AIM RiceballCandy Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger KyoFlowerKiss
Birthday 1991-02-11 Gender
Female Location Vancouver, WA Member Since 2005-06-11 Occupation High School Senior, College Running Start Real Name Annie
Tagboard FlowerKiss
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
My mom's not leaving til Friday, so that makes me feel better in a way. But she won't be gone for five months at sea which is really nice. ^_^
We finished watching the incredibles in German and then we watched Jack-Jack attacks. hahaha, that's funny. Before that, however, we nominated and voted for the song that we wanted to sing. I told Katie to nominate Steh Auf. And it won! woot! The name of the band is called Die Toten Hosen which means the dead pants. XD
We're reading Romeo and Juliet and the first thing RAchel said was "eeww" That was funny. But I let her borrow my no fear book so she could understand what was going on and I think she likes it now because of all the gross jokes. XD oh man... hahahahahahah! She got high on saturday... a bit buzzed on Vodka.
Well, I hope everyone is enjoying Spring as it is now here and I can't wait for my cherry tree to blossom. The prettiest one I've seen. And when the decoration cherries grow, I'm gonna eat one and spit it out and give them to VoluptuousSheena and Rachel and Chibidragongal and Crazybunny and make them eat it! ahahahah.... lovely.
Hello, how's everyone?
Thanks for answering those survey questions. ^_^
They were mainly yes and no questions, but those who gave an explanation, I thank thee, because it would help me with the essay I was supposed to write, however, I do not have results used in my presentation, so I am not going to write the essay and begin failing again... I give up too easily.
My new theme seems like it is going to be Princess Tutu. haha, you know what I figured out today? princess tutu is in Germany. XD Oh yeah, the words on the books and the titles and everything didn't give it away. I am surprised at myself for not noticing right with the way the houses were built. I am happy that I eventually realized it, but man, it took a while.
Anyways, I will not change my theme until next week due to the fact that a couple weeks ago, I thought there was one more episode of Full Metal Alchemist than there truly is. So, until then I shall enjoy this theme...
I was supposed to help my mom pack for California, but I went to see a sealion instead with my dad. I am seriously going to miss her. Oh man, now I desire to give my mommy a hug right now. T_T I am at my dad's house though.
Well, take care. I hope you all had a good weekend. Be safe. ^_^
Good morning! Guten Morgen! Time: 6:48am
I was planning on having my Full Metal Alchemist theme until the last episode... *sigh* for some reason, this is the only theme I can stand having for longer than a month. It was my first one too. I had this really crappy picture for my avi. hahaha.
Omg, did you hear the German? hahaha!
Okay, here's the survey I was gonna ask:
1. Do you value loyalty in a relationship?
2. Do you consider yourself loyal?
3. Are you more loyal to your friends than your family?
4. Would you risk your life for someone you loved?
5. Do you think loyalty is an important characteristic for a person to have?
6. Do you value popularity over loyalty?
7. Do you think your loylaty towards someone increases with time?
8. Do you think loyalty is as evident today as it was 20 years ago?
9. Do you think that loyalty plays into creating trust?
10. Do you think honesty helps to create loyalty between people?
That's all of them. I was supposed to interview 17 people... I only interviewed VoluptuousSheena. XD She gave me a cookie on Friday. XD chocolate chip. ahahahha...
Oh, if you can, please, listen to the third song on the thingymabob.
Anyways, I'll try to visit you, my friends.
Later, be safe.
It's taking me forever to update.... Computer is so slow!
Happy St. Patrick's Day, peoples! 16th was my sister's birthday. I hope I send her a card by monday. I'm so bad at it.
I watched the Incredibles in German today. That was fun. And yesturday, I watched some music videos. Schnappi die kleine krokodil and Ramstein. Not sure if I spelt that right. Ramstein is one of Rachel's favorite bands. I'll post the schnappi video below.
I wanted to mention my music that if you press the skip button, you can skip to another song. There's a few FMA songs on there and others by Nana Kitade. XD
I did so bad on my survey presentation on loyalty today. I was going to ask you guys all the survey questions, but I'll save that for another night. I needed to ask you that before, but I was at my mom's house. And so, I didn't do my part of the group project. -_-; I should've interviewed some other people.
Here's Schnappi!
German has been fun, although, that could be because of WASL testing. Yeah, most likely, but I almost regret not taking the class next year because I'll never get Frau Gow ever again. T_T Oh well. Hell, my middle finger hurts where it got cut. The pointer finger doesn't hurt as much. I mean, it doesn't hurt. OH yeah, back on with German, we sang the barbie smurf song again and another song.
My final grade in English was a D. My parents aren't gonna like it when they see it in the mail. *sigh* But I will do better. Oh I hope I get an A. I miss that feeling... I feel like I got stupid.
Violin went well and I got the other movement to the piece I'm playing. I started extremely late for my age, so by the time I'm ready to play in the Junior Symphony, I'll be too old. So, I must learn quickly if possible.
Tai Chi tomorrow night. My mom told me how she mentioned moving to California to Jack and he said "Please don't go, tell your husband to move up here." I think that's kinda funny. My mom's been Jack's student for 3 years. Something else I realized is that I won't be going to Tai Chi while my mom is gone. I'll have to memerize the whole thing tomorrow night. j/k. I can't even memerize it in several months. She's moving next week. She'll be gone for 3 years possibly. O.O at least it's not 5 months out at sea, right? Right? I finally managed to tell her I'm fine while looking her in the eyes and not getting tears. I won't be sad really, I'll just miss her.
I'm done.
Bis Spater! Tschus! (see ya later! bye!)
Be safe.
strangely as it is, I'm not one bit tired... Maybe it's because I slept after school a lot. OMG, I'm not sick! heh, this feeling might not last long. Oh well, I just finished watching Howl's Moving Castle. It is now 11:10. Man, that is one long movie. I read the novel four years ago. ^_^ It's pretty cool. The movie pretty much stays with the book and then there's all those except fors... Like Martha and Lettie... haha. It's still a great movie... This is the first time I've seen it. T_T I've waited for 3 years... that's when I found out they were making a movie. Then I started reading the sequal to the book. I didn't like it. hahahha.
The bus driver didn't realize that she had to do the route a whole nother time. So, she was 15 minutes late, but somehow, I got myself waiting at the stop for half an hour. I was late to school too! Out of six of us, me and one other girl were the only ones to stay at the bus stop. XD
What else is there? oh yes, we sang the barbie song in German! what fun. Oh, not only that, but it was the smurfs! Funny. Hey shlumpfine. hehehe.
How's it going? The cherry trees are in bloom. Only one of the ones in my front yard it, however. I have three cherry trees in my front yard. One is an early bloomer which is the one hidden behind the hedges of our neighbors. The late bloomer is in the middle of our lawn. The one in the middle is right by the street. It's half ours and half our neighbor's. My favorite is the late bloomer because it also grows cherries. I've eaten some, but they taste like crap.
Yesterday, I went to VoluptuousSheena and Chibidragongal's house. They have such a cool house! It's so beautiful. I had fun except for the fact that I was sick. I couldn't spend the night because I had to go to church. bleh. Performing bellchoir... we messed up so bad. hahah, oh well, the audience didn't notice. -_-;
Yeah, we saw the Pink Panther. It was funny, but most of the funnies were like what you see in the cartoon... guess that makes sense. We also watched DearS. The only Anime that Rachel may ever like. XD Sam liked it too. lol.
A picture frame broke in the bathroom and fell. I tried picking it up, but it was stuck. and my fingers slid right along the glass and started bleeding which makes it somewhat difficult to type because I can't feel the keys.
Yeah, I'm blabbering too much.
Much love. ¢À
Be safe, peeps. (I hate those things...)
I just remembered that I get to sleep in for two hours because of WASL testing... hahahahaha. Good luck Sugar High Nut! and anybody taking the test.
Guess what? on thursday, it snowed! I can't believe it! It snowed! I was so excited. My mom's house got more snow than people at my school so I was able to make a snowangel and a snowman... and now I'm sick... bleh. Serves me right, but I played in the snow until it began melting. It was so cool.
I'm back in German now and my new teacher is crazy! We got to sing techno old macdonald's in German! That was funny.
Tomorrow, I'm going to VoluptuousSheena's and Chibidragongal's house. It'll be fun. I get to see their new house.
My mom's sick too. She's gonna be moving to California in a month or two or something.
haha, I watched Detective Conan today. that was fun. I liked the Phantom Theif 1214.
Well, see ya around. Oh yeah, the heart (which I just figured out) is & then hearts and then ;
so, and sign, the word hearts, and semi colon.
which equals ¢¨ú
Later, be safe.
Here are a couple videos like Mae's baby. Song is by the same guy, Steve Lynch. I might've spelt that wrong. lol.
Ed is Special
We played jeperdy in physics. And on the final question, we had to send two people from our table somewhere and the other two people somewhere else. Me and Katie were the ones solving it for the team and I did it all by myself because Katie didn't know how to do it. We come back to our groups and Katy (as RAchel calls her: Red constipated bitch) was going to kill me if I got it wrong. And guess what?? I was the only one who got it right! And then she wanted to hug me. Hell no! hehehe.
We have to write an essay in pe. that's so lame. Oh well, I don't have to try my hardest, and I can still get an A. xD
Violin lessons are going great. It'll soon be a year since I've begun. ^_^
Y'know how I was talking bad about my sister? Well, she sent me a birthday card yesterday. I feel so bad now. And I got a gift card of 20 dollars for barnes and nobles. Her baby is due next month. It's a boy. I kinda feel bad for him. hahahahaha... haha. I'm gonna be an aunty!
Love yas. ¢¡§ú Be safe!
Oh shit! I wasn't looking at the clock. I'm gonna miss the bus. ehe! *runs away*
I've finally finished my marathon of Trigun. Watched it out of order, but who cares? ahahahaha!
I have early release from school Wed-Fri for Final testing. And then next week, I get to sleep in two hours because school starts two hours late due to WASL testing which is the state test. I don't have to take it until next year.
My step dad's birthday is on the 8th and my sister's birthday is the 16th. I wonder if I'll send her a card. Our next door neighbors moved, so I'm not sure of how likely I'll be seeing her again. I know my parents aren't. *sigh* She's screwed in the head if any of you can recall...
Yes, hopefully they give me pictures soon because I really wanna show you guys.
Ugh, I just spilled my water down my face. -_-; Have you ever done that? Try and take a drink of something and it spills all over you?
Anyways, question: How many of you are on Spring Break already? I have a couple of weeks until then.
K, off to bed... stayed up too late. 1:00 is Trigun. haha I think I'm screwed in the head.
Later, be safe.