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myOtaku.com: FlameAlchimest93

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Current Mood:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Quote of the Momment: "Boy, you better not be flashing people!"

Random Icon Of the Momment:Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Random Picture of the Momment:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

OMG Guys! My day [SUCKED]! First, I found out that my good friend, Andrew, broke his arm in foot ball practice and I was like "who did it?!" because Andrew is like my best buddy eva! And then Sloane didn't show up in band class and I was like "gah!" because apparently, we suck without her.

And then in math class I was like "grrr..." because math makes my brain hurt and I don't like it! Then Social Studies was like "Blah...blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!"

Then at lunch I was like talking and somebody reached over and wiped a piece of corn on my arm. I freaked out really bad and my mistake was that I had my cup of water in my hand while I was thrashing around and the water went all over me and I was like "COLD! COLD! COLD" because it was like...cold.

But language arts was good I guess because I got to go to the library to check out a couple of books. And I got two of the "A Series Of Unfortunate Events" books and I already got half-way through the 11th one. And Holly was picky and she was having problems picking a book, so I started naming off random titles "Green Eggs and Ham! A Tree grows in Brooklyn! See spot run! Bunnicula!" and she wasn't listening! And I was like "Screw it! You're getting Bunnicula!" And she has no Idea what Bunnicula is! What the crap, Holly?! But, she got Bunnicula anyway!

I was totally watching "Gremlins" a couple of minutes ago on Sci-Fi! I think that's why I'm afraid of Furbys. Not that I'm afraid of Furbys but...yeah.

Man! I ˘¨ú You Guys!


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