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Anissa Marie
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| flirtinangel08
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Monday, May 23, 2005
whats new?
hey everyone? i hope this comes to find you all well and in good spirits. nothin new is happening with me but maybe something will happen to put a smile on my face and make me giggle. until then...
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a pretty girl can kiss a guy
a bird can kiss a butterfly
the rising sun can kiss the grass
and you my friend
yes you
you can kiss my ass
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"send me an angel from the heavens above, send me an angel to heal my broken heart. cause all i want to do is cry, god send me an angel"
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hey everyone. how was all of your weekends? i had tons of people in the family over in my house all at once! there was my grandma, grandpa, cora, stan, cindy, shawn, chase, maddy, emily and her best friend, shanice, time, elaine, mary, paula, neil, tyler & brandon. too many people! lol! well here is a poem i found... i didnt write it...
you and me is friends
you smile, i smile
you laugh, i laugh
you cry, i cry
you jump off of a bridge...
im gonn amiss you
have a super-fabulous day!
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Friday, May 20, 2005
well until monday, i bid you all adue...
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hey everyone... today sucked. i mean it wasnt horrible, but it wasnt cool either. did anyone check out my poem? i hope so! i'll talk to yall later!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
 Your wise quote is: "Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life" by Leo Buscaglia. Yes, love is indeed what you desire in your life. If you have it or not is another matter, but it is in your eyes the most important feeling. You tend to be a romantic dreamer and want you and your love to have that kind of perfect love that you hear about in fairytales. However that can be hard to find, but it doesn't mean you are going to stop looking.
What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
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 You need love. You are a pretty normal, well-rounded person that just craves that fairy tale love where you will be swept off your feet and live happily ever after. Chances are that you fantasize or dream about it so much that you either see all the guys/girls as unromantic or you tell yourself that anyone could be your soulmate. You long to have someone by your side and you want to give back on the romance part too, not just give.
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics] brought to you by Quizilla
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hey everyone. i wrote a new poem today so here it is, i hope you like it...
So many things
are falling out of place
i feel ashamed
i feel disgraced
so many things
have gone very wrong
and now i know
it was my fault all along
i cant go back
i cant change time
i wish i could
and im sorry i lied
im sorry im not
your perfect girl
that i once was
once in this world
things have changed
all around
and i never smile
only frown
i wish i could go back
to all the good times
and change the past
change the lies
but while i wish
i sit here alone
wishing for it all
wanting to go home.
let me know what you think of it ok!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
hey everyone. today was kinda boring but it was ok. i didnt do much of anything! in my choir class we didnt do anything so some friends and i sang a buch of disney songs! lol! it was fun! anyways i better get goin!
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