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myOtaku.com: fire sprite

Sunday, February 27, 2005

this weekend's had it ups n' downs I couldn't get to sleep last night cuz i kept thinkin' bout this boy I i like (Marty) and how I can't get a hold of him. I hadn't seen him in two weeks and when I did meet up with him it was at an intorduction for the Highschool I'm gion' to next year. A lot of friends from school were there...Including a boy (david) who keeps asking me out. Anyway a girl who wants me to go out with david talked to Marty. Then it felt kinda like Mary was avoiding me. Now I couldn't get a hold of him after calling him 3 or 4 times. So last night I kept think about it. But today mom told me about a game clay High kids were going to (Marty has a brother in clay). I was sooooo happy that meant he wasn't avoiding me!!

this post is kinda long so I'll wait until tommorow to tell youo guys about Marty...

monkey feet

spread the insanity!

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