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myOtaku.com: firewolf

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


umm... *looks around* Where's everybody? Have you all left me? I'm still here! *waves hands* LOL ^_^"
I've been around here, checking up on things... but not too talkative, obviously :P

I've been working on costumes for me and my friend for Otakon at the end of July... I'm really excited.. It'll be my first convention ^_^ I'm going as Ten-ten from Naruto, and my friend's going to be Sakura from Naruto ^_^ We get to be NINJA!! hahaa... anyway...
I was playing around and was bored, and felt like coloring something, so I ended up coloring my old Kakashi pic... I like how it turned out though. It's only my second time taking a pencil sketch and coloring it in CG... It's a lot different then coloring black and white things ^_^
Anyway... go vote on it! Hope everyone's been having a good summer!

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