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College Student, Artist
Real Name
Erin Witzel
lots.... I suppose....
Anime Fan Since
around 1998? aah... the good ole days...
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Gundam SEED (Destiny), Bleach, Hana-Kimi, Eureka Seven, Ouran Host Club, Naruto, FMA, Wolf's Rain, Hikaru No Go, Studio Ghibli and MANY MANY MORE!
become a famous artist and/or manga artist
drawing, cosplay, reading, animals, computers, writing, learning Japanese...
ummm. . . stuff?
Sunday, May 14, 2006
A Month of Madness
Nyaah! I haven't posted here in a month! Oh how hectice of a month it has been... Don't feel too neglected, I haven't been very active anywhere online since my last post here. Sorry to those of you who I usually read and comment on your blogs, but I unfortunately haven't had much free time lately... I can't wait until summer >.<
Here a list with brief descriptions of what has been going on, for those of you who care: ^_^;
1) AP Exams- The first week of may means the beginning of AP testing... I had three exams: AP English, AP Calculus AB, and AP Studio Art. In addition to study for Eng and Calc, I was very behind on my paintings for AP Art, and spent many a day painting in the last few weeks in April. Oh how I'm glad AP exams are over... I liked the Calc exam... I think I did pretty well ^_^ (STATUS: completed)
2) District Musical- Every year the school district puts on a musical, this year's being Beauty and the Beast. The show night were the on the last weekend in April and the first weekend in May. The play was great, but very time-consuming. Being just on stage crew, I spent a lot of extra time at school (it was worth it though!) I'll miss doing the musicals... this was the most fun one ^_^ (STATUS: completed)
3) Mural Project- for a class called Senior Project, students must do some sort of work study for 30 hours and at the end of the class make a presentation about it. I did a mural for my church, but it has yet to be finished >.< I worked on it today and yesterday, and many times before... It's almost done, but MUST be done by this Friday... Which means a lot of painting -_-" (STATU: not completed :( )
4) Homework- Yes... homework makes it on the list because it's so time consuming >.< and annoying... and... (the list could go on forever)... Soon, it will all be over!! And then c-o-l-l-e-g-e.... oh boy.... (STATUS: never complete >.< )
I just realized I graduate in exactly a month... so, this is the homestretch!! I trying to do my best with everything and enjoy it (if that's possible) and have time to sleep ^_^ Unfortunately, I haven't drawn in a while, nor have I seen much anime lately. I'm behind on manga, but come mid-June I'm stocking up on all the new novels!! :) Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there! Summer is almost here ^_~ Hopefully I'll update soon! Ja mata! :D
dewa mata suguni ne!

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