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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Hello All!
I'm finally home. I had so much fun at Chibidragongal and VoluptuousSheena's house. They're cool. I slept on the couch thinking their puppies wouldn't attack me, but they still did. lol. Well, I had fun. Soo much fun. Too bad Rachel had to go home soon. I hope she's ok.
I hope you guys are having an ok time. I have to go do my homework now. I'm not in school yet for anyone who thought I was. It starts in a month. My letter is due tomorrow though.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, August 5, 2005
i think I got to everyone. And if I missed ya, i'm sorry.
South Park is on right now. I'm gonna miss it again. Oh well, funny show. I love it.
Well, I really have to start on my homework. I'm such a bad kid. XP I just don't feel like doing any of it. Oh well, I'll start sometime soon. Like, maybe tomorrow. Or the next day... or sometime....
I hope you guys are having an ok time. I know, a lot of you are bored or something is goin' on, but otherwise, I hope you all are ok.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Thank you for caring, and I'm sorry if I didn't visit
I have nothing to say, so I put this up......... ya don't have to read it, it's just a bunch of crap I put up...
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
Poison Oak
My mom took my to the doctor's in the morning. It only lasted around 10 min. it seemed, but that was only when they looked at my leg. All the waiting and everything must've added up to something. The doctor prescribed some steroid cream.... I kinda wanted to laugh....sorry. Everything should go away by the time school starts. i have to avoid hot showers though.. and man, I love hot showers...... oh well. I can't even go into the hot tub. lol.
Remember how way back when, I mentioned that I had encountered poison oak? Well, that seems to be the case. But that was soo long ago, and nothing seemed to bother me then or a week later. More like three weeks later.....odd. Enough about that, it's boring.......
So, those of you who read about the two hundred monkeys thought it was funny. lol. Yup, monkeys....
My friend showed me this really really funny video on the internet. It was called the real legend. It was based on the legend of zelda ocarina of time. lol. It was so funny...

What is the funniest thing you ever hear, saw, or whatever?
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hello all
I found this somewhere. i thought it was funny. I dunno what else to say, so I felt like wasting space with this.....
I like monkeys.
The pet store was selling them for five cents a piece. I thought that
odd since they were normally a couple thousand each. I decided not to
look a gift horse in the mouth. I bought 200. I like monkeys.
I took my 200 monkeys home. I have a big car. I let one drive. His
name was Sigmund. He was retarded. In fact, none of them were really
bright. They kept punching themselves in their genitals. I laughed.
Then they punched my genitals. I stopped laughing.
I herded them into my room. They didn't adapt very well to their new
environment. They would screech, hurl themselves off of the couch at
high speeds and slam into the wall. Although humorous at first, the
spectacle lost its novelty halfway into its third hour.
Two hours later I found out why all the monkeys were so inexpensive:
they all died. No apparent reason. They all just sorta' dropped dead.
Kinda' like when you buy a goldfish and it dies five hours later. Damn
cheap monkeys.
I didn't know what to do. There were 200 dead monkeys lying all over my
room, on the bed, in the dresser, hanging from my bookcase. It looked
like I had 200 throw rugs.
I tried to flush one down the toilet. It didn't work. It got stuck.
Then I had one dead, wet monkey and 199 dead, dry monkeys.
I tried pretending that they were just stuffed animals. That worked for
a while, that is until they began to decompose. It started to smell real
I had to pee but there was a dead monkey in the toilet and I didn't want
to call the plumber. I was embarrassed.
I tried to slow down the decomposition by freezing them. Unfortunately
there was only enough room for two monkeys at a time so I had to change
them every 30 seconds. I also had to eat all the food in the freezer so
it didn't all go bad.
I tried burning them. Little did I know my bed was flammable. I had to
extinguish the fire.
Then I had one dead, wet monkey in my toilet, two dead, frozen monkeys in
my freezer, and 197 dead, charred monkeys in a pile on my bed. The odor
wasn't improving.
I became agitated at my inability to dispose of my monkeys and to use the
bathroom. I severely beat one of my monkeys. I felt better.
I tried throwing them way but the garbage man said that the city wasn't
allowed to dispose of charred primates. I told him that I had a wet
one. He couldn't take that one either. I didn't bother asking about the
frozen ones.
I finally arrived at a solution. I gave them out as Christmas gifts. My
friends didn't know quite what to say. They pretended that they like
them but I could tell they were lying. Ingrates. So I punched them in
the genitals.
I like monkeys

Did you think it was funny, stupid, or did you not bother reading it? It took me a while to decide to read it, but I found it funny.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (9) |
Monday, August 1, 2005
Thank you
I had fun at my mom's party. The little girl was so funny. She says "rawr" and then I say "rawr" and then she says "roar" and then I say "roar". Haha, tiring little kid. Her aunt, my friend, and I thought she was calling herself a brat, but she was calling herself a rat. haha, we were worried. She's a cute little girl. Man, it was fun, but hot. I got to see a bunch of my mom's friends. That was cool. I cleaned up a bunch for my mom before the party. If my brother had woken up when I told him to, he might've helped me. I had fallen asleep through the beginning of the party. I come downstairs, and there's people. So, before they noticed me, I ran back to my room. hehe. My brother came searching for me though.
The cake was way to sweet. I couldn't finish it. Too sweet for me to handle. uh.......... I'm sorry if this is kinda boring.
Well, I hope you guys are happy like me.
Oh yeah... I want to say that I feel sorry for all of your injuries. Thank you for sharing that with me. The worst for me, is probably when I grazed my knee on the cement. It's not as bad as my dad dislocating his shoulder from getting hit by a snowboarder or when my bro rolled backwards and cut his ear on the bottom of the chair. hehe. Well, I hope those injuries have healed. I'm sure most of them have.

Do you ever get high? Or, like do you ever act like a monkey? haha, monkey...
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (11) |
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Happy Birthday Mom!
I just finished stuffing a bunch of old toys in a bucket like my mom requested. I didn't bake a cake though. Bummer, I was looking forward to it. I think I might be doing that later though.
We went to the river, my brother and my dad and me. I didn't go in the water 'cause of the thing on my leg. It hurt....... but, I'm fine now, so no worries. The stupid band aid fell of while we were hiking through the forest along the river. I cut my arm and knee on some thorns, but it's not bad. It's like a paper cut.
I'm happy happy, yup... Don't know why, but I'm happy. Happy and hyper and tired and.....and.... ah, I dunno.

What is the worst injury that has happened to you? Emotionally or physically. You know, you don't have to answer the questions I ask.
Oh, and does anyone know where I can get the code for Kesenai Tsumi? The place I tried isn't working.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (12) |
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Yeah yeah, I'm sure I don't have cancer. It's not that serious, I know. But man, it itches like hell. I haven't scratched it for a while and there's more than one bump. There's like a dozen. They look like little blood blisters. Oh well, it's nothing to worry about unless it gets worse. The worse it gets, the happier I'll be and the sadder I'll be. Don't ask me why, 'cause I don't think I know. I'm just crazy. Believe me, I'm crazy!
Well, later I'm gonna bake a cake for my mom. I'm back at my dad's house for the night. I go back to my mom's house and bake the cake. I have to bring a bunch of my old baby toys with me. My mom's inviting her friends and they have babies. I'm gonna have to bring a bucket of toys over. I know one of them loves our stuffed animals, but I'm not sure what the other kid likes. My brother loves the two of them. They're so cute, but they're tiring.
We didn't play tennis. Thank goodness, 'cause it was so hot and I was so tired and I felt like I was going to die. My brother's gonna get a month of break from lessons 'cause it's all booked for Augest.
My step dad's moving to California. Well, it's not a for sure thing. It's better than him going out to sea for 5 months like usual though. Yup.

Whoops, Ayame is supposed to go before Rin, i think. Snake then horse, yeah.

Question: What was your favorite baby toy if you had any. Like, a favorite object. Mine was a stuffed giraffe. I used to always suck on it's neck and it was so disgusting. lol. I also had an apple thing called Apple Annie. lol.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, July 29, 2005
I just woke up from a very long nap.
I have to make this quick 'cause my brother wants me to help him with something related to Tales of Symphonia. He found the memory card recently, so now I can play the gamecube again. yay.
I have like this bump on my leg that was bleeding. My mom was afraid that I might have cancer. heh, I sure hope not.
My brother's mad at me now. I'm not gonna help him. XP
BTW, I may not get to all your sites. I'm pretty sure I missed a handful already. I'm at my mom's house again, and she always questions why I'm on. Plus, my brother always wants on. So, I'll try and make time, k?
Anyways, I hope you all are ok. Hope the heat hasn't bothered you too much, or boredom.

Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, July 28, 2005
Hello......... Thanks you for those of you who went to that site. That was nice. I ate around 12 brains total. Thanks, zombies.
I just got back from Oneanta Gorge or however that's spelt. Crossed the log jam, waded through deep, glacier water. *__* Day dreamin' 'bout a fun time. The water wasn't super freezing like it normally is though. Which is good, but I still didn't go all the way under the water. And Chibidragongal, I tell you, I will someday go under the frickin' freezing cold water.
I finally got Fruits Basket vol. 10. I loved it so much......haa.
My mom's birthday is this Sunday. Same day as Harry Potter's. I'm not sure what to get her, and I'm running out of time. I'll think of something.

How does it feel, being a zombie? hehe, Later, be safe.
loop=infinite>Anime's Music Codes
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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