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myOtaku.com: Flaming Sango

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

heres another part of that story...
When morning's first light flooded into my room through my closed blinds, I realized how far into the night my writing and taken me, I cursed the world, as my normal morning ritual and rolled off of my bed. In the next my sister still slept, lucky her, and though my poetic writting was over for the moment, new verses and sentence tournures* came to mind. As I slowly dressed in my usual dark attire, I thought of the day to come when I would throw my worries aside and act like a normal teenaged girl. Hight school was an interesting experiance, so many things to do for classes and so much of a war for popularity, to much for me to handel realy. So here I am, not that popular, but I have friends, and good ones at that, and Im content.

Not as good as the first one but there will be more parts in the same style. And btw it may to early now but I would apreciate title suggestions. thanx

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