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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
_._ -.- ....
yeah...not feel so great this week my lung strting to hurt again. I also have cold. and a sore throat...but look at this cool quiz I found!!
*dies* oooooh stomach...staring...to...hurt...
 Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural charme and your simple beauty. You only want to be the person you are and be accepted as that. Go you!
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
feeling hyper..
...well...mabe you coudn't
lessee...1can o' rootbeer 1can of dr.pepper andoneofthosesuperlargeMTDEWCODEREDATTACOBELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and that was it...of course Igot a refill on that MT. dew...**evilgrin** teehee
quie quie!
(the six calls of insanity that me and muh friends made up!-mine's woo!!)
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Sunday, October 31, 2004
Take da quiz!
I absolutely love my reault!!!!
 Your element is Air: Carefree, lovable, fun and childish. Arent you cute! Your just full of childhood spunk and happiness! Hey who said being young was a bad thing? You have a keen understanding of whats good in life and choose to remain happy rather than get too upset over things. Life is fun, who wants to be troubled by grown-up problems? Being as capable of love as you are you will make a wonderful parent if and when you choose to grow up. Love is a mystery because you only want friends not love interests, games are better than relationships with the opposite sex. You have what everyone is searching for, that so called 'fountain of youth' deep inside. You can come across as naive and childish at times. But who cares what they think, lets go play tag!
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, October 29, 2004
I feel loved reight now. so very very...loved. I made some greetings and well I didn't expect tem to be so poular... I mean there not EXTREMELY popular just a hell of a lot more popular than I though they would br thank you peoples!
you love *sniff* you really love me!!
^.^ **huggles** bye!
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
feeling crappy...
Hey guys, sorry I haven't postined in a while...been fellin' like hell. I had a really bad cough for a while and over the weekend it got REALLY worse. so I went to go see the docter yesterday because it was a half day at school and he said "well I wouldn't be to worried all you need is an X-ray to see why I can't hear your left lung"
Hear can't hear my left lung and I SHOULDN'T BE WORRIED!?!
so I got an X-ray of my chest and found out I had an infection that, if not treated could develop into pnemonia.
Of course I didn't know you could DIE from it until my lovely mother pionted it out.
now I'm on meds that made me so tired I fell asleep in class twice.
ug...so sleepy well see ya Im gonna go to bed early (8:05)
**falls asleep on keybaord**
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
the thoughts that come to us when we're bored...
. . . . . . . .
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
eheh hehe
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cooool!!! My Bloody Valentine- All The Time In The World
Your theme song is mellow and spirited, perfect for a long day of relaxing. You know how to slow down and enjoy life for what it is, without getting stuck on the past or worrying about the future - good for you! Sometimes people may see you as lazy, but they'll never get the same pleasures out of life as you do.
What's Your Theme Song? brought to you by Quizilla
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 ur weird ur insane ur i told u im not in a weird mood anymore i cant make a weird result mayB in the fall""""""""""""
r u insane.....kinda like me brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Read The Manuel
AT LONG LAST! I am finally adding my fanfic entries (just the hilarious parts of my story) the characters in this entry are Hiei and Ria *remember Ria is Hiei's twin sis and my character!* and remeber, my character has a crush on Kurama
*Ria and Hiei are walking in a house carrying boxes so Ria can DJ a party*
Hiei - and why exactly am I helping you again?
Ria - You don't have to help, I just want you to stay for the party.
Hiei - what? well don't count on that.
Ria - come on! you don't have to dance or anything.
Hiei - then why would you possibly want me to stay?
Ria - *puts down box she was carrying* wellllll...if any boys ask me out I wanna tell them your my boyfriend.
Hiei - What!? why me?
Ria - cuz I don't feel uncomfortable if I have to hang on you...
Hiei - ;; I'm leaving.
Ria - NOOOOO!! *lunges at Hiei's feet* If you leave, even if I do say I have a boyfriend they'll slip me stuff, and BAD things to me Hiei, BAD THINGS!!
Hiei - Then go get Kurama you certainly are comfortable if yuo have to hang on HIM!
Ria - *GASP* I couldn't do that *blushses*
Hiei - *goes to walk away agian*
Ria - Please Hiei! do it for your little, no, TWIN sister!?!
Hiei - No,
Ria - Please?
Hiei - No
Ria - pleeeaasse?
Hiei - no.
Hiei - ...whatever...
Ria - YYAAAAYY! *starts pluging a wire into a spaeker
Hiei - do you know what your doing?
Ria Yes Hie I'vve done it once before!
Hiei - maybe you should read the manuel
Ria - Hiei I know what I'm doing! watch...*click ...zzzztttssssss ...got fried*
Hiei - uh-huh...
Ria - ...sudup...
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