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magical land of lawn gnomes
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uh... long time... back when FOX was airing Sailor Moon on saturday mornings...
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Come my way.
 You are Agent Excel Excel. You are easily manipulated and easily ammused by anything...especially shiny things. You are a little wacky and should probably seek professional help if at all possible...
What Excel Saga Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, May 9, 2005
Worship me you fools! *cough hack cough* Did I say that out loud? Ignore that.
Muchly happiness, I talked to Sparkles for the first time in ages last night, it was awesome. I've missed her to pieces, it was great seeing her again. Hope to see her soon.
Soooooooooooo.... uh.... just for the sake of randomisty... haha I went to the mall with Kip on Saturday... ((haha we were gone for 7 seven hours, and I didn't spend more than 50 dollars. Most of the stuffies I got were discounted/sale anyhow)) I ended up getting...
The first FMA manga...
Naruto #6,
The Last Unicorn on DVD (gah, I watched that movie so many times on tape as a kid. Oh man, if you don't know what the Last Unicorn is... you are a poor deprived soul. The book is good too...)
Excel Saga #1 DvD (OH MAN!!! This anime is so friggin' awesome!!! I can't believe I've lived so long without it *clings to it*)
Pearl/Glitter Cream eyeshadow from Claire's (*mumbles* that haven't gotten that one handcuff necklace I wanted back in stock yet... it was like.... spiffo)
HAHA, I swear... I HAVE to get that Chinese Takeout carton purse... I must ask for it for my b-day or get with the money I'll get for my b-day...
And yes... I made a fool of myself at Hot Topic as usual. Every single variety of bondage pants they had in stock ((Well, the mens' atleast. The womens' are too tight.)) I psyhically clung to and proclaimed my love, quite loudly to them. Even asked them if I could have thier babies. This guy who was looking at thier CDs gave me a look that said: 'Holy-crap-how-long-have-you-been-off-your-medication?' ....I get those kind of looks quite often.
And there was this weird dude that we ran into twice. Once at Suncoast, he was talking to Kip about the ending to Gundam Seed and she looked rather uncomfortable and pretty much ignored him and continued to flip through the DVDs. Then he told me I could rent Princess Monoke at Blockbuster to which my reply was 'but owning it is so much better! You can watch it over and over and over!' and he only repeated that I could rent it at blockbuster... thanks but I do actually plan to buy it...sooon... Then he showed up again.. we were walking past the sales counter and I said something about dancing in circles... and the weird guy from suncoast pops up and babbles about ballroom dancing and the 'sensuality of the movements' THE CRAP?!?!? haha ......stalker....
OH! Kip and I were recongized by one of the folks at Suncoast too... haha She was the manger at the one that's in the Crabtree mall up in Raleigh. (we were there wasting time before we saw CATS) ....I wonder how she could've recongized me... haha considering... I'm quite loud when I get excited. XD clinging to random shelves going 'I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!' We're famous now! *cackle*
10 days till my birthday (AND!!! Star Wars III!!!)
22 'til graduation (*gulps* *pit forms in stomach* WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I DUN WANNA MAKE A SPEECH!!!!!!!!!! *Hides*)
I guess that's everything worth telling anyone about.
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Descendents of Darkness
Descents Of Darkness
My first impression: O0o0o this guy on the cover is cute. *reads back cover* Grim reaper, eh? Death is good. *buys*
After reading: A good, well written manga, there’s action, suspense, good characters, and some comedy; a little dollop of everything.
Summary: Here we are, another manga about spirits and the afterlife, now we see it as something we may be more familiar here in the living world, a bureaucratic government-type office. Our main character Tsuzuki is a grim reaper, he travels to the living world and ‘helps’ those bodies cross over to the underworld when their name appears in the book of the dead. He may have the body and looks of a man in 20’s but he’s being working for the underworld for about 70 years and no promotions… In fact a running gag in the manga is the fact that he can’t quite perform well enough to earn a bonus, despite being labeled as one of the best fuda magic users. Though it is a bit hard to tell where the plot is going from this fist volume
What I liked about it: Nice art, and I love the characters, I want to keep reading to uncover more about Tsuzuki's past.
What I didn’t like: I don’t have any real clue where the story is headed but this is true for the first volumes of many manga, it normally takes another 1 or 2 volumes for the plot line to get really good.
So, here’s how DoD rates up on my scales…
Art: 10
Characters: 8
Plot: 6
Overall: 8
Priority to buy: Medium.
While it is a good read and all… I think this one of the manga where you either love it or hate it. I suggest looking for scans online, borrowing a friends copy, or reading a good chunk in the store before you buy your own copy, and judge to see if you like it or not.
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Sunday, April 24, 2005
My first impression: I thought it would be crap. From what I had hear about the series, it seemed it would end up being an overly cutesy cross between Ranma 1/2 and DNAngel. I was not expecting much from it.
Thoughts after I read it: I was wrong... so very wrong. There was much more depth to the story and the characters itself. Man... the characterization in this manga was awesome... there's so many layers to it. It was just wow... I was blown away.
What I love about this manga: The plot and most of the characters, there's all these shadowy undertones and such... so much left unanswered. GEH! I'm addicted! Oh and the little stick figure-esqe drawings, crack me up.
What I hate about this manga: Some of the character designs, like Yuki's for example. I find very creepy. Yuki's eyes to me are very unsettling and I don't understand why he has a fan club... And Tohru... perky/happy female main characters always seem to annoy me.. don't ask me why.
So... here's how 'Furuba' (or Fruits Baskets) rates up on my scales...
Plot: 10
Characters: 9
Art: 7
Overall: 8.7
Laugh/Cry Meter (I love a good series that makes me laugh or cry, greats ones, I do both): Cried
Priority to buy: HIGH!
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