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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
1000 hits!
I want to thank everyone so so so so so so very much for visiting me. I'm so greatful.
I'm doing the laundry now. I don't know why, but I'm sad.
Rachel was asked out by Kevan! That's so awesome! She had a crush on him last year and stuff. She didn't like him for a while. And then, he stopped smoking and stuff. I'm so happy for them both. ^_^
I lost 3rd chair in the challenge today. Only because I hesitated twice. How do you make a frowny face? whatever.
It's for certain that I'm going to Hawaii. I leave on the 17 or 18 of December. And we come back on Christmas day, but time changes and so we'll be back the next day.
We're going to the best hotel I've ever been to. There's waterfalls and stuff. I went there for my 11th birthday. ^_^ And I got to go with the dolphins and it was so cool. I'm so excited and yet....
Oh well, not much else to say.
Love ya lots! *hugs* Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, November 14, 2005
Hello, buddy ol' pal.
Imagine this... okay, a British dude and a Hawaiian. My mom and my stepdad. XP
Okay okay, I'm just getting over a laughing fit I'm having.
Die Kagome! Fuck You! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Emily couldn't wait for Kikiyo to die and when she did, she almost cried. ahhahahahahaha... I swear, I'm gonna die of laughter someday.
I just realized, it's taking me an hour to finish the dinner I'm eating. Foolishness. I derserve to die. hehehehehe.....
I went to church today and... dull.
"It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine" They were gonna play that song, but they don't know their technology yet. XP Kendra was standing up there going "what, it's not working? New technology these days.... Ya know, I have no idea what I'm doing. Oh well, we'll just do without it. I hate the end of the world books. People shouldn't say there's peace and security" She's the pastor. XP Hell, she's funny.
OMg, everyone at that church (all the old people)they all know who I am! It's like "hi, I haven't seen you since you were a baby or in a few years" And I just wanna say "I have no idea who the fuck you are." j/k. I'm not that mean, am I. *evil glare*
*goes cross eyed and passes out laughing*
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
hello, I went up to the Gorge(sp?)
Hello, I'm doing stuff with photobucket. Making sub albums because I finally filled one up.
Anyways, we took my cousin up the gorge to see all the waterfalls and stuff. We were like... on the Sandy River. We went up to Multnohmah falls(sp?) and Oneonta gorge. Carla was impressed by everything. It was funny.
We went to the Boniville Dam too. She was impressed by the size of the sturgeon. And it was funny after I told her how to tell male salmon from female salmon. She'd point and say "you're a boy" "you're a girl" it was funny.
My dad's walking more.
And we have a large chance of going to Hawaii for Christmas. I can't wait. But I know, all my cousins, aunts, uncles, they're all gonna talk about my grandparents. Like, if they were both well, I'd be driving all over the island. I'd be spoiled. Maybe fat. lol. sorry.
I wanna see Allison the most. She's my best little friend. She's in the 6th grade. Her dog died. That was sad. Her new dog is vicious.
I'm glad I don't bore some of you. hehe, I bore myself sometimes.
ahahahahahahah ahaha ah...haha.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, November 11, 2005
I'm philipino(sp?)
Sorry for not visiting you all in forever. I'm soo sorry. so so sorry. And I'm so grateful that you visit.
Anyways, Dane never left the school. That Bastard. Damn him! My mom's pissed that he didn't leave. He's so close to getting sent to jail.
The clarinet challenge for 3rd chair... I won! Yay! She challenged me again! My mom's pissed at that too. She thinks it's unfair that I have to go under so much pressure just for third chair. I don't want to sit next to Cody! NO!
I failed my history test! 50% of my grade is based on tests! Damn, I failed 2 history tests out of 2. ^_^;;
My dad fell down the stairs and has a swollen blood vessel. Me and my brother have been taking care of him. My mom and stepdad try to help too. Man, when he fell, it scared me so much. T_T
What else........
I don't want to bore you.
Oh, my middle school looks so different. OMG, they changed the grubby yucky floor. They got rid of all the carpets! It's all black and red now!
Oh, I might get to go to Hawaii for Christmas! Yay! My only blood related grandparent is turning 90 on Christmas eve. We're gonna have this big party. I hope we get to go. But there's all this money to be paid for my step dad moving to Cali. Oh well.
I wanna see everybody. I miss all my hawaiian relatives. My cousin has a really strong Hawaiian accent compared to my mom.
I don't have an accent.
Well, I'm done boring you with all my stuff. And if I'm not boring you, yay!
Later, be sfe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
I was good with my FlCl theme, but then I wanted to change it. I changed it to One piece, but the music didn't work. lol. So, I changed it to Wolf's Rain. ^_^
About 3rd chair challenge. Racheal forgot her clarinet. I could've won, but I didn't have a ride home and we rescheduled for tomorrow.
We had a bunch of Veteran's come to our school today. The guy who came to history was great. He's 21 and went into the army at 18. He got shot in the neck and is paralyzed from the neck down. That sucks. His opinion on everything was oposite of the opinions of the two old men in my German class who were in World war II. They weren't in serious danger and they didn't want to ever go back to war. And they thought the food was great. They weren't playing Halo. lol. That's what the guy said. He spent his free time playing xbox.
I'm talking too much, so I'll let you go.
Oh, one more thing. I'm avoiding my mom because she wants to take me to the doctor for still having my cold. It's my bad immune system. T_T
Later, be safe!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
hahahaha, hi!!!!!!!
Today was the Veteran's parade! It was raining and we had to wear ponchos. My mom saw us before we began. She said that we all looked like nutcrackers.
There was somthing else I wanted to say....... oh yeah.
Dane got expelled. yay! threatening people, stalking kim(voluptuoussheena) Ding dong the bitch is dead. hehe.
I pointed out to rachel that Katie was sitting by herself. The mean katie, not the nice ones. And she said, "ding dong the bitch is dead" hahahahaha.
Oh, and in band. The Rachael who got 4th chair has challenged me. I really don't want to lose my position because I was so happy to get it. T_T Oh well, I hope I make it.
Have a good day. Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, November 3, 2005
No school mwahahaha...
I found the one day I got to miss school. Today! haha, I'm sick, and it's not good to miss school, but it's no fun staying sick. So.... I got to stay home. I figured out how to work my dad's dvd player after a long examination with the remote (clicked buttons for 5 minutes until it worked). I watched all the Full metal alchemist, Zatch Bell, and Naruto that I hadn't seen and now I'm all caught up. mwahaha, my brother's not and he never will be. hahaha!
There was a fight on my bus. One girl was stomping on the other girl. The girl being stomped on (I'll call her B) threw the other girl's (A) shoe out the bus window. There was a lot of name calling *cough*bitch*cough* hehe. Our bus driver had to pull them away. And one guy tried to pull his friend, A, away, but he got slapped. Weird. They woke me up from my nap on the bus. hehe. Thank goodness, it's like everytime I almost pass out on there.
Well, goodnight. I'm going back to school tomorrow. One miss is too much.
Oh, I really really want to apologize for not visiting anybody in so long. So so so so so sorry! I'll most likely have time on the weekend... crap, that's the parade.
Take care. Have a good day. Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
I hope you all had a great Halloween. I did. Although, I'm sick. I can hardly breathe. Through my nose anyways. I got it from Meghan aka chibidragongal. I have a crappy imune system. I'm affected so much worse than she is and it lasts for weeks. oh well.
we walked from my house to Ray's house. I think that was nice. Rachel kept complaining because she doesn't like Raymond. She asked why we don't go into another street. I finally told her that if we did, we would get lost. The whole point of going trick or treating in my neighborhood was so we don't get lost like last year.
I yelled at a guy on a bike. I yelled "happy halloween" and he replied the same. Then he jumped on the curb and I yelled "I wish I could do that." He must of thought I was crazy. hehehehe. I am.
We walked all the way back to my house with Raymond. I gave him about half my candy because a lot of it gives me head aches. he got a lot of gum. hehehe. Then Emily got really pissy. kim(voluptuoussheena) avoided her then.
But now I'm probably talking too much, so I won't say anymore.
Thank you all so much for the comments on the pictures. It makes me sooo happy. hehehehehe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, October 29, 2005
Hello peoples!
Thank you very much for the comments. I have another picture.

I scanned it very crookidly. My bad.
There's Josh, Rachel, Meghan(chibidragongal), sam(chibi's boyfriend), Me, and Kim(VoluptuousSheena)
hehe. XP
I like this picture the best of the three.
My cousin moved in with us. So, my brother shares a room with me now. It's not that bad yet.
Anyways, my cousin has a myspace account and she wants me to get one so she can introduce me to my other cousins. And if you have a lot of cousins, then I guess you get the picture. There's a lot.
Yeah, so, it's Friday! yay! Soon to be Saturday in like 3 hours for me.
Have a good weekend.
Later, be safety safe
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, October 24, 2005
hello, hehehe
Nothing happened today except that I got a headache, and I fell asleep on the floor while talking to someone. hehe. I was like "are you still there 'cause I fell asleep." hehehe.

Look look, we're monkies. VoluptuousSheena sent these to me. I almost didn't check my mail. hehe. Monkies. hehe.
Me, Kim(voluptuoussheena), and Rachel.

This one is me, Josh, Kim, and Rachel. Rachel and Josh are brother and sister if you couldn't tell. hehe. It was funny, Kim's mom said, "okay, now a picture with Annie and Josh" I was just thinking, wtf. She meant to say Rachel and Josh. hehehehe.
Have a good night everyone. Luv yas! Be safe...... or else, damn you. j/k. sorry.
PS Did you know that saying "damn you to hell" would be redundant.

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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