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College Student, Artist
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Erin Witzel
lots.... I suppose....
Anime Fan Since
around 1998? aah... the good ole days...
Favorite Anime
Gundam SEED (Destiny), Bleach, Hana-Kimi, Eureka Seven, Ouran Host Club, Naruto, FMA, Wolf's Rain, Hikaru No Go, Studio Ghibli and MANY MANY MORE!
become a famous artist and/or manga artist
drawing, cosplay, reading, animals, computers, writing, learning Japanese...
ummm. . . stuff?
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Nanika atta?! Dakara? Dakara? It is finally time for my comeback to TheOtaku!! School was just so extremely insane that I didn't have much time for anything. Well, I still managed to draw, read manga, and watch anime! That's a must! Can't live without 'em!! LOL
It's nice to see all of your smiling faces again (or not, but your typed words are just as nice.) I've actually been hanging around here for a couple of days waiting until I could upload some pics. Go check them out!!
Most of them are from my story I had to write for English class. We could write about whatever we wanted as long as we used the required vocab words-- so why not use that chance to write a possible manga idea? I really like the way my story turned out, and in my head I saw it as a manga/anime-- so that's my new endeavor! I'll have to put my other manga on hold for a while ^_^;
Here's a little blurb if you're interested:
Sixteen year old Aki Akamura is no ordinary human. Aki is the Nibori-- the one who holds the Fire Stone enabling him to use the powers of Kaji no Ryuu, the Dragon of Fire. The Fire Stone is a very precious item, and is now greatly desired by the ninja tribe, Sarutobi, to resurrect one of their holy ancestors. The hunt is on, and Aki is the prey. However, there is a legend-- a sword called ryuutsume is said to have the power to "break spirits".When Aki's master sends him on a journey to find ryuutsume, only disaster can follow. Can Aki find ryuutsume before it's too late?
Sound interesting enough? :P
Anyway, my summer is going to be very busy -_-" I have three AP classes next year: AP Calculus, AP English, and AP Art... and each of them has their share of SUMMER WORK... bah... SHOOT ME NOW!!
AND I have to make my costume for Otakon this year!! Which *should* be a good thing, not labeled as "work". I'm going as Pai Mei Lin from Alice 19th, and my friend is going as Alice... It shall be AWESOME!!
The other day I found an anime music GOLD MINE!! I was SO EXCITED!! You have no idea!! So many songs, from so many awesome animes!! I'm in heaven!! Awesome songs from Gundam Seed, Fruits Basket, Scryed, .Hacks, Naruto, and especially FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!! Some of the best songs ever! "Ready Steady Go" (my obsession), "Unerasable Sin" (another obsession), as well as "Undo", "Melissa", and "Returnable Memories"! I also enjoy too much: Gundam Seed's "Zips" and "Akatsuki no Kuruma" (learning the words to), and Scryed's "Reckless Fire" and "Drastic My Soul." Definitely check out these songs if you care to have a good time!! I love them all... I jam really hard to my new CDs, LOL ^_~"
Anyway, glad to be back! I'll be here all summer long! Hope some of you guys remember me, and hopefully I'll meet some new friends! If you haven't yet, please vote on my new pics!! They are itching to get voted on, crying "Please Vote On Me!" Don't make them wait!
Dewa mata suguni ne!!
P.S. My profile page is still screwed up, so I can't change half of my site... and I am DYING to!! Argghhh!! |
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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
Long time no see, eh? I've been really busy with school and all and haven't had much time or willingness to update.. heheh ^_^; Well, I decided it was about time I did though!
There's not much of anything new going on. School is a pain in the butt... Does anyone notice that it's way to long? I mean, like you're at school for 7 hours a day already, and plus you go home and, at least for me, do like 2 hours of homework...? Isn't that retarded? I think we might as well live at school... -_-" grrr...
Anyway.. other than school, I haven't done much.. at least nothing interesting. Oh.. I did join or, whichever you call it... It's pretty cool though. I spend a good amount of time on the forums every day. (distration from hw) So, if you have an account there, my username is firewolf-chan... Someone already had firewolf -_-" grrr... heh.
The new TheOtaku seems pretty cool... I haven't had much time to thoroughly search it, but I like how it seems really dedicated to different anime series now, rather than just a few before.
I might have a little bit of unimpressive art to put up, if I ever scan it... No time to draw anymore!! That's not cool!! :(
Anyway.. sorry I haven't posted in like, forever.. but not too many look at my site anyway, so at least I'm not disappointing a lot of people, if any, LOL. Anyway.. I hope you all are doing well!! Sayonara for now! =^_^= |
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
Remembering September 11th....
I would like to remind all of you that today is the three year anniversay of the tragic day of September 11th, 2001... Please take a moment to honor all those who died due to this day's events and remember that terrorism must be stopped.
Yesterday I went to the stables and rode Buddy for a while... It was a lot of fun... oh, and I got shocked by the electrial fence, LOL... Well, I didn't know it was electrial til I got shocked, but I felt bad b/c the horse I was petting on the other side of the fence spooked.. (I wonder if she felt the shock?) Always an adventure, LOL...
Well, I did like nothing today.. I have a bunch of work to do for AP History.. So I should get to that soon... Well, this was short, but there's not much to talk about ^_^; Have a good day! |
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
hmm.. first day of school...
Well, considering I didn't get a very good night's sleep last night (didn't get to sleep for a while and kept waking up) I was rather tired in the morning... And then I was off to school...
Nothing too out of the ordinary... Things seemed pretty standard, it feels like a continuation of last year rather than starting a new year. I know everyone in all my classes (with some exceptions) b/c I'm always generally with the same group of people. This semester isn't going to be a piece of cake... I have AP American History, Chemsitry, and IMP IV Honors (um, I don't think all schools have IMP, it's a mixed of algebra, trig, and geometry... um, yeah... what I'm doing is supposed to be 12th grade math or something..)
*sigh* I had homework for AP History.. I spent two hours on it...! I'm so sick of doing it, so I just sort of made up some of it... I hate our textbook! It's confusing and I can't find the answers I'm looking for!! School is already giving me a headache... -_-"
Well.. I'm going to just take it easy for the rest of the night (considering I don't have the tolerance or energy to do much else) so... I'll be reading manga and watching anime ^_^ Have a good day everybody!! :) |
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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
back to school....
yup... school starts tomorrow.. that sucks... :( *sigh* I'm really tired and I have a headache... so I want to get some sleep tonight, esp. since I gotta get up at 6:30 in the morning... -_-;
hmm.. more haters... that seems to be all I post about, LOL... Yeah, down to a 79%... I don't might the haters much as long as I'm in the 80's, but being voted down to a 79 really kinda pissed me off... -_-" Well, I think I'll wait a little while until this Voting Down Kick stops, and then I'll add some new pics (when I have some)
In other news.. It's really making me mad that my Edit Profile page does not WORK! I can't change like anything on my site... and I know so much HTML, it would be cool... A long time ago I e-mail Adam about it (twice) but got nothing.. maybe I'll try again other the new site is up and all...
Oh!! I saw my "anime buddy" yesterday.. We switched manga, and now I have 8 new manga to read!! Let's see, there's:
DNAngel 3 (Read it.. AWESOME)
Eerie Queerie 3 (Reading it now ^_^)
Kill Me Kiss Me 3
Hana Kimi 1
Hana Kimi 2
Hana Kimi 3
Angel Sanctuary 1
Angel Sanctuary 2
So, I gotta get cracking on them!! I love reading manga!! That's why I want to make my own mange some day.. to give other people that joy! LOL
Well, see ya tomorrow (after school, bah) |
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Saturday, September 4, 2004
happy happy joy joy
aahhh.... for once I have something to talk about, and for once I can say I'm happy... WOOT!!! Okay... anyway, I guess you'd like to know why, huh?
Soo... I finally got a chance to go to some stables and get some horse experience... A friend we know has a horse and she offered for me to go out to the stables (about 40 mins away) and "get my feet wet"... Her horse is a 14.2 hh Belgian mix, and his name's Buddy.. actually, he's quite old... about 30 or 35... which is pushing it for a horse, but he doesn't seem old at all! He's a very sweet horse!!
So, we groomed him and gave him a bath... and then I got a chance to ride him for a little bareback (with a saddle pad) At first I was just led around on him, but then we put on his bridle and I got to steer ^_^ Oh! I forgot to mention... umm... Buddy kind of stepped on my foot -_-" Actually, more like stood on my foot for a few second... It hurt for a while and I was fearing for my poor little toes, LOL... It's a little sore now, but I dont'care much...
Anyway... I'm hoping to get to go back to the stable regularly, and there's even a chance for me to lease a horse ^_^ You may not be able to comprehend why, but I am very happy :D
Anyway... in other news... looks like (once again) I got voted down.. A LOT this time -_-" Down to an 80... oh well... look's like someone's doing a lot of voting down, b/c the TOP Rated List was once full of 83 and 82ed rated artists, and is now mostly full with 81's... *sigh*
Well... I'm hoping to get to see my 'anime buddy' sometime this weekend.. She's my best anime friend, but she's in college now.. so I won't see her in school anymore :'( But we're gonna switch manga, so I'll have a lot to read!! Yay!! Anyway... I'm tired now... It's been a long day ^_^' I hope everyone has a good day.. I have!! LOL :D |
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
meguru meguru toki no naka de....
once again I've been lazy and haven't posted... heheh ^_^; Well, sorry.. Life is just really boring right now, so there's not much to talk about and I wouldn't want to bore you guy, LOL ;)
Anyway... ooh! I made it back on the Top Rated List somehow... dunno how, but I did, so that's nice ^_^
oh.. and my computer is still being stupid... It doesn't load pages right and it's really annoying.. it doesn't load all of the images on a page... which makes it a pain to view the fanart site... And it also doesn't always open links.. saying they they don't exist.. -_-"
damn... school starts in a week... -_-" No more free-time... guess that's how life is... at least the first dozen and some years...
Something intersting happen!! Please!? I'm dying here... ^_^; LOL... I guess school won't be so bad since it'll give me something to do... -_-'
Well... told you there was nothing interesting to talk about... sorry you had to sit through a boring post ^_^; |
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
grrr... this stupid thing deleted my post... well, here we go again.... -_-"
Sorry I haven't been posting... The dogs left on Sunday.. They are really sweet dogs but taking care of them is a lot of work, especially on top of the other pets I have... Anyway, they are happy to be home ^_^
My computer's being retarded *kicks computer* ever since my sis did some update on our MSN interent service... Now it acts like some links don't exist (when they do) and doesn't load all of the images on each page... -_-" *kicks again*
Nothing new art wise... well, anime-related art, that is... I've been painting, and I'd like to post some of my non-anime work, but this being an anime site, I don't want too... even though some people do, but I don't think they should...
Well, a few days ago, someone came by and voted down like half my pics, bringing my overall rating down to a 81 and knocking me off the Top Rated Artists List... Oh well.. I'll just have to draw something and get back on the list... *sigh*
I've been watching the Olympics like non-stop.. I dunno why, but I watch it like all day long... I've been particularly glued to the beach volleyball and, of course, the equestrian...
WOOT!!! GO MAY AND WALSH!!! This amazing beach volleyball team rocks the court!! They did not lose a single match the entire tournament!! The two are just amazing, and won the USA's very first Gold in beach volleyball!! Also, McPeak and Youngs got the Bronze, after battling their countrymen May and Walsh in the semi-finals, but winning in the match against Australia for the Bronze... Anyway, May and Walsh are like the best players in the world! Congrats on the Gold!
In equestrian, USA got the Silver in the Team Show-Jumping competetion today, battling it out against Switzerland for the second position. While the Germans basically kicked everyone's butt, in the jump off for the battle of the Silver between the USA and Switzerland (being tied in faults), the two were basically tied, but the USA had faster times and before the last round, the Switz gave the Silver to the USA...
I also saw some of the indiviual competetions of Dressage, Show-Jumping, and Cross-Country, but didn't really catch it all, so I hope to get to watch all of the Equestrian in the following days... I did watch some this morning though... American Debbie McDonald missed the Bronze by one point in the Music freestyle Dressage, where riders construct a performance to music.
I've watched basically whatevers on... A lot of Track and Field, Diving, Gymnastics, and a bunch of other odd things like Water Polo.. that's so funny, LOL... Hey! Japan won in the Women's Marathon!! WOOT! I was cheering for her!!
Yay! USA is leading in metals!! WOOT!!! *holds up American flag*
Anyway, I probably bored you all, but I'm finding myself very interested in the Olympics... I mean, some of the things these people do are amazing!! The least I can do is watch them and marvel at their athleticism
P.S. Has anyone seen that Visa commercial were all the athletes are unprepared and don't have their equipment? That is one funny commercial
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004
long time no see... ^_^;
heya.. sorry I haven't posted.. I've been lazy.. ;) These doggies are making me tired but they leave in less than a week ^_^'
I haven't done anything new anime art-wise.. though today I painted some... animals, of course...
*sigh* oh, I hope to put up some new art soon.. I must seem boring to everyone, LOL.
*tries to think of some way to start a conversation...* soo.... umm... when do you guys go back to school? (those who aren't already back to school or are in a different season, that is) I think I go back the 8th or something.. after Labor Day... Is it just me, or did this summer go by way too fast? I'm not too thrilled about going back to school (who would be?) ... I know it's going to be a lot of work... -_-"
^_^' Oh, yesterday, for my mom's b-day, we went to a Chinese-Japanese buffet... *yum* I tried some Japanese food just to say I did, ya know? See if I like it..? Well, once again, I dared myself to eat sushi... And once again I gagged on it.. Though I made myself swallow.. I really can't stand it and it's sad that I love the Japanese culture, but can't stand sushi... -_-" Oh, and I tried some miso soup... another failure... it smells and tastes disgusting *in my opinion, of course* It should say: "Please eat only at Eater's Discretion" LOL ^_^;
Well, sorry for the boring post
That's all folks! O-yasumi nasai!! |
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
uumm.. Stats?
hmmm... not much to talk about... I haven't gotten much of a chance to do anything productive... I was backed up on reading my Shonen Jump, so I've been reading a lot of it today and yesterday... I should be caught up by the end of today ^_^"
I don't know what to say, so I'll post some stats about my site and art...
Total Visits: 681
Populatiry Ranking: #392
Guestbook Entries: 61
Member Since: 03/26/04
Total Works of Art: 33
Total Votes: 1579
Overall Rating: 82%
Latest Art: 07/28/04
First Art: 03/27/04
Highest Rated Art: Kyoshiro" (94%)
Lowest Rated Art: Inuyasha and Kikyo (68%)
Most Commented On:Kenshin and Kaoru (23 comments)
Least Commented On:Naruto Sketch (0 comments)
Most Popular:Kenshin and Kaoru (99 votes)
Least Popular:Botan (29 votes)
Art in the 90's%: 6 pieces
Art in the 80's%: 14 pieces
Art in the 70's%: 10 pieces
Art in the 60's%: 3 pieces
Well, that about that most amount of stats I can think of ^_^" Thanks for making me well established at!! ^_^ |
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