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myOtaku.com: FlameAlchimest93

Friday, August 18, 2006

Disturbing Conversation!
A disturbing conversation that I had with
InuyashaGurl9204. She's GirlDlphn3 and I'm Nonamenum2.

GirlDlphn3 [7:24 P.M.]: hello

Nonamenum2 [7:26 P.M.]: Finally! A normal greeting from you!

GirlDlphn3 [7:27 P.M.]: well you dont always give normal greetings either

GirlDlphn3 [7:28 P.M.]: and im offically give you the costume search over to you and if you cant find anything Shelby well attemot to make them

Nonamenum2 [7:29 P.M.]: why me?!

GirlDlphn3 [7:29 P.M.]: cuz i give up!

Nonamenum2 [7:29 P.M.]: I see what I can do

GirlDlphn3 [7:30 P.M.]: good luck

Nonamenum2 [7:30 P.M.]: thanks..I guess

GirlDlphn3 [7:30 P.M.]: youll really need it

Nonamenum2 [7:30 P.M.]: Oh..Iv'e got good news

GirlDlphn3 [7:31 P.M.]: yea

Nonamenum2 [7:31 P.M.]: www.AnimeMusicVideos.org

GirlDlphn3 [7:31 P.M.]: let me guess you save a lot of money on your car insurance

Nonamenum2 [7:32 P.M.]: You can download Music Videos...and they have DNAngel and InuYasha!

GirlDlphn3 [7:32 P.M.]: cool

Nonamenum2 [7:43 P.M.]: I'm gonna' get a new myspace account. But this one I'm going to use purely for anime. I'm going to delete my last one, too.

GirlDlphn3 [7:43 P.M.]: ight

Nonamenum2 [7:43 P.M.]: It's either going to have to do with Naraku or Bakura

GirlDlphn3 [7:44 P.M.]: how bout both like i did

Nonamenum2 [7:44 P.M.]: I'll do that

GirlDlphn3 [7:44 P.M.]: yw

GirlDlphn3 [8:10 P.M.]: watcha up to now?

Nonamenum2 [8:11 P.M.]: e-bay

GirlDlphn3 [8:12 P.M.]: kay...I searched anime costumes for a while found sum Inuyasha prts for a costume and sum other anime costumes but nine for Naraku,Ed,or Dark

Nonamenum2 [8:12 P.M.]: I'll try to find some, Kay?

GirlDlphn3 [8:13 P.M.]: alright

Nonamenum2 [8:13 P.M.]: Great...now I want a Naraku Plushie

GirlDlphn3 [8:13 P.M.]: why?

GirlDlphn3 [8:14 P.M.]: if i may ask

Nonamenum2 [8:14 P.M.]: Because if you type in "Naraku" a bunch of plushies pop up!

GirlDlphn3 [8:14 P.M.]: ok....

GirlDlphn3 [8:18 P.M.]: ROFL....take a break & watch this

GirlDlphn3 [8:18 P.M.]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aAIbC4ZYg8

Nonamenum2 [8:18 P.M.]: kay

GirlDlphn3 [8:18 P.M.]: its funny

GirlDlphn3 [8:19 P.M.]: *plays it over and over and laughs uncontrolably each time*

GirlDlphn3 [8:21 P.M.]: OMG did you watch it yet?

Nonamenum2 [8:23 P.M.]: lol yeah

GirlDlphn3 [8:23 P.M.]: told you

Nonamenum2 [8:23 P.M.]: and if he did run for president, I bet he'd win

GirlDlphn3 [8:23 P.M.]: "probaly making some alchemy of my own" ROFL

GirlDlphn3 [8:23 P.M.]: oh yea

Nonamenum2 [8:25 P.M.]: *sighs* Back to ebay

GirlDlphn3 [8:25 P.M.]: no wait one more

GirlDlphn3 [8:25 P.M.]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6gngbvC14U

Nonamenum2 [8:26 P.M.]: okay

Nonamenum2 [8:26 P.M.]: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6gngbvC14U

Nonamenum2 [8:26 P.M.]: oops...that was stupid

GirlDlphn3 [8:26 P.M.]: wat? i thought it was sorta funny

Nonamenum2 [8:28 P.M.]: it was

GirlDlphn3 [8:29 P.M.]: *sighs*OMG

Nonamenum2 [8:31 P.M.]: what

GirlDlphn3 [8:32 P.M.]: nothin really

Nonamenum2 [8:32 P.M.]: I'm gonna' stop lookin' for the night and type the thief king and the phoenix

GirlDlphn3 [8:32 P.M.]: alright tell me when youre done and ill read it

Nonamenum2 [8:32 P.M.]: k

GirlDlphn3 [8:33 P.M.]: you know wat ill be doin all night

Nonamenum2 [8:33 P.M.]: vic?

GirlDlphn3 [8:33 P.M.]: yeper

Nonamenum2 [8:34 P.M.]: OMG THAT SOUNDED SO WRONG! "You know what I'll be doin' all night?" VIC!

GirlDlphn3 [8:34 P.M.]: Brooke!

Nonamenum2 [8:34 P.M.]: WHAT?

GirlDlphn3 [8:34 P.M.]: *whines*

Nonamenum2 [8:37 P.M.]: hehe

GirlDlphn3 [8:38 P.M.]: im always geetin picked on by sum1. *sighs* i guess im gettin used to it

Nonamenum2 [8:39 P.M.]: hehe...*Shifty Eyes then falls out of her chair* BUNNIES!

GirlDlphn3 [8:39 P.M.]: what the.............?

Nonamenum2 [8:39 P.M.]: Shush! The computer has ears...uh...speakers?

GirlDlphn3 [8:40 P.M.]: what in the world?

Nonamenum2 [8:40 P.M.]: Ahhhh! The Furrbies are knawing on my legs! Run while you still can!

GirlDlphn3 [8:41 P.M.]: uhh........Brooke.........?

Nonamenum2 [8:41 P.M.]: No! Not the Ketchup! AHHHHHHHHH!

Nonamenum2 [8:41 P.M.]: *Helpless Gurgling Noises*

GirlDlphn3 [8:42 P.M.]: wat the heck id goin on here?

Nonamenum2 [8:43 P.M.]: AHHHHHHHH!

Nonamenum2 [8:48 P.M.]: Brooke Is currently having her legs chewed off by mutant furbies. She will be back shorlty. Thank you and have a nice day sir or madame.

GirlDlphn3 [8:53 P.M.]: Brooke?.....youre really freaking me out

Nonamenum2 [8:54 P.M.]: Christina...don't move...there's one right behind you...

GirlDlphn3 [8:55 P.M.]: brooke stop please!

Nonamenum2 [8:55 P.M.]: Yeah, Alright

Nonamenum2 [8:55 P.M.]: Hey guess what!

GirlDlphn3 [8:55 P.M.]: wat?

Nonamenum2 [8:59 P.M.]: My blanket is wrapped around me like I'm a burrito, I like burritos, I like them with a lot of hot sauce, My brother once dared me to drink hot sauce from the bottle and I did and it was really hot and it burned, but he gave me ten dollars, and you know what else cost ten dollars, My rubix cube, and I still haven't figured that stupid thing out! You know what else I can't figure out, Those freakin' Sudukos! I hate those thing. Haha I almost typed heart and I don't type hearts like that I type them like this

Nonamenum2 [8:59 P.M.]: I'm not done yet!

GirlDlphn3 [9:02 P.M.]: *Sighs* Brooke are you hyper...or on drugs?

Nonamenum2 [9:02 P.M.]: I type them like this <3 I don't just put heart because I think that sucks. And did you know that during heart surgery, they sometime have to stop your heart from beating so that they can put in a new one! So they practically kill you. Like your like a zombie when you wake up...like the living dead or someting. I love movies like that...they're so cool! Hey have you ever seen resident evil...now those movies are cool! One of these days, you're going to have to spend the night with me and we can watch movies-

Nonamenum2 [9:02 P.M.]: I'm not done!

GirlDlphn3 [9:03 P.M.]: i doubt i could

Nonamenum2 [9:06 P.M.]: Like that and it's gonna' be really cool because we're gonna' be freaking out and stuff. And the zombies aren't gonna' be freakin' out and stuff because they're dead and have like no brains. You know what, my dad said I had no brain once. But I was all like "Haha...wait...what?" And then he laughed at me. I wonder why! Mortal Kombat! OMG I want to go to my mom's house and play that game now! It's so hardcore gangster. Man I hate that Parody. I need to make a better one! I absolutly hate that one so bad!

Nonamenum2 [9:07 P.M.]: I'm not done!

GirlDlphn3 [9:07 P.M.]: Brooke i know you have problems but this is too far

GirlDlphn3 [9:07 P.M.]: are you listeniong to me

Nonamenum2 [9:07 P.M.]: It's okay...I'm out of stuff to rant about. I'll stop.

Nonamenum2 [9:08 P.M.]: I had to separate it so much because I typed to much in the box

GirlDlphn3 [9:08 P.M.]: i....have...nothing..to say

GirlDlphn3 [9:08 P.M.]: Brooke

Nonamenum2 [9:08 P.M.]: yeah?

Nonamenum2 [9:08 P.M.]: I'm gonna' put this conversation on the otaku!

GirlDlphn3 [9:08 P.M.]: I know you have problems but that was too much

GirlDlphn3 [9:08 P.M.]: oh...why?

GirlDlphn3 [9:11 P.M.]: *pants*DARK! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78AJebJExRA sorta

Nonamenum2 [9:11 P.M.]: because I don't usually go into ranting sessions but when I do they last for hours...you're lucky you survived. Hey I should make you a shirt that says "I survived one of Brooke's Ranting Sessions!" I had a shirt that said that I survived top gun...and I did...and you did. And everybody else did too! .........say hello to the nice people on theotaku!

GirlDlphn3 [9:12 P.M.]: okay........Hello theotaku!!!!!!!1

GirlDlphn3 [9:12 P.M.]: *drools*

GirlDlphn3 [9:13 P.M.]: me likey!!!!!*giggles*

GirlDlphn3 [9:13 P.M.]: (haha giggle)

Nonamenum2 [9:14 P.M.]: Wow..that was probably the hottest voice I have ever heard...in my life.

GirlDlphn3 [9:14 P.M.]: *squeals loudly*(literaly)

GirlDlphn3 [9:14 P.M.]: *growls and hisses*back off

Nonamenum2 [9:15 P.M.]: Woah...mood swings...are you going through menopause?

GirlDlphn3 [9:15 P.M.]: ive watched it 10 times already proably

GirlDlphn3 [9:15 P.M.]: you should see me now

Nonamenum2 [9:16 P.M.]: I'm afraid to

GirlDlphn3 [9:16 P.M.]: hehehehehe

GirlDlphn3 [9:19 P.M.]: i wish it was longer...actully wish Dark was real...or that Vic did more quotes of Dark....haha youll have to survive my rants now...hahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahah.....DARK!!!!!! I <3 DArk......hey i dont have menopause......just consider it mooodswings.............yay! for dots.........................................

GirlDlphn3 [9:20 P.M.]: hahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah

Nonamenum2 [9:20 P.M.]: Actually I don't. Brooke Is currently having her legs chewed off by mutant furbies. She will be back shorlty. Thank you and have a nice day sir or madame.

Nonamenum2 [9:21 P.M.]: Oh fine!

GirlDlphn3 [9:21 P.M.]: heheheh

Nonamenum2 [9:21 P.M.]: rant!

GirlDlphn3 [9:21 P.M.]: hahahahah

Nonamenum2 [9:21 P.M.]: that's not ranting, that's laughing

GirlDlphn3 [9:22 P.M.]: too late im sorta calming down...wat im saying i never calm down.,......well wat ya call this

Nonamenum2 [9:22 P.M.]: Are you talkin' to yourself?

GirlDlphn3 [9:22 P.M.]: I <3 dark i <3 dark

GirlDlphn3 [9:22 P.M.]: maybe[

Nonamenum2 [9:22 P.M.]: are you finished?

GirlDlphn3 [9:23 P.M.]: mmmmm......nope

Nonamenum2 [9:23 P.M.]: well hurry!

GirlDlphn3 [9:23 P.M.]: DArk DArk

GirlDlphn3 [9:23 P.M.]: never'

Nonamenum2 [9:23 P.M.]: you deranged fruit loop

GirlDlphn3 [9:24 P.M.]: *sighs* alright then you asked for it was gonna calm down....too late for that...you pscho

Nonamenum2 [9:24 P.M.]: You potato peeling butt head!

Nonamenum2 [9:24 P.M.]: Hi Otaku people!

Nonamenum2 [9:25 P.M.]: Pee-Wee Herman Scares me

GirlDlphn3 [9:25 P.M.]: you couch potato...you potato head............... HI PPL!!!!!!!

GirlDlphn3 [9:25 P.M.]: you betcha

GirlDlphn3 [9:26 P.M.]: my precious Dark!

Nonamenum2 [9:26 P.M.]: Gosh...I wish my grass was emo so it'd cut itself. Sorry that meant no offense to anyone

GirlDlphn3 [9:26 P.M.]: aw crap

Nonamenum2 [9:26 P.M.]: what?

GirlDlphn3 [9:26 P.M.]: this is goin on theotaku but oh well who cares

GirlDlphn3 [9:27 P.M.]: just a note to vic dont do Dark quotes while around!

GirlDlphn3 [9:28 P.M.]: espcially that line

GirlDlphn3 [9:28 P.M.]: Chicken!

Nonamenum2 [9:29 P.M.]: Uh...what?

GirlDlphn3 [9:29 P.M.]: hey i can be just as random as you

GirlDlphn3 [9:29 P.M.]: maybe even worse

Nonamenum2 [9:30 P.M.]: wanna' bet?

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: sure]

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: Bacon

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: Carrot

Nonamenum2 [9:30 P.M.]: Bet I can make you leave the computer!

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: Broclii

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: never

Nonamenum2 [9:30 P.M.]: InuYasha's on

GirlDlphn3 [9:30 P.M.]: i dont care

Nonamenum2 [9:31 P.M.]: 0_0 Really?

GirlDlphn3 [9:31 P.M.]: I <3 Dark more

Nonamenum2 [9:31 P.M.]: Who are you?! Are you the furbys!

GirlDlphn3 [9:31 P.M.]: no

Nonamenum2 [9:31 P.M.]: LIAR!

GirlDlphn3 [9:32 P.M.]: just your friendly random girl

GirlDlphn3 [9:33 P.M.]: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaha I like ceral

Nonamenum2 [9:33 P.M.]: You're about as friendly as arabid puma on steriods that just had it's tail shaved by random passer-bys!

Nonamenum2 [9:33 P.M.]: A rabid...my bad hoime

GirlDlphn3 [9:33 P.M.]: no im not take that back

GirlDlphn3 [9:33 P.M.]: I can be friendly at times

GirlDlphn3 [9:34 P.M.]: just not right now

GirlDlphn3 [9:34 P.M.]: im in ,y ranting stage

GirlDlphn3 [9:34 P.M.]: Waffles

GirlDlphn3 [9:35 P.M.]: WAffle waffle waffle

GirlDlphn3 [9:35 P.M.]: waffles is your weakness you hate waffles

Nonamenum2 [9:35 P.M.]: So? You hate spiders!

GirlDlphn3 [9:35 P.M.]: *growls*so wat

GirlDlphn3 [9:36 P.M.]: as long as there not near me there fne

Nonamenum2 [9:36 P.M.]: And when Rocky jumps onto the chair while we're watching videos on Youtube and scare the crap out of bth of us!

GirlDlphn3 [9:36 P.M.]: and on tv away from me

Nonamenum2 [9:36 P.M.]: you hate that too

GirlDlphn3 [9:36 P.M.]: ha youre wrong its Tiger that jumped and you were scared too

GirlDlphn3 [9:37 P.M.]: I can satnd it'

Nonamenum2 [9:37 P.M.]: It was a cat, I know that much

GirlDlphn3 [9:37 P.M.]: no it was a dog

GirlDlphn3 [9:37 P.M.]: of course it was a cat

Nonamenum2 [9:38 P.M.]: really I though it was an eskimo

GirlDlphn3 [9:38 P.M.]: really i thought it was an elephant

GirlDlphn3 [9:38 P.M.]: time to watch Dark on YouTube

Nonamenum2 [9:39 P.M.]: sicko

Nonamenum2 [9:39 P.M.]: Watchin' people like a crazy stalker...

Nonamenum2 [9:39 P.M.]: hey! Otaku People!

GirlDlphn3 [9:39 P.M.]: Im not a stalker

Nonamenum2 [9:39 P.M.]: Lair

GirlDlphn3 [9:39 P.M.]: youre a stalker

Nonamenum2 [9:40 P.M.]: you're face is a stalker!

GirlDlphn3 [9:40 P.M.]: even worse you probaly wanna rape Bakura

Nonamenum2 [9:40 P.M.]: ...

GirlDlphn3 [9:40 P.M.]: see you have nothing to say

GirlDlphn3 [9:40 P.M.]: im right

Nonamenum2 [9:40 P.M.]: ...

GirlDlphn3 [9:40 P.M.]: hahhahahahahha

GirlDlphn3 [9:41 P.M.]: I am sorry TheOtaku ppl but it is true

Nonamenum2 [9:41 P.M.]: Shut up!

GirlDlphn3 [9:41 P.M.]: Never

Nonamenum2 [9:41 P.M.]: Brooke Is currently having her legs chewed off by mutant furbies. She will be back shorlty. Thank you and have a nice day sir or madame.

Nonamenum2 [9:41 P.M.]: Crap...I spelled shortly wrong

GirlDlphn3 [9:42 P.M.]: You cant even face the music

Nonamenum2 [9:42 P.M.]: Maybe I don't like the song!

GirlDlphn3 [9:42 P.M.]: shall i mention wat happaned sevral weeks a go

Nonamenum2 [9:42 P.M.]: the feet thing? Go ahead...I don't care...this is going on theOtaku.

GirlDlphn3 [9:43 P.M.]: so you started it

Nonamenum2 [9:43 P.M.]: Nobody goes on my site anyway...feel free to say whatever

GirlDlphn3 [9:43 P.M.]: you sure about that

Nonamenum2 [9:43 P.M.]: yeah...go ahead

GirlDlphn3 [9:43 P.M.]: u used to brag about it

Nonamenum2 [9:44 P.M.]: did not...I only got about 500 hits.

GirlDlphn3 [9:44 P.M.]: probaly more than me

Nonamenum2 [9:44 P.M.]: are you going to embarass me or not?

GirlDlphn3 [9:44 P.M.]: alright

GirlDlphn3 [9:46 P.M.]: Brooke imagined my feet were Bakura and Marik at a sleepover at my house she was all over them like they were real proving that she would rape Bakura

Nonamenum2 [9:46 P.M.]: well my feet were Dark and InuYasha to her! She was all like "Oh, Dark"

GirlDlphn3 [9:47 P.M.]: So least i have a honest relationship with em

Nonamenum2 [9:47 P.M.]: no you don't!

Nonamenum2 [9:47 P.M.]: You were molesting my feet!

GirlDlphn3 [9:47 P.M.]: and so were you you were like "oh Bakura"

GirlDlphn3 [9:48 P.M.]: you were molesting my feet more

Nonamenum2 [9:48 P.M.]: Oh "InuYasha!"

Nonamenum2 [9:48 P.M.]: At least my feet arent sweaty!


Nonamenum2 [9:49 P.M.]: Touche, Christina...Touche.

Nonamenum2 [9:49 P.M.]: And it's not my fault they do that!

GirlDlphn3 [9:49 P.M.]: YEA IT IS

Nonamenum2 [9:49 P.M.]: Blame my sandals!

GirlDlphn3 [9:49 P.M.]: *scoffs*

Nonamenum2 [9:50 P.M.]: What's the excuse for your sweaty feet?!

Nonamenum2 [9:50 P.M.]: Huh?!

GirlDlphn3 [9:50 P.M.]: It depends on the situation

Nonamenum2 [9:50 P.M.]: they were slimey for no reason!

GirlDlphn3 [9:51 P.M.]: well cuz i was embarassed

Nonamenum2 [9:51 P.M.]: I guess that amphibians are supposed to have slimey feet.

GirlDlphn3 [9:52 P.M.]: i aint no amphibian..you have scaley feet like a dinosaur..youre the last living dino in the world..who know you were soooo old

Nonamenum2 [9:52 P.M.]: wow that was good. That was actually my nickname in the 4th and 5th grade. LOL

Nonamenum2 [9:53 P.M.]: Anyway...you would rape Dark and InuYasha both...at the same time!

Nonamenum2 [9:53 P.M.]: That's a disturbing threesome right there!

GirlDlphn3 [9:53 P.M.]: you would rape Bakura,NAraku,Marik,amd every other evil guy out there

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: at the same time

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: At least it wouldn't be at the same time!

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: darn you!

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: yea it would

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: lair!

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: hehehe

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: liar!

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: im enjoying this

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: You would, you sicko!

Nonamenum2 [9:54 P.M.]: Hi Otaku People!

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: shut up you sick too

GirlDlphn3 [9:54 P.M.]: Hi PPPPLLLLL

Nonamenum2 [9:55 P.M.]: If someone's reading this, I bet they're tramatized

GirlDlphn3 [9:55 P.M.]: oh yeah

Nonamenum2 [9:55 P.M.]: "Oh, Yes, Dark!"

GirlDlphn3 [9:56 P.M.]: "Oh,Yes,Bakura,Marik,Naraku,and Roy"

Nonamenum2 [9:56 P.M.]: I don't like, Roy!

Nonamenum2 [9:57 P.M.]: If I like Roy, then yu like Naruto!

GirlDlphn3 [9:57 P.M.]: If I like Naruto then you like....Jaken

Nonamenum2 [9:58 P.M.]: *Screams*If I like Jaken, then you like Michael Jackson!

GirlDlphn3 [9:58 P.M.]: Well Im not the one who did a project on Michael Jackson!

Nonamenum2 [9:59 P.M.]: Well I'm not the one that rapes anime characters!

GirlDlphn3 [9:59 P.M.]: Oh yea ya are Youd rape Bakura if he was passing by you

Nonamenum2 [10:00 P.M.]: Not in public!

Nonamenum2 [10:00 P.M.]: *Clamps hand over her mouth*

GirlDlphn3 [10:00 P.M.]: yea ya would

Nonamenum2 [10:00 P.M.]: No I wouldn't!

GirlDlphn3 [10:00 P.M.]: Yea You would!

GirlDlphn3 [10:01 P.M.]: If he was real youd probaly get pregant from him on the first day of meeting him

Nonamenum2 [10:02 P.M.]: would not!

GirlDlphn3 [10:02 P.M.]: yea youd be raping him

Nonamenum2 [10:02 P.M.]: shut up!

GirlDlphn3 [10:02 P.M.]: *sigh*

Nonamenum2 [10:02 P.M.]: roar

GirlDlphn3 [10:02 P.M.]: *hiss*

Nonamenum2 [10:03 P.M.]: ENOUGH!

GirlDlphn3 [10:03 P.M.]: WAT YOU GIVE UP

Nonamenum2 [10:03 P.M.]: No! Everytime I picture Bakura now I picture hissing and rape!

GirlDlphn3 [10:04 P.M.]: alright

GirlDlphn3 [10:04 P.M.]: youre not really gonna put this on there are ya

Nonamenum2 [10:04 P.M.]: yep!

GirlDlphn3 [10:05 P.M.]: wat if i put it on mine b4 you put it on yours

Nonamenum2 [10:06 P.M.]: I don't care...It'll be on both of ours then

GirlDlphn3 [10:06 P.M.]: fine

Nonamenum2 [10:07 P.M.]: fine

GirlDlphn3 [10:07 P.M.]: fine

Nonamenum2 [10:07 P.M.]: its really hare to bend steel this early in the morning

Nonamenum2 [10:07 P.M.]: hard...my bad

GirlDlphn3 [10:07 P.M.]: yea right you bending steel

GirlDlphn3 [10:08 P.M.]: impossible

Nonamenum2 [10:08 P.M.]: shut up

GirlDlphn3 [10:08 P.M.]: *sighs* get it a rest plz

GirlDlphn3 [10:08 P.M.]: give my bad

Nonamenum2 [10:09 P.M.]: loser

GirlDlphn3 [10:09 P.M.]: freak

Nonamenum2 [10:09 P.M.]: loser rapist freak

GirlDlphn3 [10:09 P.M.]: multi-rapist freak

Nonamenum2 [10:10 P.M.]: threesome, numerous rapist, out lawed in seven countries freak

GirlDlphn3 [10:11 P.M.]: im going to sleep ill see you tommorrow!maybe.I just got a good idea for my dream

Nonamenum2 [10:11 P.M.]: that worries me...okay...bye!

Nonamenum2 [10:12 P.M.]: Oh Inuyasha yes!

GirlDlphn3 [10:12 P.M.]: Oh..Bakura..Yes!

Nonamenum2 [10:12 P.M.]: Oh Dark HARDER!

GirlDlphn3 [10:12 P.M.]: Oh..Marik.....EVEN HARDER!!!!!!!!!1

Nonamenum2 [10:13 P.M.]: Oh InuYasha HARDER FASTER!

GirlDlphn3 [10:14 P.M.]: Oh Bakura,HARDER FASTER RAPE ME FOR ALL I CARE

GirlDlphn3 [10:14 P.M.]: rape soz

Nonamenum2 [10:15 P.M.]: Oh InuYasha! Dark! HARDER! FASTER! DON'T STOP!

GirlDlphn3 [10:16 P.M.]: Oh Marik,Bakura,Naraku,Sesshomaru. HARDER!NEVER STOP!

Nonamenum2 [10:17 P.M.]: Oh Joey, Dark, InuYasha, SesshouMaru, and all the other lame fruitcakes that I like! HARDER! FASTER! DEEPER! OH YES!


Nonamenum2 [10:18 P.M.]: Good

GirlDlphn3 [10:18 P.M.]: i bid you adeu

Nonamenum2 [10:18 P.M.]: k bye!

Nonamenum2 [10:18 P.M.]: Say bye to the otaku people!

Nonamenum2 [10:18 P.M.]: Bye otaku people!

GirlDlphn3 [10:19 P.M.]: Bye Otaku PPLS

GirlDlphn3 signed off at 10:19 P.M.

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