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myOtaku.com: Flame Master Hiei

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Guestbook Entries:

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Botan 6 (06/18/05)

hey! i like your site! the pictures are really cool! stop by my site sometime!
take care!

Reikimaru (06/18/05)

Hey nice site. Nice vitals and personal. Very creative*amused smirk*
Thought I'd say hi. Visit sometime K? Cyah*runs off*

party hiei (06/07/05)

hi visit my site i'll add u as a friend!!

shade the great (05/28/05)

i like the little things falling

demonwolf1252 (05/12/05)

cool wed site! me like

Saiai no hito (05/10/05)

Awesome site! I like all the pictures and the background, Hiei rocks. ttyl

~Saiai no Hito
aka Kaze

agonizing tears (04/21/05)

Should it really matter what gender...they..are? Heh, confused myself. Anyway, I'm new to this otaku.com thing and I was just looking for people who have a genuine interest in Hiei and that seems to be you. Er, I've said my piece, later. -wave-

Komugimaro (03/03/05)

i LOVE PIECES and i love hiei and i love ur background r u a boy or girl..?

Rrinthary (03/02/05)

THE SITE...........9 OUT OF 10
THE NAME...........20 OUT OF 10


PinkBunnyGirl144 (02/21/05)


You´ve got a really great site ^-^

Wish u the best


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