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Saturday, December 3, 2005
Mom's Winter Tai Chi
I started P.E. today and physics. My physics teacher likes to make fun of us. She's really mean when it comes to making fun of us. I think she made fun of Rachel's clothing because she's all goth. Where's a ton of make-up, all black, spike chokers. hehe.
Every Friday in PE, we get to jog/walk a mile. That's so cool. I'll be ready for track. I'm still gonna suck. Like always though.
On with the title. One day, my mom was out for a stroll. She was looking down at her bag to fix the strap. Noticing from the corner of her eye that a man was behind her and soon to walk past, she expected him to be far ahead by the time she looked up. But no, he was right in front of her that she almost ran into him. She tried to go around him, but he moved in front of her. (scary). She tried to go around him again, but he stuck his arm out. So, she used tai chi! (I love my mommy!) Doing this, she grabbed his hand to go with the flow, shook it, said, "Merry Christmas", and took off. (hehe, so funny!).
Story 2- At tai chi the other night when we were both wishing for snow, she told everyone to pray for snow for her. She said, "Sacrifice a chicken if you have to!" And then she said, "I'll put a chicken on my sword and stick it in the backyard if that's what it takes!" hehe. And then she was so tired the next morning she told me to get on her motorcycle and take myself to school. hehe. (Like I said, I love my mommy)
And that's pretty much it.
Ya know what? I think the snow hates me! I bet it's gonnna snow while I'm in Hawaii. It did that before! I was living there and then it decided to snow and my dad told me and he said, "too bad." Damn snow! DAMN YOU, you here!
Now I'm talking to much. XP
My stepdad just got home from England.
Talk to you later, loves.
Be safe.
P.S. I turned Emily's site on if you wanna visit her. Name's Crazy Bunny. hehe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, December 1, 2005
Let it snow!
Emily made her site in 5 minutes after school. We were kicked off the computers. hehe. Her name is Crazy Bunny.
But she doesn't know how to log in. hahaha. um, yeah.
Me and my mom are hoping for snow. There's this big chance for snow, but some weather people are saying it won't snow. It's because it's unusual weather over here to snow so that's why school would be canceled.
My mom has 2 exams tomorrow and I have 3 tests. uh... yeah. Let is snow!
I used my sword in tai chi. I like my sword. My beautiful wooden sword that's big and heavy and stuff. hehe.
My presentation sucked. It was supposed to be 15-20 minutes long, but I think it was around 10 minutes long. Rachel's was really short. That sucked.
Hope you guys are all doing well. How's the weather where you are?
I'm watching the news. People are preparing for snow storm. hehe.
Love yas. Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, November 30, 2005
I put a radio at the top. Ain't it cool? I was looking for a song by Nana Kitade because I have a CD and I wanted to use it. Instead, I found that radio with the song on it. IT's called "kiss or kiss"
Um, yeah. Hell has come forth. I mean, tests have begun.
Rachel was sad this morning. And all anybody could do was attack her with hugs. But all I could do was stand there. I didn't know what to do. Usually I do, but today I didn't. And I felt useless.
Oh well, she got back into laughing during math.
what else? Today was the last day Emily was having the same lunch as us. Dammit and I was spending lunch doing my math homework.
Oh right, Emily is going to make a MyO site. Yeah, I was gonna help her. That's so cool! haha.
I was supposed to present today, but I didn't because we ran out of time. I would be in the fourth group, but we only got done with two groups. And my group decided to leave me in charge of the board.
Well, I'll stop now.
Love yas.
Be safe all.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Let's see if I can get away......
There was some kinda shooting down the street I guess you could say. I think someone died. But it was on the news and the good day oregon people were there. hahaa. I've always wanted to meet Andy and Kim. hehe. that's so funny.
Well, the cop car kept circling the block. It was odd. I hate the street it happened on. Two guys who had a crush on me lived there. The ones that no one liked. I was just too kind to say "I hate you." hahahahaha.
I found out Kim can pick me up. Rachel and her were trying to pull me somewhere and then Kim just picks me up off the ground. hehe. um, yeah. She may be the youngest of the group, but she's most certainly the strongest. Well, Meghan's strong too. Arg! forget it! hehe. XD
Love yas. Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, November 28, 2005
I was gonna go off on my story about Thanksgiving with my awful serving of the pie. The laughing. My uncle's dream of being a lumberjack. hehe.
I got bad news. Read my email. Kim and Meghan are moving! Now I'm gonna cry. hehehe. There still going to Heritage for the rest of the four years of high school, but I'm not. There's this new high school being built and I was gonna go there with them. But now I'm going by myself. T_T
Oh, I got my birthday from my aunt. Okay, how many months ago was February? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10...... 10 months ago! hehe.
Anyways, I have to go to bed now.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Hello peoples
I left my math book next to the statue of the wolf. Now, someone I don't know has it. I have like a lot of math homework. Wwaaahhh!!! T_T
Oh well, I deserved it, I guess.
I got back from violin lessons shortly ago. *sigh* I have one more lesson for the rest of the year. Yay! It's not that I dislike it, it's that I get tired.
tomorrow/today is tai chi. And then I have to wake up and we're heading to my aunt's house.
Andrew had greek night last night. My dad and I had to pick him up after bell choir. he said that he could call mom. I told him she was at tai chi. He said he'd call Ian. I said that he was in England. My god, he's dense. hehe.
Well, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving. A wonderful break. Here comes the turkey! Happy turkey day! And be safe.
Loves yas.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Allo allo!
Sorry for not visiting. I have to get off soon. My brother needs the computer for his project.
I have the hiccups! AHH!!!
Oh, my dad, brother, and I were asked to light the candles at church and we have to read something. This sucks. I don't want to do that. I hate being in front of the whole church. It scares me.
Ummmm, not much else to say. I hope everyone is having a good week. Good night. Sleep well.
*hugs* Be safe!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, November 21, 2005
I'm thirsty.....need... water...
hehe. Um, I don't know if any of you knew what my theme was. It's His and Her Circumstances aka KareKano. ^_^
yeah, I started watching the show a couple weeks ago. And I must say, Tsubasa is a bitch. Seriously, she's a short little bitch. hehe.
Rachel called and was complaining about her parents. She said, "now I'm all mad and shit. Say something to make me unmad." Sooo... I said, "Cockadoodledoo." hehe. She couldn't stop laughing. She said that that was completely random. I'm happy.
mwahahahahahaha... haha.
Anyways, I'm gonna get a glass of water and go to bed. Good night everyones. I'm glad to have met you. Be safe!!!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, November 20, 2005
New theme!!!
It's just about Sunday. Well, it's 9:00. I don't like this Batman movie. hehe.
So, how do you like my new theme?
VoluptuousSheena(Kim) and Chibidragongal(meghan) are at their grandma's. Yeah, Meghan's getting her hair dyed which is cool. She hates being bleached blonde I guess. She has asthma(sp?) now as a result from doing sports. Sucks, huh? And I shall forever be alone in track. T_T
One of my friends made me feel really stupid today. I didn't know any of the questions asked. -_-;;
Andrew stole Jonathon! I must find him....... XP then suddenly, I hear that dude on batman yell, "He stole my balloon!" That was loud.
Well, have a good Sunday! I have research to do.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
This is funny. I typed in kitsap skunk bay in google. And then I scrolled down to "Mushrooms for Sale" and I clicked on it. Then there's these pictures and stuff. It's my aunt's house. ^_^ A mushroom farm! Hell, it smells so bad in the barn. I was gonna sleep in there one night, not in the stinky part, but upstairs and I couldn't breath it was so dusty.
That's the address for it. hehehe.

This is the room I slept in all the time... on the floor. hahahaha. For thanksgiving, I'm going to the house near there owned by my same aunt. She has like 4 houses. One is hers in Bellevue the other one is my other aunt's, the mushroom farm. Another one is my uncle's island somewhere far out there. And the last one is her beach house. Not to mention that they have a cottage by the lake that they share. My god........
I took Kayla's baby home aka Jonathon, the doll from KoRn or whatever. hehe. My brother says he's so ugly that he's cute.
hehehe, well, I hope everyone has a good day. Much love, be safe.

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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