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Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hope you are enjoyin' life...Today is HOT
haha, I finally got to talk to Chibidragongal on aim. Then we were trying to get a hold of her bf, but he wasn't there until after she was gone. So I talked to him for a short time.
Dang, I really have to stop putting aside my homework. I'm gonna get to it. It's just, I don't know what to write about. I have to write a letter describing me and everything without rambling. *sigh* oh well, I'll get to it.
I wish for you all to go there, please. You don't have to, but it's really short. You just go there and read the two sentences, and leave. It's not a big time eater.

yup, I have a question, but I'll ask it later, ok?
Well, later and be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Hello, I'm happy again.
It's no big deal about my brother. He calls me stupid all the time, but we played Zelda Four Swords again. That was fun. He didn't call me stupid at all. ^^ yup.
The scanner finally worked. Yay!! I turned the it off and then back on, and it worked. I'm not sure if that was what helped it though. So, I'm really happy. I got to scan my pic. It's all ready.
The third thing that made me happy was that I finally got AIM to work. Yipee!! Now I can talk to all my friends from school easier.
I hope you all are happy as well, 'cause I'm almost hyper.

Have you ever cried for no reason at all? Like, you felt sad as you cried, but didn't know why and most of the day you were happy.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, July 25, 2005
Yup Yup
Hello all.
My brother and I were playin' zelda. It was fun at first, until he started callin' me stupid for messin' up. Just because I can't hit the enemy right off the bat doesn't mean I'm stupid or a retard. Oh well.
Chain letters...I'm sure there are a lot of people who hate 'em. I for one hate chain letters, but when I get 'em, I feel like sendin' 'em. So, I'm sorry for sendin' ya a letter if ya didn't want it. hehehe. And please don't send me any. Yeah....chain letters.
Maybe later tonight, I'll try my luck with the scanner. It ought to work now. I'm gonna end up not wantin' to scan the pic anymore if I have to wait 'til school starts.

So, does anyone like chain letters? I've never heard of anyone likin' 'em, but if ya do, I dun mind.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Happy happy!!!
Hello, I realized that I didn't do anything today(Saturday). hmmmm.....oh well.
Anyways, does anybody know the name of the person who's singing. I know her first name is Ritsuko. I thought it was sad though, she died last year from cancer. Oh well.
Thank you all, my head doesn't hurt that much. I have a head ache, but the bump is gone, so all's good.
I feel really guilty to myself for not startin' my homework. I mean, I had plenty of time to do it, but I decided to be lazy instead. -_-' That's part what makes me stupid. Oh well.
My scanner's not workin'. That sucks, 'cause I drew a picture and I'm proud of myself. I'm very proud.
I hope you all are havin' a good summer while it's lasting. There was a thunderstorm the other night. I liked that. I woke up in the middle of the night, and there was thunder and lightnin'. That was awesome. hehe.

What is your least favorite animal, and what is your favorite animal?
Later, and be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, July 23, 2005
I had problems with the music. It was workin', then it wouldn't and everyone said it wasn't playin'. Hopefully it is now. All the FMA music I tried didn't play except for Melissa. That's not exactly my favorite one. So, I decided to change my theme a week early. Sorry Kiralover, I know the bg is kinda pink. So, Whatcha think?
Anyways, I haven't started on my homework...which is bad. Oh well, I'll get a start on it later, as in soon. I'm scared to find out how big the book I'm supposed to read is. The title sounds borin', but maybe it won't be.
The governor came to our library for story time with the little kids on Thursday. There were news people and everythin'. I just learned about the government here, so I recognized our Governor.
I banged my head on the side of the night stand in my room. It hurts when I touch the bump. If I place my hand on it long enough, my left side of my head becomes numb. hehehe, yeah. I bang myself up often. I never get seriously hurt though, like my brother and other people. Yeah, so I'm pretty luck, clumsy, but lucky.

Um....what's yer favorite color? Heh, stupid question, eh? Mine's blue, green, and black. Yup...
Later, "be safe."

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, July 22, 2005
I didn't quite say much b4, but now I gots lot to say....
First off, I finally got the letter for my assignments. I have to read either the "inquirty into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" by Adam Smith, or "The Communist Manifeto" by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engells. i have to write a letter 'bout myself and send it to my teacher through email (have no clue who my teacher is). I have to write a formal essay on one of those books and has to be under 2 pages typed. I also have to read "Crow Lake" by Mary Lawson. I have to take notes of Choices and Decision-makin'. Then I have to write a summary and an introductory par. 'bout myself. Send that in email to some lady.....whew, that's a lot for me.
Every Thursday, my mom's takin' me to the library to do whatever. Last night, she attempted takin' us to her tai chi thing, but I really dun wanna learn tai chi at the moment. Sounds interestin' though.
My mom took me on a ride around the block a couple times on her motorcycle. She's afraid to take me on major roads. Oh well, someday I'll getta ride it beyond our neighborhood.
I'm gonna try and get a job to pick blueberries with my friend Rachel. She's already been workin'. Oh well, and...yeah.
So, the last post was kinda u think this makes up for it at all? Another question, Do you prefer long posts, or short posts? Third question...My music doesn't play on this comp. Can any of you still hear it?
I apologize to all those that I didn't get a chance to visit. I'm sure the majority of ya all I didn't visit, so I apologize. Sorry.
Anyways, later.....and have a good time.

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
Thankies to all.
Must go, not allowed on past 9 tonight. Oh well, talk to yas later. Have a good day. I'll try and get to everyone's site as soon as possible.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Thank you
Hello, and thank you all! You're awesome.
I had a good day, and I'm not upset anymore. Yes, I enjoyed my dinner last night. Thank you. My brother had mold on his bread. It was funny at first.
I hope you all had a good day. I had my friends over. Marylou and Rachel. Rachel mentioned Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and how she wanted to watch it again, so my mom told us to find out when it was showin' in the theaters next. So we watched it, and it was funny. Since my friends were over, we almost forgot about my violin lessons. I'm improvin' like you said I would. Thanks. ^^
I found out that I have homework now. I think I have like three essays to do now. And one essay or letter is due at the beginning of Augest. This sucks, I thought I could be stupid all summer. Oh well, at least I won't be so bored.
Later, you're all awesome!!!!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
Quick Hello
hello to all.
I have to type quickly 'cause dinner's ready. So, yeah. I keep havin' late dinners. hehe, oh well.
I apologize if I don't make it to all of your sites. My mom's computer always turns off when I visit them. Even when I go to my page, it freezes. So, yeah.....sorry.
Anyways, I'm like going to be fustrated really easy for the next few days. It's hot and stuff, so I'll be very fustrated. Which means, don't say anything that could really tick me off. But, I don't know what you could possibly say....You're all so awesome. So, have a good day, or night. I'm gonna dash and eat dinner. hehehe...Cya.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, July 18, 2005
Hot!!!!! You heard me, right? HOT!!!!
Ok, today was the first super super hot day....and the worst thing is that I can't go in the water........we were gonna go to some place where the water is super cold, and I mean so cold that I have never gone underneath the water all the way. I only got it up to the bottom of my eyes. But, we didn't go 'cause no one made a big effort to go, plus, I wouldn't have been able to go into the water.........
So, I didn't do anything today, it's after 9 and my dad should be back home soon with dinner.
Hehe, late dinner.

What is your favorite food on a hot day, ice cream would be mine. ^^
loop=infinite>Anime's Music Codes
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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