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Friday, October 1, 2004
feel like crap...*cough* mother making me take crapy tasting medicine...*cough* stayed home from school...*Thinks of all that make up work* crap *cough*...-sigh-...*cough*
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
well yesturday at school a lot of STUFF happened...a fly tried to kill me... I was just standing there watching it,not listening to my friend babble on about zelda(the fly was zigzagging in front of me) then all of a sudden it landed on my head...so I tried to squash it...it didn't work I ended up hiting my self in the head...oh well
IN OTHER NEWS Nyxgoddess is at my house
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
backround info
Before my super-long post of my first fanfic I'm gonna give some backround info on what's happenede so far.
-----------my story---------------
-my character had died saving the world from the ultimate evil, but then-after 4 long months of her spiritual energy residing in hiei eye gatheering srength-she returned to life. but then she had to save a whole bunch of kids soooo...she died again. then , becase she was "half human-and cause she sacrificed her life for others' she was granted life again. She was also given a real cool sword that, when she chooses to use it she can be as strong as an upperclass A-level demon...maybe someday stronger.
----------Nyx & me-----------------
same thing 'cept with an added character (Tria) who keeps Ria and Hiei from Killiing each other (sibling rivalry)
...CHA!! ^-^
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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
I'm going to start posting up my fanfics of YYH...well the funny parts anyway...
ANYWAY here are da charaters:
Ria (Rianna):this is my character. she is Hiei's longlost twin sister who's 11 mins younger. She...um secretly likes kurama and even though she hangs on him she would feel awkward in a romantic situation. -she's half demon...her power is electricity
Hiei: you should know him (He's a bit different becase he's been driven insane by Ria[in my fanfic] and ria & tria [in mine and DG -devil girl fanfic]
Kurama: yeah here's exactly the same
-------special from mine---------
Ashlie: She's Hiei's unofficial -AHEM- girlfriend she BECAME half demon (used to be human)
Toya: um...in my story he's like...Ria's ex boyfriend n' stuff (he thought she was making out with Kurama so he broke up with her)
Eri:she's a Human that was trapped in demon world. she used to despise all demons but now um she's kinda um...falling in love with Toya "magician"
Jin: he's da same
Nikki:a former demon hunter who fell for Jin and his ears -she's anciet race of demon thought to have been slaughtered
-----------from DG's------------
Tria:she's a delinquient who's worse than Yuske. she's kinda just realizing that she likes Hiei (who she met through Ria) -she's a half ice demon
Black Magic: Tria's cat who can talk and Loves to scarf food. He hates; waffles, collars, baths, and bright flashes ( from things like cameras
--and even magicgirl shares one with me--
Eri: She's a human who was oddly raised by demons. she and my charcter get along *ahem* fairly well
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Thursday, September 2, 2004
I put some fanart up about a week ago but it still hasn't showed up on my backroom, sit Or the fanart section...yet one that HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANIME shows up in almost less than a day.
I'm confused here people I really am...
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
YAY! XD ...ahh...soo true
 Otaku Level 4
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, August 27, 2004
Woot woot! Oh yeah! I just got a new so ya better be expectin some Fanart soon!! XD wooooooooooooooo!!!! Im on fire baby!!!! ....AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I'M ON FIRE ! SOMEONE HEEEELP!!! *runs around the room with ass on fire*
-peace out
...*CLICK* AHH! BRIGHT LIGHT!! *convulsion convulsion*
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
courtesy of NyxGoddess
 Your half- angel. Not exactly human, but not quite angel, you walk on earth freely. Half-Angels have no wings, but tend to show some signs. Some ways to notice these are that the girl never menstrates, she cannot bleed, and her touch seems to give of a glow. No one really knows how half-angels are born. Some say that when a child is born, one of the angels blesses her with her gifts. Others say that they are cursed creatures, because half-angels cannot die, while their familly and friends around them do. Hlaf-Angels are very beautiful and Kind, and have the power to speak to animals, but at the same time, sad that they are this way. Some Half-Angels love being human. Being able to see, smell, hear, taste,and feel are all miracles to them. They crave to be more human-all the time.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
BWAAAA! *falls out of chair anime style* HOW-DID-THEY-KNOOOOW!!
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