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Thursday, July 7, 2005
Hi Everybody, I'm Back!
Okay, did ne1 else think that my trip was a little short? It was ok. The best part was probably seeing the fireworks reflected on the ocean. It would've been better to light some. All my aunt's neighbors who lit fireworks, were lighting illegal fireworks ne ways.
I hope u all had a great 4th.
Don't know much else to say.
Bad Grades
The teacher handed back everyone's tests. "Haha, I got an A," Casey told Al.
"Haha," Al copied, "I got an F."
"......." Casey sat blankly.
"I'm gonna complain 2 the teacher," Al said with a smile.
"I don't think I deserve an F," he told the teacher.
"Neither do I," the teacher replied.
"But it was the lowest grade I could give u. There wasn't a lower option."

I'm thinkin' about changin' my theme in a month. It's gonna be Fruits Basket, ok?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, July 3, 2005
Hey lo!
I haven't left yet (if u didn't know yet). Ne ways, what I did was help move Chibidragongal's and VoluptuousSheena's hot tub over to my house. I pretty much just stood there and watched. Not much I could do ne way.
 You are Farah. You are tough for a girl and can pretty much do whatever a man can do. You stand up for what ever you believe is right. Sometimes you even stand up for the little kid getting picked on at the local store. Unfortunately, when you helped the kid run away you realized that he was really a thief stealing from the store so many times. Your cooking skills are excellent and you could even go to a compitition with them. Your caring and tough.
What Tales of Destiny 2 Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Stupidity in the Classroom
"If I lay three eggs here and five eggs over there, how many eggs will I have?" the teacher asked.
"To be honest, I don't believe it's possible for u to lay those eggs." Al replied.
"What pine has the longest and sharpest needles?" The teacher asked.
"A porcupine," Al answered.
"Like ar and math, u suck in science," Casey said. "u poor pathetic friend of mine."
"How r ur grades?" Al's father asked.
"They're under water," Al said.
"What do u mean?"
*sigh*"Below C level." T-T.
Next one: Bad Grades

Last time I told u guys to make memories with ur friends. Now I want u to make memories with ur family, Ok?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, July 2, 2005
One More Day
Ha, we ran a day late.
So, I'm staying here for one more night and there one less night.
Yeah, my tummy's growling. I'm hungry.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Hello Beautiful Ppl!!!
I'm gonna be gone for the next week, so u won't be getting any comments from me until next week. I'll catch up on everything else once I get back.
I'm probably gonna stay up all night finishing my little fma marathon of recorded videos. I'm kinda getting sick of it 'cuz I've been watching it all day. I think I need a break. But I don't think I'd really get sick of it. I mean, I love it to death.
Enjoy another scene with Casey and Al.
Art Class
Al brought his painting to his art teacher. "That, Miss, is a cow grazing." He told his teacher.
"Where's the grass?"
"Duh, the cow ate it." Al rolled his eyeballs.
"Where's the cow, then?"
Al rolled his eyes again. "Do u really think that the cow would be that stupid to stay there after eating all the grass? That's just plain stupid."
"So mainly, it's a picture of dirt?"
"NO," Al yelled. "I told u! It's a cow grazing!"
Next one is Stupidity in the Classroom. They'll get out of school soon.

Make some memories with ur friends this summer that u'll enjoy remembering, ok?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, July 1, 2005
Full Metal Alchemist Marathon
I'm going to watch FMA today, all day. maybe. So I won't be on too much. My dad had recorded all that they showed on t.v. except for episode 2. So I'm gonna have to live without the second one. I'm just lucky that I can have a marathon. Which is cool.
I am so tired tho.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Not much here.
Ok. I'm here. writing another post. I'm pickin' up the hot tub on Saturday. Ne ways, Here's another short story. If they're a waste of time, say so.
Al and Casey stood in their music classroom. Recorders (song flutes, i think) In their hands. Their teacher instructed them to play and casey got the hic-ups.
Her hic-ups messd up the playing and al stopped to point and laugh. Every1 else stopped to watch al point and laugh.
Casey wacked him on the head. He fell to the ground and was silent.
Al went back in2 an uproar of laughter. Rotfl.
*sigh, hic*
The next one is called Art class. Hopefully, it'll be funny.

Which instrument do u think would sound best playin' rewrite? (the song on my site.)
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, June 30, 2005
Hey Hey!
I really have to thank Kiralover. She helped me soo much on here. THANK U!!!!XP
Ne ways, I never realized how much I liked FMA until I came on here. It's amazing. My theme when I started was going to Furuba, but it ended up being fma. weird, huh?
Okay. Here's more of Al and Casey. Enjoy!
Milk or Orange Juice?
Al and Casey are waiting in the line at the food court. Casey grabs a carton of orange juice.
"I don't know what 2 take," Al said. "Orange juice or milk?"
"Take 'em both," Casey suggested with a grin on her face.
"I think I will" Al said.
he jugged down the milk and then the orange juic. A minute later, "I have a stomach ache."
"Orange juice and milk causes a chemical reaction when mixed. I knew you weren't paying attention in science."
"You knew?" Al asked alarmed.
Casey nodded.
"U...are so cold." T-T
The next one is called Hic-ups
tell me if I spelt that wrong.

Question: Which do u prefer, orange juice or milk?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Hello PPL! hello
Okay, I recognized a ton more songs when I played from the piano book. Also, my dad bought the FMA CD. It's so awesome. It's got a lot of songs.
I put a new song on my site. It's one of those songs. I wanted to find a song from FMA without using one that I knew someone else was using. Someone might be using the same song, but I want to pretend I'm the only one for a moment.
I'm going up to Kitsap this weekend. It's near Seattle. I don't really want to go because I get bored up there. All we do is cook, move furniture, eat big fancy meals, walk on beaches, and sleep. I don't hate walking on the beach, but with my aunt, she keeps talkin' 'bout the birds. It can sometimes get annoying. I don't care for the birds. I miss having 4th of July at home. Fireworks reflecting off the ocean does look kinda neat though.
Yesturday's violin lessons were ok. I really suck. I squeaked so many times. Ne ways, I hadn't played at all until right b4 the lesson. Maybe that's why I was so bad.
Ne ways, U ppl said that the story thing was weird, so I'm puttin' in another one. It has some bad language (only donkey). Read if u want to.
Al held a bag of peeps, the kind some1 gets on Easter. Casey walked by.
"Peeps kick ass!" Al exclaimed as he stuffed a peep in his mouth. "Eat the peep that kicks ass!"
Casey reached into the bag. "I think I remember hating peeps once." She bit into the peep. OO
"It kicks ass, doesn't it?" Al asked.
Casey tossed the remains of the peep at the ground. "I just bit the peep's ass. Asskicker, ur ass is gone."
"Ur so cold. Poor peep." T-T
The peep without a butt lay in the grass.
The next one is called Milk or Orange Juice?
Alphonse Elric
Question: Does my name, FlowerKiss, sound like I like FMA?
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Another Day, Another Day
U ppl did it. My hand is healing, with the exception of it swelling and turning blue. Ur kindness was it...i think.
I was reading the RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE Tsubasa. (#5) It's awesome. The thing I hate is that as soon as i read the new one, I forget what happened in the last one.
I was playing FMA music on the piano. My dad recently bought the piano book. I only recognized one piece. I couldn't play some of them because of their key signature. Oh well, maybe I'll play them someday. Question: What instrument best suits FMA music that u've heard in general? (I hope the question is understandable.)
Here's a little story about two ppl named Al and Casey.
"Banana..."Al leaned back in his chair.
"..." Casey stared back.
"I wanna banana, an apple, a pear..."
"What about a kiwi," Casey asked. "Or a strawberry?"
"Or a melon, a mango," Al added.
"u guys r nuts," another classmate said.
The End.
There's more 2 come unless u didn't like it. The next one is called Peeps.

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, June 27, 2005
My hand got bit by a mosquito. It's like on my thumb. It's itchy and I think it has something to do with how my thumb doesn't work the same. I also have blisters on the same hand from playing tennis. I can hit the tennis ball far and high, but it doesn't go where I want it 2 and I don't know, I can't quite get the hang of playing an actual game.
I tried drawing one time yesterday and my thumb started twitching and it didn't work. I drew a crappy picture. I couldn't write either. I was writing with crayons and my left hand did so much better than my right hand.
This weekend, I might take Chibidragongal's hot tub. It's free, so my mom wanted it. This'll be the only time ever for me of owning a hot tub. It might not work, but oh well.
I hope every1 has a good day.
I'm watching Family Guy right now. It's 9:22 on June 26. I haven't quite made it to the next day.
I'm gonna go 2 sleep soon...unless...I finally manage 2...stay up all night long. (don't think that'll ever happen) *eyes droop and collapses 2 the floor*
Anime's Music Codes
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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