AIM flamedrose E-mail Click Here Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger crazy_flamedrose
Female Location America Member Since 2005-03-15 Occupation student. artist. cartoon teacher. (teach about inuyasha) Real Name I'll say it: Dixie
Achievements not much Anime Fan Since forever Favorite Anime Inuyasha,Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ghost in the Shell, Trigun, Naruto. Goals become a cartoonist Hobbies drawing, playing volleyball, basketball, soccer, and homework. Talents drawing, and much of a very creative imagination. flamedrose
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
It may be true,but at the same time not.
I'm considering myself afaid by what the quiz said. I think its right because thats on thing that i feel alot but I'm just thinking that life sucks because ever since I started to watch anime I was getting different feelings. PM me if you have any questions about this. Comments (0) |
I never thought this would be. Your anime expression is afraid!
What is wrong with me. I'm so happy!!! I'm gaining up on friends!! I want them to sign my guestbook, but I know the policy about the guestbooks.YAY!!!
XD Comments (1) |
hi i haven't put any posts for a while. i've been kinda busy often. i have been getting better at this computer stuff. yay!
XD Comments (0) |
Thursday, April 14, 2005
I haven't posted in a long time. SORRY!!. I just want to make friends. gtg. bye Comments (0) |
Monday, April 4, 2005
Happy Day
Yay. My first post!!! I had a really good day. My spring vacation just got over. I had fun, especially going to my step-cousins. We watched Wrestle Mania XXI. I hope every one had their spring vacation fun!!! Yay! Comments (0) |