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Thursday, September 14, 2006
I'm not dead.
Just school and stuff. After taking care of some online class stuff and messing around animal sim sits... I just haven't the time to sit down and write a decent post.
So for now, a small mini-rant.
I bought a bunch of eye shadow from hot topic. I love it. It has waxy, texture... It's kinda inbetween powder shadow and cream shadow. Powder shadow is okay so long as you find a decent brand that doesn't slide off your face and the colors aren't dusty. Cream shadow has some nice glittery pearly colors, vibrant but it doesn't stay on long... well this eyeshadow is wax based, so it stays on. You can apply as an eyeliner or a shadow... but since you need a brush and it's kinda hard to clean off... I don't use it as liner often.
I love it because of my oily skin, most makeup slides right off my face. It's annoying. This sticks...and sticks well...a little too well sometimes... you need a good cleanser to get it off but I think it's worth it.
So, I wore my red shade the other day. I liked how it looked. Mom comes to pick me up and when she sees it she immeadiately declares how she hates it. Fsh. I don't care. I got kinda ticked because she actually reached over and put her finger under my glasses to wipe it off. What the? Excuse me?
Keep in mind that it's hard to wash off. So my eye lids were a lighter red today. Fine with me, I was lazy and didn't want to use my facial scrub. She notices my eyes are still red and she practically yes 'I don't like that red!" Really? How nice. Her saying that means she doesn't want me wearing it.
So what? It's red eyeshadow! I'm not smoking or shooting up heroin or fooling around with guys. I don't have a dragonfly on my forehead nor do I have enough pirecing to set off a metal detector. And she's fussing over EYESHADOW?
Excuse me. They're my eyelids, if I want them red, why can't I have them red. I'm 19, I bought that make up with my own money. There's so much worse stuff I could be doing to my body and she's fussing over red shadow.
Frankly, I don't care. I like it. I will wear it because I want to. Just not in front of her. Big deal, I'll just have to go to the bathroom and wipe it off before I go outside. Simply because I don't want to have a freaking argument over the color of my eyelids.
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Saturday, August 19, 2006
No, not that stuff you use to wash dishes with... Snakes on a Plane!
There's been so much buzz and hype regarding this flick, I must see it in order to test for myself if it's the mindless, "so bad it's good" fun it's been pandered to be.
For the unawares, the whole appeal of this flick is to see Samuel L. Jackson on a plane...not just any ordinary plane, but a plane, FILLED WITH SNAKES! And these snakes kill people on said plane and we all wait with baited breath to here Mr. Sam. Jackson to say.... well... a line with some trademarked cursing in it...
It's just intended to be some B-movie, "good trash" mindless fun.
I have to laugh though, I read two reviews over at Cienmatical, my favorite film blog, about it. Of course they weren't overly excited about it. Which means I'll love it. Just like Lady in the Water, Costantine, and the Phantom of the Opera... I tend to enjoy movies the critics despise. Of course I do realize there are some faults in's sill fun.
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Okay....better late than never.
Hell's Kitchen, final episode.
So it was down to Virginia and Heather. Honestly, I still think Keith deserved to be there. So yeah his attitude kinda bites at time, in my eyes, he was the chef that improved the most. Virginia does have a good pallatte but she has done so consintently horrible in the kitchen. She's done so well in the challenges BUT she's gone up for elimination so many times it looks like it was an insults to the other contestants.
The final episode followed the same format as last season. The resturant would be divided in two, and each contestant would get to design the new look of the resturant down from the table cloths to the wall treatments to staff uniforms.
Despite my hatred for Virginia and her prisspot ways, I liked how her resturant looked against Heather's. Virginia's looked more like a resturant and Heather looked like she was building an homage to herself. Seriously, you saw all those video screens she had of herself cooking. Hated it.
And just like last season, our contestants who were eliminated were back. Virginia and Heather got to pick who they wanted, Virginia went first because she won the challenge (same challenge as last season's final episode, make a signature dish and go to the public to taste it.)
If you noticed, we were short 4 people. Polly, Larry, Maribel and Gabe. It's not because they were eliminated too early, so the producers didn't call them back. If you remember, Maribel lasted longer than Rachel. My guess is they didn't want to come back.
Polly - She had 6 kids, so it might not have been a good time for her. Also, she was gone on the first episode. That's a little embarassing, I prolly wouldn't have come back either.
Larry - He got sick, some sort of stress thing. It's natural for him to not come back.
Gabe - I actually have no idea why he'd wouldn't come back. o.o
Maribel - She was always homesick, so she has no intention of leaving her family.
So in elmentary kickball faishon, the gals picked their chefs. Virginia took Keith, good choice, Giacamo and Tom. WHAT? WAIT A MINUTE! SHE TOOK TOM? WHY? Why would anyone want to take Tom as a chef? You've got to be kidding... Virginia in a very self destructive mood basically tells her team that she picked them because she wanted to show people what she could do with a the weakest chefs. All three were taken aback. Yeah, Virginia, here's a hint, when you have people working for you, don't tell them you think they suck. This prompts Keith to demand some kind of payment if she wins, the other two back him up. Virginia claims that she doesn't believe in money as a reinforcer, but the guys press the issue, and she caves, if she won, they'd all get one grand. HA! If it was one, I'd ask for more.
Heather chose, Rachel and Sara, poor Garrett was the odd man out, so he was sent to this team. I was a little surprised to see she chose Sara though. She and Sara have had some conflict, but I will say, Sara does have some skills. I guess Sara hates Virginina more than Heather, haha. She did get snotty at one point when her dishes were not plating to Heather's satifaction. Sara's a deli manger so she's prolly not used to someone telling her that her food wasn't good enough...but did she need to be such a brat about having to re-do a plate? Sheesh. Get over it, Sara.
Service went out fairly well...Virginia was slow and Heather had a fair;y good service. In the end, Heather won! I was very happy. If Virginia had won, I would've broken the tv.
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Saturday, August 12, 2006
So the folks who run this website have decided to "retire" the reviews and articles sections.
I have one word: LAME.
I think it's a stupid decision. I know someone's going to say "HOMG. THEY LIK RUN THA SITE, BE NIXX0RS YOU MEANIEZ. ADAM P0WNZ YOU!" ...FEH. I don't care... This place could be run by Moses for all I cared, I'm still going to say it.
IT'S TEXT FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. It's not like it's a drain on the resources of the site. If they didn't have blogs or my friend, Kip, stopped blogging in her...I'd leave. There's really nothing else worth looking at... for me anyway.
Yeah there's fan art... but, I don't look at it all that often. I don't use any other part of the site really.
I enjoyed the articles and reviews...If I knew if they accepted reviews for a series that had been reviewed...I have PLENTY to submit for them. Articles? WELL CRAP. I'm almost finished reworking my Utena Movie relationship map...and I was starting to work on a series I was planning to do on the Black Rose Saga.
Double lame.
What's going in it's place? I don't know of any official word... Fan Manga? Well that's a lame idea.
a.) 90% of Fan manga aren't worth my time. They're all tired gags or over used jokes regarding characters. What? Another Orichmaru is gay joke? Inuyasha said something rude? ANOTHER Link gives "navi whats coming to her?"! WOW...Such FUNNY and ORIGINAL ideas. *snores* Excuse me while I contain my excitement.
b.) People already post their fan mangas in fan art...which is where it belongs. Why shut down beloved sections for a new and unesscary catergory?
What about fan fiction?
a.) See above a.)
b.) Mary Sue.
Again. I say this is a lame decision on the Otaku's Adminstrators... Maybe reviews should go... I don't know how much interest that held...But like I said. I could easily revive that section by myself, I just wish I knew if they allowed multiple reviews for a single show... There's plenty of series whose reviews I disagree with...
Articles are well beloved amongst the users. Why else would they get so many large submission thingehs? Personally, "retiring" the articles section is the single stupidest thing to be done to this site, hands down. WHY? "Hey! Let's take down the section of our site that has a marginal IQ." "AWESOME IDEA DUDE. Let's replace it with Anime Babes in Bikinis section instead!" 'Righteous'.
Way to go admins! Yeah. Let's refoucs our site away from deatiled discussions and the exchange of ideas. WHO WANTS THAT? Let's give more room for scribblings by our users. [85% of which who should not be allowed to weild a penicl near a sheet of paper....Yes I am included in that group.]
Yes. I'm snarky. It could be the fact it's 6am and I have YET to go to bed. Feel the typo and grammatical error love, baby.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2006
Almost there! It’s down to two! (Hell's Kitchen)
Have I mentioned how much I hated Virginia? If you haven’t noticed, I really detest her. So the challenge last night was Chef Ramsey whipped up his Signature dish. The Chefs would have an opportunity to examine and taste it…then by taste alone they would have to recreate the dish. Virginia won, surprisingly, despite how clumsy she is during dinner services; she’s fairly good with the challenges. BUT CAUSE SHE A STUPID LITTLE WH-*muffled screaming and begins to flail wildly*
Bishies: *Ungag her* Try and have some standards, okay?
Yeah okay. Basically Virginia won because she bought Chef Ramsey’s book not to long ago. Was his recipe in there? It’s seems kind of silly for him to use a recipe that he has in a cook book that any schmoe could buy, especially one that his contestants just bought. But it is his signature dish, why not but it into a book? I don’t doubt that Virginia bought the book to skim ideas to use in the next challenge either. However, I am a bit suspicious that Ramsey would do such a silly thing, however at the same time; I really refuse to admit that Virginia may have an excellent palette.
Good palette or not, can she back it up in the kitchen? Not really. It was par for normal with Virginia, clumsy as ever in the kitchen. I’ve also come to realize that Virginia is not only a terrible chef but knows absolutely nothing about dogs!
Okay listen up folks. When dealing with an aggressive dog, never, ever, look them straight in the eye. They take that as a challenge. That’s why children are the common victims of dogs bites. They’re right one level with the dog, and they like to look them in the eye and bark back. Despite what Virginia thinks, if you’re out and about and feel threatened by a dog, it is best to “run away” (actually walk away, sudden quick movements will excite prey instinct in some dogs with their roots in hunting.) Because when a dog is barking at you, it’s letting you know that’s his property and he’s the boss. It’s best to let him think that and walk on by.
Secondly, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Rubbish. All dogs are trainable, no matter what the age. Keep in mind the breed of dog; certain breeds are little more difficult to train. (Sled dogs for example, or any other breed whose history involves the dogs working somewhat independently from the owner.) Health too is important; some dogs aren’t as healthy as others in old age. Aliments such as stiff muscles or arthritis will prevent them from moving unesccarily. However, I’ve seen older, shelter and rescue dogs be taken in, trained and become therapy dogs or service dogs.
New rule, clichés should not be allowed to spoken on the elimination line. However, the best “please don’t kick me out” speech goes to Giacamo and his “greasy potato”.
Her attitude annoys me too. “Boohoo. I am the outsider. My feelings are hurt. No one likes me. It’s so hard to be me!” ….IT’S SO HARD BEING AROUND YOU “I’m just going to pack my bags now. I know you guys want to eliminate me. You’re going to just eliminate me. Pity party.” UGH. BE QUIET. I don’t know how she keeps ending up on the chopping block and escaping… Maybe Ramsey DOES have a crush on her. I would’ve sent her home a LONG time ago.
Keith got eliminated today. That saddens me. Seriously. I liked him, he’s improved a lot since the very beginning. I’m rather proud of him. Personally, I think he deserves to be in there more than Virginia does. Heather has to win. If Virginia wins…I will kill someone. And it won’t be pretty.
Yes Keith’s leadership skills need some work…but he can cook better than Virginia! Haha. I kind of cheered him on when he told Chef Ramsey off when he was eliminated. xD
Next week is following the same format as last season’s. The chefs to get to design one half of the current Hell’s Kitchen…down the table clothes and the waiter’s clothes. Then get their menu together and such…. But the hard part…Kitchen staff. Yup. Everyone who’s been eliminated is coming back. Though I can’t remember if they get to pick or if Ramsey picks.
But oh man. TOM’S BACK. I think I hated him even more than Virginia. WHY OH WHY IS HE BACK? I hope Virginia gets him, there’s no way he’ll listen to her and no way she can assert himself with him.
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Monday, July 31, 2006
Dundundaa…It’s getting hotter in here, We must be getting closer to HELL.
It’s Monday night, time for my ramblings on Hell’s Kitchen.
If you saw the first episode of Hell’s Kitchen, it’s obvious that my least two favorite characters, were casted into the generic reality TV show molds. Now even Hell’s Kitchen, the FIRST reality cooking show…. (I think….? Haha…Maybe top chef was first?)
Virginia was our token “flirt” even in her bio photo she was primping. She constantly babbles on how Ramsey is so “hot” and she gushes like a school girl whenever he compliments her. To round out her girly-ness, she even a fluffy “foo foo” girly pseudo-chef, a salad chef. (I’m SORRY. I refuse to call someone who specializes in SALADS, which is primarily raw veggies to be a CHEF)
And Sara, a deli manager, so she’s used to bossing folks around. She naturally clashes with my favorite, Heather, who is a Sous Chef and used to bossing others around as well… and since a deli manger simply isn’t as cool as Sous Chef, I hate her. Well…I didn’t start hating her until she took that whole snarky attitude about how she was going to pick away at her own ranks. Uhm, no. That’s now how you run a kitchen, what you want to do is get Ramesy’s attention. One way is to work your butt off at your station, another is to help your teammates in order to get your tickets out. Only when you shine brightly in the kitchen, do you get awarded and then can you select who stays and who goes. When you’re picked as the best of the worst, then you be devious and plot…but be careful plans often blow up and go awry…
So yeah, Virginia only won the construction because of her flirting. Could’ve been her food? Meh. I don’t think so. (Simply because I don’t like feta and I don’t think turkey and feta are a good combo) All in all it was probably a decent sandwich. I was surprised Keith didn’t win. He’s been cooking really well lately, he’s come a long way, and he’s my second favorite now. (I’m just so loyal to Heather!) I was surprised that heather was the least favorite. Then again, now that I think about it, she set herself up for that one. Fried chicken sandwich and fries, it does sound good, and I’d gladly eat one for lunch…but….those construction workers have prolly eaten a billion of them. The other three, chose some more unusual and gourmet dishes…which is why I was expecting Keith’s to win, the fanciest of them all.
Sara’s gone. Meh. I’m not sad really, it’s just that….I hate Virginia a whole lot more and I respect Sara more as a chef…. Virginia is just a flirt… that’s all she is…and her whole crying and booing to Heather and then chef…could be one of two things – she’s just a moron or she’s a flipping brilliant stagiest…. I’d say she’s more like an opportunistic moron. She saw the chance of saving her hide and she’d rather sour the chances for someone else than toast herself.
Come on, she may be able to please a gaggle of construction workers…but can she run a gourmet restaurant? NO. For cripes sake, she was screwing up the VEGETABLE station….THEY’RE VEGETABLES. Unless you don’t wash them, they’re hard to mess up. She burned the peas and cabbage…yup…you heard me…She burned them…while they weren’t charred…they tasted burnt…so that meant the pan/sauce/seasoning/whatever were burnt flavoring the veggies as such… Ramsey threatens her with revoking her “safe” status and she still flounders more.
She’s not making it to the finals. Please. She may win the next challenge but she’s too scattered brained to win.
*wants to see Heather and Keith win* …amah H&K ALL THE WAY!
I wonder if it’ll be like the last season….in the finals… the two top chefs take control over one side of the kitchen and everyone else comes back to be their team….
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
Random Reviews and Stuff.
The YYH movie. Only for the the hardcore YYH fan. The animation is nice taking in account the age of the series, no complaints there. However, the story is a little week, it’s on the same standard as some of the not so shiny fan fics. However, it’s a decent flick if you don’t listen to the dub track. I think ( not 100%) the film’s English cut was dubbed prior to Funimation’s dub. The voice actors are dreadful. Well Botan’s and Kurama’s Vas weren’t bad… the little red haired girl was annoying…but the movie only characters were acted decently. The movie’s a must for any Yoko fan because it delves, slightly, into his past.
It’s worth a rent, not a buy.
Kyo Kara Maoh! Vol. 3
Still kinda fillerish. My only complaint with the series really, it’s hard to tell where it’s focus is going to be. It IS a comedy series, so you really can’t take it too seriously. However, it’s not as dissant as Excel Saga, so it shouldn’t feel it can’t ground it’s plot completely. Wolfram was a completely angry jealous finance through the entire DVD which was funny… I just hope he’s a little more himself next time. However it does flesh out two theories for WolfxYuri. Either a.) He’s so prideful, it doesn’t matter how he feels about Yuri, they WILL be a proper couple. Or b.) Wolfie has a secret crush. Which is cute… Anyhow it’s nice to see Yuri and Gwendal to some sort of (albeit brief) understanding. :3 Yay! The last episode on the DVD I think will bring us to a more plot centered place. Yuri is finally realizing the gravity of accepting the throne as the Great Demon King.
Spiral Vol 2.
The anime that makes you smarter by watching it! Seriously, check it out, if you liked Dectative Conan/Case Closed, you like Spiral. It’s similar to a darker Conan. And we really get to see the “evilness” in Rio. That what kills me about her… she looks so innocent…even almost moe-ish…She’s Satan if the Devil had grey pigtails. Some small development in Ayumu… Hiyono was oddly clever as well. All in all, normal Spiral fun. The English VA’s are decent… but sometimes their performances seem off, but it’s a good dub.
Yeah. Pretty lazy “reviews” normally I like to more in-depth ones…but because of my laziness… eh…and finals coming…. :P
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Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Human Age
Virtual human development game
Human Age is a rather interesting browser based game... It has one of the more orginal concepts I've seen used for a game. Basically you move your character throught various points in human history, starting off as a Cave Man(or Woman!)
It's kinda like a turn based game... there's only so much you can do during a period of gameplay....So right now it takes me about 5 minutes and I'm down... but I still rather enjoy it.
:3 Check it out if you're curious.
(Psst...if you do sign up....tell them understandgrey sent you!)
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Monday, July 24, 2006
TV Movies are Medicore
So… Fallen, it’s that new ABC Family TV movie. I’m a real sucker for anything that revolves around the mythology of Angels and Devils/Demons. So, I’m here to review it!
Synopsis – Think the Matrix meets the Bible…. Basically a prophecy revolves around a Nephilim, a half human, half angel kind of thing. And he’s a Messiah for Fallen Angels, to release them from their sins and allows them into heaven. Apparently God had been planning for this. Unfortunately, whenever there’s any kind of Savior, there’s someone out to kill him. We have one evil chick determined to slay every Nephilim she sees. And of course, our savior is naturally some sort of proverbial underdog. This time it’s a high school kid, just turned eighteen, he’s an orphan and struggling with his concepts of who he is and what is “family”.
Plot – This was apparently based off a book. I hope it was better. It’s not this is a BAD movie per say, it’s ‘not bad’ for a made for TV movie. I DID enjoy the film, primarily because I like anything Angel/Demon mythology centered. The film has some plot holes in it; things that just make you go “what? How did he…?” or “Why did they do that?” … I should’ve written the teleplay….However, to its credit It had a good ending… instead of happy fluffy kind… it’s rather bittersweet. For the most however, it plays out kind of like some hack work you can find on any internet writer’s forum. [4/10]
Characters – The only likeable one is the dog…and maybe the little autistic kid. Everyone else is flat and archetypical. Our main character ALWAYS does the “right thing” His parents are the generic “good Midwestern parents”. His friend is the classic jock, the red head kid plays a nerd who *GASP* wears glasses! [Hey, casting folks… not all nerd wear glasses….people with glasses aren’t necessarily nerds either… what are you in the third grade? Shouldn’t you’ve outgrown that by now?] The love interest is the “obligatory ethnic nice girl” and we even have a token black character! The villains are flat; the good guys are flat… BLEH. I’d rather this be made into a mini-series so that the characters were a little more fleshed out….. [1/10]
SFX – Not bad for a TV movie, even marginally good… until…you see the wings…. I can’t figure out if they’re supposed to be bat wings or typical angel wings. The fight sequence towards the end was especially bad but the flaming swords looked a little cool. For a TV movie…it’s standard SFX fare [5/10]
Overall: 3/10 [It’s a TV movie, so it’s going to be rather second-rate….]
Recommended? No, not really, unless you really loved the book this was based off of. Or if you’re like me and you love the mythology around Angels and Devils….. Regardless this is probably a movie you only need to see once. It’s not a bad waste of 2 hours; it just could’ve been a lot better. The network should’ve considered increasing the budget a little and shooting for a mini-series…at least the plot and the characters would be better
It’s a safe movie for anyone over the age of 8. I don’t remember much cursing (If any) there’s only one or two scenes with blood (both non-lethal) People do die…however almost all of them are the Powers and they have a Buffy the Vampire slayer-esque sequence. The final fight may be a little intense for the wee kiddies.
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Dear Hell’s Kitchen, I like tennis!
Maribel left, eh, I could care less. She didn’t do anything really noteworthy; she wasn’t especially interesting, simply mediocre. She could easily be a chef at restaurant like Chilli’s or Applebee’s. I think that’s how she got so far, is that she doesn’t stand out at all. So Chef didn’t notice her until now.
Whoo boy, so Sara and Virginia are all that’s left on the red team. xD This cracks me up. I wish that they wouldn’t combine teams… I want to see Virginia and Sara just squabble at no end. That would be awesome. On the blue team side, I was rather impressed with Keith, given the chance; he makes a half decent leader. Garret, gosh, what crawled up his butt? He always seems to be wound up extra tight during dinner service. When anyone tries to give him a hand, he’s snappish. I know, having someone else come to your station can be unnerving, it’s like ‘Hello there, you suck, I’m here to fix your mistakes.’ Well, suck it up Garret, it’s either that or you have Ramsey shrieking at you.
Sara will doom the kitchen next week. I know it. The Blue team finally got to finish an entire service, Sara will destroy that. Again, my biggest complaint is her “me first” mentality. NO. If you want to be a chef, it should be “Kitchen First”. Instead of focusing so much on ‘how can I screw everyone else over’ focus on ‘how can I cook this so well, Ramsey will have to acknowledge it?’. If she wants her own fancy restaurant so bad, I want to see her actually work for it.
I’m aware that post production editing often skews people’s personalities on reality tv, but I don’t care. We need someone to hate, right?
Who’s the “mysterious” woman that comes between Keith and Garret? It’s not Heather, if it was, it would’ve happened sooner. Sara? HAHA and I’m Miss Teen USA…. It’s Virginia. Its obvious, she has that very coquettish behavior. And she’s a priss. Guys like prisses fro some reason.
Can’t wait til next week!
So yeah, I checked out Toonami Jetstream. The quality of the service is okay, the videos “stalled” frequently on me. It’s not the same quality as AS Fix…then again…this is a brand new service, so there’s going to be an extra load on the server and it’s new so it’s still a little buggy…but I think in a few weeks it’ll get better.
I actually liked Hikaru no Go. I couldn’t get into the manga, prolly because I hopped right into the middle and then hopped out. The anime, I liked, but I prolly wont give the manga a second chance. It was a decent dub, the only voice I didn’t care for much was Hikaru…everyone else was decent. The animation was on par with normal tv stuff, nothing spectacular. The opening was forgettable, the ending was good and the BGM was appropriate….I think. I will definitely watch this…
MAR (Maruchen Awakens Romance). Was fairly standard, it followed the manga pretty closely (YAWN) if it doesn’t deviate some from it, I’ll end up getting bored…. Or not…depends… Usually if I read a manga then see the anime I’m more interested in it than I would be if I saw the anime then read the manga. Anyhow, the dubbing was decent… nothing really bad, but nothing remarkable either. Haha. I think it’s interesting that Spike Spigel, Shinji’s VA is Ginta’s. I smell some EvaxMAR fan fics…The animation was a little sub par, personally. It was standard fare across the board. I will keep watching it, just to see if it’s worth watching or just reading.
The Prince of Tennis. YES I WATCHED IT. It’s not bad. Haha. But at least from the first episode it seems pretty clichéd for a shouen sports series…. Haha not that I’m familiar with a lot of shouen sports series…but it seems a little predictable. Anyhow. It’s a guilty pleasure for me. I feel so cheesy for liking it though.
Haha, just to embarrass myself. Anime I normally wouldn’t admit to watching:
Prince of Tennis
Ichigo 100%
Kaleido Star
Sailor Moon (Live Action)
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