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myOtaku.com: firewolf

Tuesday, June 22, 2004


Well... I'm happy to inform you that great things have been happening for me around the Otaku! I have over 1000 total votes and with an overall rating of 78% *it was 79 f0r a while, but... :( * I have currently been on the Top Artists List, and let's keep it that way, LOL... And I have over 315 visits and nearly 40 guestbook entries... Soo... Thanks everyone for your support!! ^_^ It's nice to show your art and get positive feedback, especially on the internet since there's such a vast audience :) So, thanks again!
Other than that.. not much has been happening... Me and my "Anime Buddy" as I call her, went shopping on Saturday for our materials to make costumes for Otakon in Baltimore at the end of July!! She's going as Sakura from Naruto and I'm going as Ten Ten from Naruto... I've only made one other piece of clothing before, so making my outfit should prove challenging! And my friend has never used a sewing machine, so I most likely will be helping her a lot ^_^" It should be a lot of fun though, esp. since we get to be ninja! NINJA!
Oh, and while we were out, we went to Borders and I got the first two volumes of Saiyuki! yay! So cool! I'm almost done the second one... I love Goku, he's so cute ^_^ And all of the guys are cool, too. I wonder how many volumes they have out in English? Well, now I'm broke and I have to save up for Otakon!! I did save up and then I blew like a third of my money -_-" heh heh...
Oh... I don't know if I had mentioned this at all, but I'm going to Canada in one week ^_^ Yay! It should be lots of fun :) I have been there before, when I was 8, LOL. I forget how long we're staying.. Like 5 days? hmm... but yes, I will be away from the 29th, I believe, to the 3rd. And then 4th of July!! ^_^ Wow... The year is going by quickly, ne? ...Well, only in some aspects...
umm... yeah.. I'm probably boring you all... :P So, I will go. I should draw something... Maybe something from Saiyuki? We'll see ^_^

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