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Sailor Moon, Tokyo Mew Mew, DN ANgel, Magic Knight Rayearth, Alice 19th, Galaxy Angels, By The Sword, Demon Diary, FullMetal Panic, FullMetal Alchemists, PaniPoni, Air Gear, AIR
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Sunday, April 22, 2007
Hottie Week WINNER 4-22-07

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

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Look Wat I Found!!!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Do I Have An Obsession?

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Thursday, April 12, 2007
I Love this Survey
01. Do you have a debit card? no
02. Have you ever read The Outsiders? Seen the movie? nope
03. Does your internet connection cut you off a lot? nope
04. Do you have an annoying laugh? no
05. What was your last dream about? where all my friends almost died because of me
06. How many times have you called someone a "Twat"? None
07. Do you have a stash of candy somewhere in your room? hellz yeaz
08. Do you have an expensive phone? no. dont have a fone yet
09. Have you ever cut yourself shaving? yes
010. Do people think you're a bitch? sometimes
011. What book are you reading? MANGA
012. When a telemarketer calls, do you screw around with them and say random crap to piss them off? yes or hang up
013. Do you believe Subway food can really help your lose weight like it says on the commercials? no
014. When was the last time you drew on the sidewalk with chalk? a week ago
015. Are there guys wearing girl pants at your school? Yea dude thts so hott the more ass the joy
016. Hebe jeebes or jeepers creepers? jeepers creepers
017. If you lived in a box, what would you do for food? ask my friends if i could live in their house with them and eat their food if i ask.
018. What’s more important, your make up or how your hair is styled? hair
019. Do you get embarrassed when buying pads or tampons? no
020. What is the last thing on earth that you would like to do right now? Sky Dive
021. What color are your clothes? green and write strips and silver
022. Would you rather shop at hollister or hottopic? both
023. Have you ever cried over friends stabbing you in the back? yeah
024. Do you brush your hair in the morning? yeah
025. Have you seen an eyelash curler? no wuts the point
026. Have you ever had a crush on someone you didn’t like? yes ugg gross
027. What will you call your first daughter? Star
028. Have you ever worn socks with sandals? no
029. What do you do when you spray a bug in your house? nothing
030. Do you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds? yea
031. Do you often use wikipedia? no
032. Do you like pulp-y orange juice? neither
033. Are you growing your hair/bangs out right now? yeah
034. Which song explains the way you think about love? Butterfly
035. What brand is your digital camera? idk
036. Did you ever run away from home? yea
037. Who was the last person you took pictures with? all my friends
038. What type of toothpaste do you use? crest
039. Have you ever bitched about someone and then found out they heard you? yupp
040. What food do you find disgusting? none
041. Do people ever call you a loser and mean it? yeah
042. Have you ever been punched in the face? no
043. If you had to write a brief message on a dollar bill that many people would eventually see as the currency circulates, what message would you write? My darkest secret
044. Ever signed onto Myspace and under New Cool People, seen someone you know? yea
045. Last time you used your car horn? dont own a car
046. If you could change one physical feature on yourself, what would it be? stomach
047. Do you feel you know who you are? sorta
048. Do you own the Sims 2? no
049. Do you make gay couples or weird families? Gay Couples
050. What would you eat, if you could, right this minute? Chocolate
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
I went Completely Crazy With This....................
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