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Friday, September 9, 2005
..........Guten Morgen
I have a German quiz today. I'm sorry for not visiting that many people. Each day for homework, it's like I have to do another essay. Or a one page analasis. Or something. Rachel's been doing most of her homework which is good. If she gets kicked out of the class for failing, I'm gonna be alone.......
I couldn't sleep, so I'm up and awake.
Ok, please vote your favorite or whatever one you'd rather be and if you haven't said your school mascot, ya can or whatever....
1. Wild Cat (1vote)
2. Panther (1vote)
3. Cougar (1vote)
4. Olympian [something]
5. Timber wolf

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, September 8, 2005
Guten Abend! (I hope I spelt that right)
OK, I'm sorry, VoluptuousSheena. I shouldn't have made fun of you with your 4, now 5, textbooks. I got 4 now too. There we go calling the kettle black. hehehehe....
My bus, it goes near the elementary and that's the closest I can get to home. so, everyday, I have to get off the bus 4 blocks away from home and walk the rest of the way. Today was bad 'cause I lost feeling in my feet from the shoes I was wearing. It was picture day. hehe, I dressed up..... and by choice. For a friend.
ok, pick your favorite mascot:
1.Olympian (something)
2.Wild Cat
If you didn't tell me your mascot, please tell me so I know. Thank you. I'll try to visit as many people as I can after school.
Later, be safe from insane people. Ya know, there are those legally insane and those illegally insane. Watch out for both.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, September 7, 2005
High school...... the first day kinda sucked...
VoluptuousSheena has four textbooks. hahahah, I have to laugh at her. I only got two. ahahahahahaha. I got the essay done like late at night.
I'm a timberwolf now. Go timberwolves! I guess that's kinda cool. What's the mascot at your school? If ya have one.
I'm sorry for not visiting in a long long time. sorries soo much.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
I got stressed with that essay today I almost cried. My cousin cheered me up in a way. I wasn't expecting that. I'd like to thank her, but no one knew I was stressed so...... yeah, I didn't even start the essay. The book has a crappy ending.
I went to walmart. I had a blue vest. two people came up to me almost asking for help. I was fustrated with them so much that I was just laughing. I hate walmart. Too many people. Too long lines. Never get out alive, and yet, I'm here right now. I hate walmart. My friend loves walmart. I can't see why.
I start school in the morning. I'm giving Marylou a ride. I missed the two band rehearsals for whatever they were about.
Well, later and be safe from all emotional baddies. XP
..........my awesome friends.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, September 5, 2005
I'm home
I got home about an hour ago. I had fun. I have so much to say, but I forgot it all. Hehe, shows my stupidity.
When I meant "Worthless shit" and "wasting your time", I meant that I had nothing to say that was of anything. I'm gonna put pics up of my trip once I've downloaded them to the computer, or rather, once my dad's downloaded them. I forgot my camera. Bummer. I fell in the one of the lakes we stayed near. I jumped to another rock, not realizing the mossiness of it all. My foot slipped. I thought, no big deal if just my foot gets soaked, but then I realized the sharp pain in my butt as I fell. It was cold, let me tell you. very very cold. Each night was cold in fact. I was shivering.
Monday is going to be full of writing my essay. I have one chapter left of my book to read and then I have to go through it and take notes which I didn't do and then write the essay. I also have to go school shopping. (saving everything to the last minute-foolishness)
It's amazing how many people die in that book.
Guess Who:

I honestly don't know his name, but I sure do recognize him.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005
It's working, omg.
Finally, the computer's working! Yay!
I haven't left yet. Not yet. Tomorrow maybe.
Oh crap, it's not working anymore, I think. Something happened. Oh well.
I'm just talkin' away, saying worthless shit. Just wasting your time. Ok, I'm done talking.
Guess Who:

Can you guess who this one is? I'm watching South Park. hehe, funny.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (10) |
Monday, August 29, 2005
I tried posting, but I guess it didn't work. Otherwise, it did and I'm just being retarded and posting again. Oh well, it doesn't matter, does it?
I had fun. It was a funny time. There was a KoRn song I wanted to listen to, but Rachel wouldn't let me 'cause it makes her cry. The Murderdoll songs were awesome. hehe, we all love Rachel. She lost her contact.
I have a question about camping. Have you ever gone camping? If you did, did you enjoy it? If you didn't, do you want to? Ok, maybe that was more than a question. But it's all related.
I hope everyone is fine. So sorry for not getting to you if I didn't.
I'll miss ya. Bye.
Oh, awesomeness. It's raining. Too bad it's morning and not.... whatever, I'm tired.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, August 28, 2005
I'm at Chibidragongal's and VoluptuousSheena's house. I forgot that it was also Newbie7's bday also.
Rachel's been letting me listen to her mp3 player. It's awesome, very awesome.
Once again, I'm sorry for not visiting. When I did have time, the f-ing computer wasn't working.
The pic was Luffy in South Park form. XP
Ray got another girlfriend. That was fast, not too surprisingly, but it was still fast. This one i know, and she's really nice. No one loves Ray. lol. He's unattractive, as everyone says. lol.
I was gonna put another South Park person up, but I can't.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, August 27, 2005
Happy Birthday!!!!!!
I almost forgot that it was VoluptuousSheena's birthday. Bad me..... hehehe. Ask if I can come over and then I remembered... uh... well, at least I remembered. That would be awful if I had forgotten.
I have one week to finish my homework. When I think of it like that, I realize that it's not that much time left. That scares me.
Guess who:

Can you guess who this is????
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, August 26, 2005
I think I might be able to visit your sites today. Maybe. It depends on how late I get to my dad's house. I'm planning on going in the morning or before my mom and step dad leave. They're going back up to Canada. My step dad's been doin' stuff for a job or something.
I hope everyone's having a good time. Nothing new today. I helped my mom with dinner, but she was afraid I would cut myself with the knife, so she stopped me from helping. I'm not a little baby anymore. lol.
Well, I gotta go for now, I'm almost sure I'll get to you all.
Anime's Music Codes
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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