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myOtaku.com: firewolf

Monday, May 24, 2004

   Hey Hey!

hey everyone! Sorry for not posting.. I'm here, just too lazy to write a post, heh... that's pretty bad isn't it? Well, I've been having Naruto Marathons, so I spend a lot of my time watching episodes... you can never have too much Naruto, I must say ^_^
haha... I'm mad... My friend, who I got into Naruto, started d/ling episodes herself, and now she passed me in episodes! It's no fair cuz she's seen more than me... Oh well, I don't care that much, b/c I enjoy watching them at my own pace and I have other things to be doing... heh, I'm a competetive person, even at stupid things like that :P
Oh, I'm going to be working on my Sakura pic, and now that I got Photoshop 7 (I only had Photoshop 5 Limited Edition before) I can add cool brushes, YAY! ;)
It's REALLY, REALLY HOT here! Like in the 90's.... I hate the heat, and it's not fun when only a few rooms in our school are air conditioned.... But tomorrow's not supposed to be as hot ^_^ (Well, in the 80's, but that's not as bad...)
Well, Monday's suck, as usual... My day seemed very long, how 'bout you? I can't wait til the end of this week! Three day weekend!! Plus, I'm going to a local horse show, yay! I love it there, I go every year.... Plus, I have a half day on Friday, so it's like a 3.5 day weekend, hehe...

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