted me to start presenting "animation of the post"
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Hey everybody!
um...about the pic of the day thing...since school's gonna be starting up again I won't be on everyday. so instead of Pic of the day ...from this day forward I bring you "pic of the post"
I've also made a few updates to my fan club sites if anyone wants to check it out.
todays pic of the post:

isn't this piccy so Kawai!!
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Saturday, April 9, 2005
thank you to eveyone who answered (or tried to) my Q yesterday!
I have finally finished My DragonBoy button! (Hatori) YAY!
I have heard that a myO user jennifer92 said she was in a coma and people have been flamming her about lying. And tto that I have to say what frickin bussiness of yours is it? if she's lying she's lying! and if she's not then I am very sorry for whatever happened to her (que sera sera as My little puppy shigure would say)
I'm starting something new today! Presenting (dramatic drum roll): Pic of the day!

I call this one: slurp
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Friday, April 8, 2005
Now that all of you guys asked me Q's I have a couple of my own.
how many FB DVD's are there? Mangas?
Why is Fruits Basket called Furuba?
yep that's all
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
I have just started the Hatori fanclub! YAY HATORI!!!!

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Monday, April 4, 2005
Sorry for the long wait gus but my comp. is finally up and running again! YAY!! now you ppl who asked me Q's will finally get to hear the answers!:
Death T-2:If a quiz is a quizical then what's a test??
A:Shame on you!*wags finger*
ElvesatemyRamen:Ummmm...what's you fave time of year and why?
A:I like it When schools just been let out cuzYou know all the things you want to do this summer and planning all the fun yer gonna have!b^.^d and ur not sitting around doing nothin cuz nothin's on TV...(My usual summer)
Shanikun:when you hear the word 'picnic' what do you associate with it?
A: Ahappy family or couple eating a wonderful lunch in the middle of a beautiful meadow on a beautiful day! and cuz I'm so evil immediatel think of it suddenly pouring down rain! BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!
usagi sohma:what kind of person would you like to date?
A:Whoever I date HAS to have a sense of humor(or I'll die) and hteycan make me laugh when I'm sad...and they have to smile alot(i hate scowling guys)
Takara Sohma:Umm . . . do you own a pet?
^ ^;
That was stupid.
I'll try again: what was the name of the first pet you owned?
A:THERE ARE NO STUPID Q'S!! I have 5 pets. 1 dog; Megan 2 cats; Winter,Katlin 1 geaunie pig; Terra 1 bird; Bird=(evil!) 1st pet(actually grandma's but...) dog; Courtney (died when I was 9) MY 1st pet was a ftog named Wilber...he got stepped on
The Fizz:How did you find MyO? &
What do you like best about TheO?
Have a great one!
A:My friend was looking for Anime quizzez andfound the Otaku but I found out how to make an account.
When I first came it was the quizzes Then I liked the all the fanart now I LOVE all the friends!**huggles to everyone**
Redmoonchick:um who's your fave anime guy?
A: 0o0 How could you ask me that! ...I like Hiei, Kurama, Kyo, Chrono, Momiji and cha them
NittlerGrasper:Who's your fav. Furuba boy?
A:uh well...maybe Kyo? he's hot but Momiji is suuuuuu cute! And I think its funny how Hatori is always making fun of Shigure..but I like how shigure is very funny and a bit stupid.. @.@GAH this Q is making my head spin...
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
the fizz has given me a great Idea I am now going to answer any Q's any of you have for me! just put them in comments or PM them to me! It answers your Q's and gives me something something to post about! so I'll ask any Question unless I feel its to personal!^.^
 You like the sweet, shy type.
What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, March 12, 2005
I woke up at 8:15 am...
well this post will most likely be me just babaling on about absolutely nothing BUT I'M ONKAY WITH THAT!
...I gotta go to work in like 2 minutes...I DON'T WANNA GO TO WORK!!! ...but I want money for the fourth Chrono crusade DVD so I will suffer....
I have just joined the Kyo kn fan club and you must join as well! JOIN!!!!!
well...buh bye! (I'll visit sites later since I ...ya know...gotta go to work n' stuff)
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