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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Hi... tired
I got back from homecoming about half an hour ago. It was okay. Kinda boring. But it was nice seeing everyone. Um, VoluptuousSheena is gonna send me the homecoming pictures and then I'm gonna post 'em up. hehe.
Hell, I'm tired....
Btw, tai chi is a martial art..... of balance.
I listened to my cd player at homecoming. We were hiding under the stairs. Probably the best part.
We won the football game last night which was awesome. We've never won before! hehe.
Yeah, I lied to my mom about doing well in school. I wasn't. She saw my grades. I can't go trick or treating next week... I can't go to voluptuoussheena's or Chibidragongal's house next weekend.
1st chair-Anna
2nd chair-Lora
3rd chair-ME
4th chair-Rachael
5th chair-Cody
6,7 chair-???
8th chair-Rachel
9, 10 chair-???
11th chair-Kim(voluptuousSheena)
And I don't care about the rest. hehe..... j/k.
sleep well everyone...... Be safe too.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, October 20, 2005
Hi hi
It's 6:20
I'll be leaving soon to search for shoes for homecoming. Um, question, but how many of you can spend a whole day in high heels??? Man, I'd trip every 5 minutes.............
So how's my new theme? Man, the last one didn't last a week. lol. I like this one better though. FLCL equals awesomeness!!
Oh, can you hear the music? It starts off with Ghost in the Shell and then moves on to the other song. mwahaha.....
Oh, I'll tell ya all the order of chairs that we got in band later. Thanks for all the luck you people... my friends gave me. I did great....
Have a great day everyone. I'm sorry for not visiting in a while. I feel that I'm gonna end up failing, but I can't..... I must work harder.
Tomorrow is the last football game! Homecoming game and then the day after is homecoming. So, I won't be on for a couple days.
Later, be safe!

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Yeah, I'm gonna try and visit everyone when I can.
I get to go to tai chi with my mom tomorrow night. Yay!
I'm so tired. I can't go to bed yet. I have to finish typing something which is gonna take forever. I haven't used microsoft word in a while and like.... I forgot how to turn the paper sideways. If ya understand and you're reading this tonight, and you know how, please tell me. If you don't know, it's alright. I'm just confused and it's frustrating.
I'm so tired.
Oh yeah, the band test is tomorrow. I hope I get first chair. Rachel said she tried playing, but she made her cats cry! She says she's tone deaf. We have to play that high high C and if you've played the clarinet, you probably know how difficult that can be. I like playing that note. lol. I'll ace that test. mwahahahaha....
Most likely, Anna will get first, but it's worth a try.
Yeah, thanks for the advice on the pic..... I got rid of it 'cause I didn't like it being there. It just didn't fit. I dunno.
Have a good day. I think I'm gonna pass out doing my homework. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
Later, be safety safe safe, Su!!!!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Just mentioning some stuff about my sis.....
I think my sis doesn't even remember what day it is. If she doesn't give my brother a birthday card or even acknowledge his date of birth, I won't think she really cares. I try my hardest to get a card sent to her on her birthday. It would be so easy to talk to her if she had a computer. She doesn't though because her wife won't let her have one because she gets addicted to the computer and won't come off.
I guess it's 'cause we're so far apart now....... The last time she came to visit, it lasted 2 min. and then she left to go visit our neighbors.She loves them more than us. I can't remember the last time she saw my parents. Maybe when I was 8. None of them want to see each other again. They do love each other it'll just be too weird to meet....
I miss her, but when I see her, she looks so different. She dyed her hair black when it used to be light brown....... She wears too much make up..... I guess what I truly miss is when I was younger.....
y'know, you don't have to read all this. I'm just gonna rant on and on about her....
She loved my aunt so much. Now, when I go to my aunt's house, i've pretty much replaced my sis.
I wanna say soo much to her, but she's always with Michelle. My sis is the reason I started drawing and stuff. You should see her art. Before she left, she could draw me! I was impressed. She can draw just about anything it seemed. She's a nurse now and helps out old people. She's liked that job for as long as I can remember. Crap, I'm jabbering too much. hehehehe, my apologies.
Edit: I got rid of the picture. I didn't like it, k?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, October 17, 2005
Sorry if I didn't get to your site. I had a fairly good day. I watched Princess Mononoke because I felt like it. I wanna watch whisper of the heart in english because I've seen it a few times, but not in english and I really liked that movie.. whisper of the heart...
It's a beautiful story. hehe.
Sorry if you didn't like my cursing at people. hehe, I can be mean. Like, I said really mean stuff to Ray because he said my brother masturbates, which he doesn't. Kim had to pull the phone away from me because I kept calling him a bastard........ that's an old story... forget the past!
I had dinner with my mom, my dad, my brother, my step dad, at red robins. After one of the track meets last year, I went there with Rachel and Meghan and after our burgers, we had monster mudpies. I shared with my brother and RAchel and Meghan shared. my brother only ate two bites and I finished it by myself before Rachel and Meghan. mwahahaha....
Well, it's Andrew's birthday. I got him a Kirby game. No way whatsoever would I get him a pokemon game. lol.
Well, I gotta go to bed... I'm doing the laundrey.. I'm so tired.
I apologize if I didn't get to your site.
The band test is coming up. (here I go, more talk) I'm aiming for 1st chair. If I don't get it, I want Kim or Rachel to. most likely, Anna's gonna get it. Or that other Rachael. hehe.
Later, be safe. G'night. Sleep well, be safe in your dreams if ya have any.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
I missed everything I wanted to watch because I got tired and fell asleep. And some stuff even comes on twice. I missed the South Park movie. Waaahhhh.... No big deal really, it's not like I'm going to die. Flcl is on right now. haha.
I changed my theme because the DNAngel music died. grr. lol.
Rachel called the other night at midnight. She got in a fight while they were watching south park. Her brother is the only one in that house that she likes. He spilt water over her bed and she had to sleep in her parent's bed.
I wanted to go do something, but I couldn't think of anything and then she couldn't go anywhere anyway.

This, btw, is Kurt Cobain. haha. HE's awesome. His aunt came to our middle school last year and sang a song about a butterfly and stuff. It was sad, her whole presentation. Kevan was crying. And then there were those stupid people laughing. Apparently, they didn't understand. If they were gonna laugh, they shouldn't have fucking come. Damn bastards...
sorry, I felt like saying something mean..
FLcl just ended.*hums to ending song*
Later everyone, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
I accidently clicked the button.....
From Go-Quiz.com
I thought it was funny that this is what you get when you don't type anything in. lol. I'm amused easily.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Hello all
It's finally raining... at 9:03.
I'm gonna get off soon. South Park marathon. Yay. I love south park. For this special occasion, I shall put up another south park person.... trust me, this dude's awesome. Cookies to that which figures out who it is.

mwahahahahahaha awesomeness.
Monday is Andrew's birthday. I'm gonna get him some video game. Don't know which one yet, but it's gonna be one that I'll play. lol.
I'm feeling much better, thank you.
Kimmy's got a boyfriend. lol. THat's sooo beautiful. Dane is out of the picture. He got pissed at the note VoluptuousSheena wrote and threw Robert's backpack over the railing of the second floor and it broke his flute which was inside it.
I got my hair cut. I've got bangs again. mwahahahaha. I'm all cheery tonight.
OH, at the football game, it was funny. WE saw MR. Nelsen. It was awesome. He was there. I miss that old crazy man. He's not that old.
My thumb is bleeding... I won't say why though. lol.
Yeah, but Becky wanted to sit next to Kim, but we pushed her away. Then Cameron wanted to, but we said he couldn't because Evan was going to and he heard. Kim said, "why are you doing this to me?" I said, "because we love you." And Evan asked her out today. It's so beautiful.
Ray whispered into my ear(and Kim, don't read because he doesn't want you to know.)"If Evan breaks her heart, I break his neck." lol. But I know evan won't do that. lalalalala
Later, be safe. I love you all!!!!!!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Must make this quick.
sorry for not answering pms so quickly. I've been busy, so yeah. And then there was this mess up when it got full, so I apologize for that too. Um, I took the PSAT today. it was boring. It was required too. And it was free.
My mom was gonna take me to tai chi, but I fell asleep and she left without me. And everyone's looking forward to meeting me. ugh, I can't let them down any longer. i want a sword like my mom. She has a really cool one.
I threw up today. It went up in my mouth and then I swallowed it and started choking. hehe, that tasted nasty.
I have to go to the football game tomorrow night. I don't really like football, but it's okay. Our band shirts kinda suck. Not as fancy as last year's with the huge blue and silver gorilla on the back. Excuse me, the big silver back on the back.
Later, be safe.
Everyone feels like crying and I do too.....
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Another Day of Rain.
Thank you, and I have nothing else to say...... Lookie!!!!!!!!!!

Later, be safe today.

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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