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Thursday, August 25, 2005
I'm cold for two reasons.....
The orientation was ok. The people talk too much. The only way we got free food and pizza was to finish the scavanger hunt. It was easy, but I threw it away after I crumpled it up. XP stupid hunt.
Yeah, I'm glad I wasn't alone.
I've got a beatles song stuck in my head. lol.
You say no, I say yes,
you say bye, I say go go go.
You say goodbye, I say hello.
Hello hello, I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello....
sorry 'bout that. I heard it the other day and it got stuck in my head. Then I told my mom and she started singing it. -_-;;
You're all awesome.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sorry, haven't been on much to comment. Chibidragongal and VoluptuousSheena are gonna miss the school orientation in the morning. They're coming home. My two friends are gonna be there. At least I won't be alone. Yup, well, dinner is ready. Yeah, well, uh........
What's your favorite food?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Ok then, I'll tell ya about it.
We got up and went to Safeway. When we were there, I saw my friend that I mentioned with the new gf. lol. He yelled my name and I waved. He don't look that much different. lol.
It was a 6 hour drive. We got up there and went to the beach and stuff. I saw this man playing a chinese violin. It was so beautiful. Man, I wish I was that good. I want a chinese violin now. lol. Not that much, but it's cool.
So, mainly I went from Vancouver, Washington to Vancouver, Canada. lol. Vancouver to Vancouver. My mom calls the one we're from the lesser Vancouver 'cause it's smaller.
It took almost two hours to get across the border. I could've run, much less, walk across and beat the car.
Well, I might get to ya all today. I'll try, can't make promises. I liked SHN's example of candy. lol. Well put I shall say.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, August 22, 2005
I'm home... heh
I said I'd be back Monday, right? Well, it's Monday, and I'm home. hehe. I'll tell ya all about it later. I'm gonna try and visit ya all now. I hope I didn't miss much. Only one or two days, right?
Well, I'll be around.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, August 21, 2005
Hello, I'm sorry I didn't visit anybody. I'm really really sorry.
The festival was ok. We were only there for about 15 min. hehe, but we ran into my cousin. She's been leaving up here for 3 weeks trying to contact my mom. My mom found out and called a bunch of relatives to brag about how she has a relative here now. hehe, I don't even remember this cousin of mine.
My friend got another girlfriend. At least she's not crazy like one who always yells "birdie" when she sees a bird, and there are a lot of birds. And he said she doesn't call him an ass. He says she makes him happy. That's so cool. The only bad thing is that her dad has a gun and he's afraid he's gonna use it on him.
Well, tomorrow, I'm gonna try and go to Canada. I get to leave the country for the second time in my life. It's the only other country I've been to. I'm leaving early in the morning.
I'm really sorry I can't visit anybody. I feel so guilty.
I should be back on Monday, so, later. (I talk too much hehe)
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, August 20, 2005
Puppies......... and Plushypoo
My bro visited a few people. All he wrote is puppies. hehe, he's weird. I put a bunch of stuff on his site, and then I asked him what he wanted to change. He changed the music, the avatar, he wants to change something else. He never mentioned the bg though. hehe...
I'm goin' to a Hawaiian festival with my mom and a couple of her friends. Oh, a while ago, someone at the grocery store mentioned how my mom has a Hawaiian accent. She asked me if it was true. And I said that I never noticed. hehe, she said it was because she's my mom. But now that I think about it, she kinda does have an accent. hehe...
Yeah, well, I'm sorry if I don't make it to your sites. I'm gonna be busy. The festival, and my homework assignment.
I'm extrememly tired, so, goodnight. It's 11:05, almost midnight. hehe, I can normally stay up later.
What's the longest you've stayed up? me: 10 in the morning.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, August 19, 2005
Ok, my day was boring. I went to lunch with my mom. That was about it.
Oh, I started my homework. Yay me! I read like 3 chapters of the book. It was actually pretty good. I mean, I didn't get bored with it. Then I remembered I had to take notes. That's when I got bored.
Remember this background? I guess it wasn't too long ago, but, I missed it. hehehehe...
The background music is the only FMA song I can play from the piano book on the violin. Well, it's like just the melody part. I can't play with two notes at a time, well, kinda. But it sounds like crap then. It's sounding better though.
How is everyone? Bored?
It's supposed to rain all next week after it gets super hot over the weekend. I think. I love the rain.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (15) |
Thursday, August 18, 2005
I think I may go into a state of depression soon.
This is the bunny I mentioned. Sorry if it's kinda small. It's funny when it's larger.
I just finished watching South Park. hehe, it's a really bad show. Some of my friends aren't allowed to watch it. But, they do anyways. hehehehe.......
I feel like I could run a mile right now. Or more. I'm thinking about how if I ran 3 seconds faster, I would've made it to districts. lol. I'm slow.
If you've run a mile, what's your fastest? If you haven't, what do you think your fastest would be? My fastest is 7 minutes and 35 seconds.
*yawn* I have to start my homework tomorrow. Which, by the way, I haven't started. hehe, I read 4 pages. Oh well.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Okay, I just had to add to all this that it's raining! yes, raining. Oh oh, guess what? it's raining! man, even though it's just a light drizzle, I consider it raining! I'm filled with excitement at this wonderfulness. lol. It's raining it's raining, the kids outside are complainin'. lol. Too much excitement. lol. Ok, I'm done with my joy. NOT! It's raining, haha, no more brats outside yellin' at the kitties. mwahahahahahahahahahaha......
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Hello Hello!!
Don't be sorry about the nightmares. It's not that big of a deal, it just made me realize something. So, it's ok.
I was thinkin' about the other day when i played tennis. This other family came in and the girl was kinda mean. She kept calling her brother retarded for doin' somethin' bad. Then, she would call her racket retarded. She says no one will hit the ball towards her, but she doesn't want to play that stupid game. I just couldn't stand all the whining. lol. I'm done complaining.
I was late to violin lessons. lol. That was kinda cool. The instructor didn't even notice that I hardly practiced this week. lol. He said I improved a lot. But, how could I when I didn't practice a whole lot. hahahaha.
VoluptuousSheena and Chibidragongal have left for Gourgia(sp?). Yeah, well, they're leaving in the morning.
My brother made an account, but all he put up was a picture of a bunny, so I'm not sure it's really worth visitin' lol. Cute bunny though. Pink...... lol.
How have you all been. Is the sun still shining bright, like it's dead hot, or has it cooled down a bit? hehe.
Oh yeah, I finally got Crow Lake. I have until september 6th to finish it and do my report. lol. I should start soon.

Later, be safe.
loop=infinite>Anime's Music Codes
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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