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myOtaku.com: FlameAlchimest93

Thursday, August 24, 2006

School sucks
Mood of the moment:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Quote of the moment:"One of these days, you're gonna' get shot for saying that."

Random Icon of the moment: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Random Picture of the moment:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Okay, guys...I'm about to go to orientation. The only reason that I'm not there yet is because I have no clean clothes and they are currently washing. I'm not really looking forward to going back...I don't really wanna' be in band and if somebody asks me why, I'll hit them in the eye. I swear...I'll do it. The only reason I like school is friends. Everything else sucks. But you know what doesn't suck? Resident Evil.

OMG GUYS! I watched "Resident Evil" last night. But I've seen that movie so many times that I don't even flinch at the blood or gore...that's a shame. I need to watch more horror movies...ones that are more...uh...horrific? Yeah, lets go with that.

Well, that's about it. Bye!

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