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On my cushiony butt!
Member Since
Shane-chan's lover ^_~
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I have slept for 2 days straight without waking up once and no I was not in a coma.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Air, Ayashi no Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Kannazuki no Miko, Kaikan Phrase, Gravitation, Rurouni Kenshin, InuYasha, Yami to Boushi to Hon no Tabibito, Fruits Basket, Moonlight Lady, Chobits, Evangelion, Front Innocent, and that's all that comes to mind^^
To live with my girlfriend and start a family together when I get out of school, to graduate high school, and to run 2 miles without breaking a sweat ^_^;
Singing, Painting, Drawing, Running, Eating, Loving, Horses, Nookie(if you older people know whatt I mean)*wink* and psyhic and astrology stuff.
Psychic abilities, artist, fast runner and eater, good kisser! ^_~
| FlameoftheSun
Welcome to me little corner here. I'll be ranting and raving about everything from the texture of a canvas to the art of burpage. Don't be shy if ya wanna contact me!

Thursday, July 21, 2005
I'm sick right now. I won't go into details, but I will say it's an infection. I'm on antibiotics for it, and I've got a cream too, but it still hurts! waaaah oh the pain. I've been restrained to my bed and compy for bascially most of today. I can't really move around, it hurts too much. I really wish I had some chicken and stars soup rite now.
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Romantic day...
Wow! long time since I've posted. Sorry for the long "vacation" I've been kinda busy.
Today was wonderful. Carleigh came over and we spent the whole day together in my room, naked, cuddling, making love, kissing, and just being completely in love with each other. When she had to leave, we couldn't bear it, and just held held on to each other till we parted. It was agony.
It still amazes how much we love each other. I trust her with my life, I now know everything about her, and I love her all the more, if that's even possible. I've never loved someone so much in my entire life. I can't wait till we can live together, I hope time will fly by fast until then.
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I'm kinda tired right now...I think I'm gonna take a nap soon...::yawn::
Last night I got pissed at my mom because when I got home from baby's house she didn't answer the door for about 20 minutes until I called the home phone. So she finally gave me a key. Thank god, casue sometimes when she says she's gonna be home when I'm dropped off sje isn't...::twitch::
I kinda had a boring day, I woke up at about 11:45 and had some soup, went on the compy, talked to baby online and then called her, then had a snack, and now I know I should be exercising but I'm sooooo friggin tired...::yawns again:: I know I need to get off my lazy ass though...
I worked on cleaning up a bit and doing the laundry and stuff, cause baby's coming over tomorrow. ::face lights up:: It's only been a day since I last saw her and I miss her so much already...
Well that's my boring entry, not too exciting I kmow, but hey, sometimes life can be that way...^^ Actaully this is the first time in a while I've had a day like this, my life is usually hectic and full of drama.
Well I'm getting too lazy so I'm gonna go take my nap...
Picture of the Day! w00t.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2005
I smell bacon....
Mmm the bacon smells good...I think my mom is making some kind of soup. Yesterday I did absolutely nothing but be lazy all day long, which I know I shouldn't do, but I think I'm going to try and start exercising for a change. I'm not fat, so I don't need to lose weight, but I think it will give me a lot more energy. My sister was on my compy when I was on my mom's so we were messaging each other back and forth and we had the weirdest conversation ever. It had to do with whales and monkeys is all I'm gonna say. I don't wanna freak some of you out lol. Well at 11 I'm going to see my Carleigh, so I'm really happy and excited right now. I might be able to see her on Thursday as well, provided her parents say ok. ::gets on knees and prays::
Nicole might take me to see Howl's Moving Castle! ::excited:: I haven't gone out and had fun with her in a long time, so it'll probably be a wicked fun time. She already saw the movie and fell in love with it, and is willing to see it again, so it must be super good. I can't wait to see it! In the previews I've seen the art is absolutely gorgeous!
Well I'm gonna ditch now but I'll talk to ya'll later! ::blows kisses::
Here's a picture of the day!

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